
"Prohibition, really opened it?" Zhou Yi squirmed her lips, her voice trembling slightly, unbelievable.

In her eyes, Zhuo Bufan has a gentle personality, there is no special place, even the third leaf test can not pass, even, Zhou Yi's care for Zhuo Bufan, besides the special kindness, there is also a kind of pity for him.

It's just that Zhou Yi hasn't been too obvious, afraid of hurting Zhuo Bufan's self-esteem.

However, Zhou Yi never expected that she and her seniors would not be able to break the Guanghu prohibition for decades, but Zhuo Bufan succeeded in breaking the Guanghu prohibition within the time of Sanzhuxiang.

"Guanghu prohibition disappeared?" Cheng Guang's eyes widened and his expression was wrong.

Including Meng Yang and Guan Zongyuan, they were equally stunned, staring at the scene in disbelief.

The lake is calm and blue, and the dazzling blue light wanders at the bottom of the lake, like ribbons winding the bottom of the lake, beautiful and magnificent.

Suddenly, Guan Zongyuan rushed in front of Zhuo Bufan, with a cold and cruel expression on his face, and asked: "Zhuo Bufan, how can you break the ban on Guanghu Lake?"

Facing Guan Zongyuan’s questioning and fierce eyes, Zhuo Bufan’s sword brow furrowed slightly, and a hint of chill appeared between his brows. Seeing Zhou Yi’s face and the level he had reached, he was unwilling to care about Guan Zongyuan and others, but afterwards This condescending attitude made Zhuo Bufan a little uncomfortable.

"Why can't I break the ban on Guanghu Lake?" Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

In a word, it made Guan Zongyuan dumb, and right, why Zhuo Bufan couldn't break the restriction. They had always held preconceived notions and thought Zhuo Bufan was a waste.

"He must be lucky and happened to break the Guanghu ban." The surprise on Cheng Guang's face has disappeared, and a look of contempt once again appeared. "Even we can't break the Guanghu ban. Why can he break the Guanghu ban, except luck, can it? Are there other reasons?"


Luck does not appear often.

But only for this reason can they accept the fact that Zhuo Bufan broke the ban on Guanghu Lake.

"Zhuo Bufan, whether you break the Guanghu ban by luck or other methods, why don't you make an early move, which caused us to stay in the Triple Heaven for decades. We will settle this account with you later." Meng Yang said sharply. .

Even if Zhou Yi couldn't stand the words of the three of them, Zhuo Bufan kindly helped them break the ban. They even mocked Zhuo Bufan and even complained that Zhuo Bufan didn't help them earlier.

"Shut up all of you." Zhou Yi had a pretty face of anger, flew up and stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, reprimanding: "Senior Brother Meng, Senior Brother Guan, Senior Brother Cheng, you three are really shameless. This leaf is originally the territory of Brother Zhuo. He didn't stop us when we broke in, and he helped us break the ban. You mocked him, slandered him, and complained that he didn't help sooner! Does this make sense in the world?"

The three of Meng Yang, Cheng Guang, and Guan Zongyuan were silent. They all knew what Zhou Yi said, every word was right, every sentence was reasonable, but their preconceived notions made them contemptuously extraordinary.

"Junior Sister, Zhuo Bufan can break the ban on Guanghu Lake. I am afraid that he has premeditated. Maybe he has secretly understood the secrets in Guanghu Lake. What kind of intention do you have with him?" Meng Yang's eyes flashed fiercely, still reluctant.

The more Zhou Yi helped Zhuo Bufan speak, the deeper he hated Zhuo Bufan.

So much so that if Zhuo Bufan had said these thoughtless words, if Zhuo Bufan had a heart to covet the treasures in the lake, how could he open the restriction in front of them.

"You..." Zhou Yi was very angry, clenching her silver teeth, furious.

Faced with Meng Yang's shameless remarks, even she was ashamed, wishing to make a crack in the ground so that she could get in.

"I originally gave Zhou Yi little girl face, and didn't want to care about you, but it's a pity that you put your nose on your face. You can pinch to know if I am a soft persimmon." Zhuo Bufan said in a cold voice.

The expressions of Meng Yang, Guan Zongyuan, and Cheng Guang all changed slightly when these words were spoken. When they entered this leaf, Zhuo Bufan didn't even dare to fart, but now he dares to speak to them in this tone.

"Little Junior Sister, whether you blame me or not, I have to teach this arrogant guy today." Guan Zongyuan licked his lips with a fierce face.

When the voice fell, Guan Zongyuan's body squirmed like an eagle, flying across the sky, turning his palms into claws, carrying fierce true essence, and grabbing Zhuo Bufan's throat.

Zhuo Bufan stood there, not dodge or avoid.

Guan Zongyuan's claws were about to touch Zhuo Bufan's throat, less than a foot away.

"I don't know how to avoid, idiot." Guan Zongyuan's pupils burst into cold light, and Zhuo Bufan is so big, in his opinion, it is undoubtedly an idiot behavior.

Meng Yu and Cheng Guang looked at them coldly, as if they had seen Zhuo Bufan strangled his neck and threw it out like a chicken, embarrassed.

Zhou Yi's pretty face appeared worried, but Guan Zongyuan shot very fast, and it was too late to stop it.


A loud noise resounded across the sky.

Just as Guan Zongyuan was about to grab Zhuo Bufan's neck, a vast and turbulent elemental force suddenly surged out, and Guan Zongyuan flew upside down like a broken-wire kite.

This scene was so abrupt, Meng Yang, Cheng Guang, and Zhou Yi didn't react at all.

"And you, should also learn a little lesson." Zhuo Bufan's gaze fell on Meng Yang and Cheng Guang, his condensed vitality turned into his palm, and he slammed their faces fiercely.

Facing the vastness of Zhuo Bufan's coercion, the two of them couldn't mobilize even a trace of vitality in their bodies, so they could only stand in place.

The palm of the hand was slammed on the faces of the two of them, and the two of them flew upside down, all the teeth in their mouths were broken and blood was splashed.

Bang bang bang...

Zhuo Bufan acted in the air, Meng Yang, Guan Zongyuan, and Cheng Guang had no strength to fight back. They kept slapped their hands on the faces of the three people, their faces flushed and swollen high.

The three of them were shaken by the palms of Yuanli's transformation, and there was no resistance to it, and they were embarrassed.

Zhou Yi stared at her beautiful eyes and stood in a daze. Obviously, she had never been extraordinary, but the strength she showed now gave her a great shock.

It turned out that Zhuo Bufan had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After hundreds of slaps in a row, the faces of the three of them have been deformed. Although the skin and flesh injuries are not fatal, they have suffered a lot, and their hearts are suffocated.

"From Zhou Yi's face, I left your lives. This is just a small punishment." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The three of them squeezed their fists, daring to be angry but not daring to speak, they still feel that everything is like a dream, how could Zhuo Bufan be so strong, under the pressure of the powerful aura, the three of them have no power to resist.

"He must have discovered the secret of Guanghu. Borrowing the power of Guanghu, he suppressed us." Meng Yang frowned and transmitted the voice to Guan Zongyuan and Cheng Guang.

"Yes, that must be the case. He is just the pinnacle of the world king, how could he suppress the three of us." Guan Zongyuan said with resentment.

"Let's hold it back first. When Guanghu disappears, he loses Guanghu's power, and we will recover this account. Today's shame will be paid back ten times in the next day!" Cheng Guangyin tolerated.

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