Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3121: The Machine Race Appears

Chapter 3122 The Machine Race Appears

"I am not the Realm King, am I the Realm King?" Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly.

The Zerg Realm Emperor was shocked, and at the same time, he felt it carefully, and indeed did not find the unique aura of the Realm Emperor, the other party was a genuine Realm King.

But the Realm Sovereign can possess such strength, so this Zerg Realm Sovereign can't believe it, so for the first time, he suspected that Zhuo Bufan was hiding his realm.

Zhou Yi’s pretty face couldn’t help but twitched. When Zhuo Bufan encountered the Realm King’s peak opponent, he also flew the opponent with one blow. Now when he encountered a Zerg Realm King, he also shook the opponent softly and shook the opponent out so that Zhou Yi was already Some dementia, it is hard to imagine Zhuo Bufan's strength.

"I advise you not to offend our Zerg, otherwise..." The Zerg Realm Emperor looked at the Qinglian below. Facing such a huge treasure, he was really unwilling to give up, and could only use the forces behind to threaten Zhuo Bufan.

The revenge of the Zerg caused countless practitioners in the Taiyi Universe to talk about discoloration. There are also many true top powerhouses of the Zerg, and their reproductive ability is amazing. Facing the revenge of the Zerg, many practitioners are extremely troubled.

"Is it useful to say such useless threatening words?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head and sneered.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan's hand was a knife, and with a flick of the air, the power of chaos turned into a hazy light, which easily passed through the lake.

Seeing the dim light approaching, the Zerg Race Realm Sovereign sensed a sense of danger from his heart, but he had no time to dodge, the light passed by, his hands, feet and half of his body were neatly broken, and cyan blood flowed out.


The Zerg Realm Sovereign didn't stay, turned around and swept over the lake. He knew that there was only a dead end to stay here.

"Impossible, this can never be an ordinary world king."

"My zerg cultivation body is not comparable to the monsters and rock races, but I am wearing a'life and death grade' soft armor, and I can't escape it and can't stop him from holding the blade in the air."

The Zerg Realm Sovereign was frightened and furious, and the destroyed half of his flesh and blood squirmed at the wound, which was constantly growing and repairing. This was another characteristic of the Zerg, possessing strong self-healing ability.

In a short moment, the Zerg Realm Emperor rushed out of the lake and flew into the sky above the lake.

"Damn it, I escaped the attack of water monsters fast enough, and arrived at the bottom of the lake and found Qinglian. I didn't expect to be taken away by a realm king. I was not reconciled." The Zerg Realm Emperor, gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger and dissatisfaction. , "Since I can't get it, I won't let you get it easily!"

The voice fell, and the Zerg Realm Emperor instantly disappeared in place.

In the next instant, he came to the land of leaves in the Eighth Layer of the Law Tree. As soon as he appeared, five or six powerful figures appeared around him, all of them flowing with metallic luster and different shapes, all of which were the realm emperors of the mechanical race.

"Who would dare to break into the domain of the mechanical race?" a mechanical race emperor shouted sharply.

"Master Barre, I am Gora." The Zerg Realm Emperor said with a haughty attitude.

Barre slid out, took a look at him, and fell his gaze on the wound on his body again, "Gola, you are the Emperor of the Zerg Realm and have no connection with our Mechanical Race. Don’t you know that you will be punished if you break into my Mechanical Race’s realm. ?"

Ba Lei Nai is the leader of the mechanical clan responsible for this leaf, and a strong man in the pinnacle of the realm emperor. He had a relationship with Gora on several occasions, but there was no friendship between the two.

"Master Barre, I found the lake of light appeared in the leaves of the triple sky, the prohibition has been broken, and the treasure is here!" Gora said directly.

Hearing this, Barre's eyes lit up, and immediately his face became cold and said: "Gola, Guanghu appears, would you kindly tell me?"

"Master Barre, it is true that I met a very powerful realm king. He can shatter my stinger with a soft drink, and cut off half of my body with a palm." Gora did not hide it.

Regardless of whether he can get the treasure, he can't swallow this breath. In recent years, the mechanical clan has successively settled in a large number of powerful people, scraping treasures around, and patrolling the light lake. The mechanical clan is strong, powerful and domineering, and many strong are unwilling to interact with the mechanical clan. As an enemy.

It's just that the goal of the mechanical race has been patrolling the field of leaves above the eighth heaven, because under the leaves of the eighth heaven, it is basically difficult to appear in the lake of light.

"Are you sure you are a realm king?" Barre's eyes lit up and asked.

"It's true, how dare I deceive Lord Barre." Golarian said.

Barley murmured to himself: "Perhaps he is the human world king Zhuo Bufan that Lord Frita is looking for. How could he be in the third heaven? According to the adult's calculation, he must be above the tenth heaven."

Thinking of this, Barre waved his hand, leading several mechanical clan emperors, directly through the leaf restriction, and swept towards the lower triple sky.

According to the rules of the Law Tree, once you enter the Nine Heavens, you can’t go down, you can only leave the Law Tree completely, and you can’t enter the Law Tree again. This is also to protect some low-powered realm kings from being able to comprehend the leaves below the Nine Heavens. law.


"Brother Zhuo, what realm have you reached now?" Zhou Yi asked cautiously.

"Realm King Realm." Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "But like the Zerg Realm Emperor just now, it's not enough to see in front of me."

Zhou Yi's mouth twitched. Since Zhuo Bufan was the real world king, but even the world king was not his opponent, she had never seen this kind of fighting ability beyond realm.

Qinglian still bloomed with a dreamlike light, Zhuo Bufan's figure swept away, in front of the bluestone, he stretched out his palm and gently touched the bluestone.

The touch was cold, and my heart was peaceful, and there was an unspeakable sense of mystery in my mood.

Suddenly, the bluestone turned into a stream of light and melted into the palm of his hand, and disappeared. Zhuo Bufan immediately looked inside his body, and found no trace of the bluestone, as if completely disappeared.

But Zhuo Bufan clearly felt that his mood seemed to be touched and some slight changes had taken place.

"This feeling is really amazing. It's only one step away from a breakthrough in the mood."

Zhuo Bufan's face showed a pleasant surprise. After all these years of staying in the leaves of the Sanzhongtian, he had a good harvest.

The mood changes, and he is not deceived by any falsehood. Zhuo Bufan seems to be able to integrate with Guanghu and easily find where the treasure is. With a move of his mind, the rolling lake will send the treasure to his side.

Zhou Yi stood on the spot, covering her mouth in surprise, afraid of screaming, because he saw countless rays of sunlight converging towards them, and those rays of sunlight contained pieces of cosmic treasures.

Other practitioners broke their heads and fought for battle, and it was not easy to obtain a cosmic treasure.

But Zhuo Bufan had a thought and gathered the treasures hidden in Guanghu, letting other practitioners know that he might vomit blood with jealousy.

Zhuo Bufan collected all the treasures, as he said, his current cultivation can no longer rely on some ordinary strange treasures to improve, but these treasures can also be given to Zitian, Xingqing and Shijian to help them improve their cultivation.

"These treasures are here for you. I don't have the habit of eating free food." Zhuo Bufan smiled and gave some treasures to Zhou Yi.

"You are a local tyrant now, this girl will not be polite to you." Zhou Yi teased and accepted the treasure openly.

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