Chapter 3117

"You haven't told me how the new universe came?" Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou Yi while eating chicken wings.

He asked several times, but Zhou Yi was tight-lipped about the secret and refused to tell him.

This time, Zhou Yi wiped the grease on her mouth, staring at Zhuo Bufan with a pair of purple grape-like eyes, with a strange color, even she did not understand it. The first time she saw Zhuo Bufan, she was right. There is a kind of indescribable intimacy.

Of course, this is definitely not a relationship between men and women.

Only Zhuo Bufan knows, because his cultivation is not simply to comprehend the laws in the leaves, but through the macro laws in the leaves, to subtly change the mood and form a special connection with the leaves.

Because Zhou Yi was on the leaves and was affected by the laws of the leaves, she naturally felt close to Zhuo Bufan.

Like the other three realm kings, they didn't have any sense of ‘closeness’ to Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan also studied this, because the three people’s mental states were impure, and they only used the leaf law to perfect the mystery, but ignored the essence.

On the contrary, Zhou Yi has a simple mind and a clear mind, and his talent is much higher than the other three realm kings.

"Actually, it's okay to tell you, but before coming to the New Universe, the master reminded me not to tell anyone." Zhou Yi lowered her voice and looked like a thief, which made Zhuo Bufan laugh.

Zhou Yi curled her lips, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, but I didn't expect your kind of careless personality to be so afraid of your master. Tell me, your master doesn't know." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Zhou Yi said: "The master has been strict with me since I was young, saying that I have a good talent, but he just doesn't like to practice. If he is willing to work hard, he will be a master of the world."

The next sentence is bragging. Although there is only one realm gap between the realm emperor and the realm master, the middle is like a ditch, insurmountable, otherwise there are so many genius realm emperors in the Ancestral Demon City, but no one has broken through to become the realm master.

Everyone is taking risks and looking for opportunities to become the master of the world.

"I tell you, don't tell others." Zhou Yi confirmed again.

"Just me, who can I tell." Zhuo Bufan asked rhetorically.

"My master met a cultivator of the Demon Race and paid a universe-level magic weapon to send the four of us into the new universe. There is another channel in the Demon Race." Zhou Yi said mysteriously.

Hearing Zhou Yi's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and fell into thought.

Although he had guessed that besides Shadow Island, there are other places with new cosmic passages, but Zhou Yi said it personally, confirming his conjecture. In recent years, many practitioners have entered the new universe, which is more than the first group. There are dozens of times more people.

This situation made Zhuo Bufan more worried, and he faintly felt that a huge conspiracy seemed to be brewing in secret, waiting for the opportunity to erupt.

"No matter what, you must get the reincarnation stone as soon as possible, leave the new universe, and stay here, there is always a sense of anxiety." Zhuo Bufan thought in his heart.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Yi and said, "After you get the treasure, leave the new universe and go back as soon as possible."

"Huh?" Zhou Yi looked confused. "The master gave us a magic weapon of the Universe level before sending us in. If we don't take more treasures, isn't it a loss."

"I feel that the new universe is not as simple as we imagined. It is better to leave as soon as possible." Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said solemnly.

Zhou Yi didn’t pay much attention to what he said, and said, “Don’t be suspicious. You still think about how to enter the fourth heaven. We have been in the third heaven for sixty years, and we have passed the test, if it weren’t for cracking. The Guanghu ban, we have already gone to the Fourth Heavenly Leaf, you have not even passed the test, so you should work harder to cultivate."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan laughed blankly.

He stayed in the third heaven for a hundred years. Ye Ziqin, Zitian, Xingqing and others have already entered the tenth heaven.

But no one knew that he was not comprehending the law structure in the leaves, but thinking about his state of mind.

The strength of the law of leaves varies from day to day. The higher the level, the more mysterious the law.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to improve his state of mind, the more mysterious the law, the easier it was to affect his state of mind, and he could not see through the essence.

This is the opposite of mystery. For example, the mystery of the universe, the more mysterious the laws of the universe, the more beneficial to the mystery of the universe.

The state of mind belongs to the macro concept, and the mystery is the micro concept.

"Did I say the wrong thing?" Zhou Yi said cautiously, for fear of hurting Zhuo Bufan's poor man's self-esteem.

"No, I also hope to pass the test soon and leave here." Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

Zhou Yi and the other three realm kings have already passed the test of the triple sky leaves. Like Ye Ziqin, they have not obtained the'green stone'. This also makes Zhuo Bufan more convinced that only when the state of mind has passed the test can he get the'green stone'. stone'.

"Your three brothers are definitely still cracking the law, but you are hiding here for some time. I don't know how long it will take for your three brothers to break open." Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Who knows, they have been guarding Guanghu for several years, and I don't know how long it will take to break the ban." Zhou Yi had a nonchalant attitude.

The tree of law is the ‘core’ of the new universe, giving birth to all kinds of cosmic treasures. Zhuo Bufan’s divine consciousness swept through many leaves around, but no treasure was found, until a leaf was discovered later, and a ‘light lake’ appeared.

The lake is colorful and is sealed.

Only by breaking the ban can the treasures at the bottom of the lake be obtained.

The most amazing thing is that Guanghu does not always exist. It may disappear in two or three months, or it may disappear after decades. If the ban is not broken before Guanghu disappears, only a bamboo basket can be used.

Zhuo Bufan sharpened his state of mind, understood the law of leaves, and knew more about the law tree than others.

Comparing the rule tree to the human body, the leaf veins are the veins of the human body, and the light lake will follow the veins and randomly appear on any leaf.

"Let’s go, I’ll help you open the restriction. The light of Guanghu has started to dim recently, and it is estimated that it will disappear within two or three days." Zhuo Bufan suddenly stood up, looked at Zhou Yi, and said with a smile: "Although I treat you three times This brother doesn’t catch a cold, but he can’t let you go home empty-handed. After all, I haven’t paid you for the food you have invited me over the years.”

"Are you going to crack the ban on Guanghu?" Zhou Yi looked astonished. "We have been comprehending for decades and haven't been able to open the ban on Guanghu. Can you open it?"

Zhou Yi's suspicion is not unreasonable. Zhuo Bufan stayed in the leaves of the Triple Sky for longer than them, but he has not yet entered the fourth level. She has a perception of the new cosmos law not as good as she, how can he open the ban of Guanghu.

Zhuo Bufan didn't speak, but smiled faintly, Yuan Li wrapped Zhou Yi, and the two teleported away, arriving near a lake filled with colorful clouds.

The glow of the lake is much dimmer than before, which is a sign of disappearance in the future.

Three young people sitting cross-legged by the lake, their brows furrowed, their eyes closed, their spiritual thoughts turned into invisible tentacles, extending to the top of Guanghu, trying to break the prohibition.

As for brute force destruction, it doesn't work at all. The prohibition comes from the rule tree. Wanting to brute force to destroy the prohibition is equivalent to destroying the entire rule tree, even the saints can't do it.

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