Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3127: Reincarnation Stone

Chapter 3128 Reincarnation Stone

Zhuo Bufan heard Xingqing muttering to herself, and a bitter smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

It's not that he doesn't want to care about Xingqing, it's just that he'watches' with a detached attitude, and he can't show up or contact Xingqing at all.

The vines just now were also used by him with the power of the law tree to resist the attack of more than a dozen demon kings and frighten the rhino demon king by the way.

Now, Zhuo Bufan looks at the tree of laws with his ‘mind,’ he can detach from all obstacles and appear anywhere in the tree without restrictions at all.

The first heaven, the second heaven, the third heaven...even the tenth heaven and the thirteenth heaven. As long as Zhuo Bufan wants to go, he can reach it immediately. Of course, this kind of arrival cannot change anything. The tree of law is like a mirror, allowing He saw anything, but couldn't touch or manipulate it.

The fusion of the state of mind and the tree of laws can only control part of the power. For example, Zhuo Bufan has discovered dozens of locations in the light lake and many cosmic treasures. Unfortunately, the state of mind cannot be manipulated, otherwise these treasures will become things in his bag.

If he could use the power of his state of mind to scrape the treasures, it is estimated that the treasures of the entire tree of laws would be in his hands. This ability would be too bad for him.

However, Zhuo Bufan enjoyed this feeling of detaching from everything, even if Jiang Tu was in the Law Tree, he couldn't find his trace.

Within fifteen days, there was a broad field of leaves.

A figure in a black shirt and a white shirt, sitting cross-legged on the clearing, breathing smoothly between his nose, white air is like two naughty little snakes, frolicking between his breath.

Next to them, there are two young men with strong outfits, practicing meditation.

These four people are Ye Ziqin, Luo Mo, Huo Ding, and Tan Yu.

Zhuo Bufan stood silently, watching Ye Yeqin who had a soft face, and gently closed his eyes, a soft and warm arc was lifted at the corners of his lips.

Suddenly, Ye Ziqinyu's eyelashes trembled, opened her eyes, and looked forward. Just now, she felt a prying eye, but she opened her eyes and sensed, but she found nothing.

"Lianxin, what's wrong with you?" Luo Mo opened his eyes, frowned, and looked at Ye Ziqin in doubt.

Ye Ziqin shook his head lightly and said: "It's nothing. I suddenly noticed someone peeping, but I didn't notice the breath. Maybe it was because I had a delusion after enlightening the law."

Luo Mo frowned and looked around, but found nothing.

"Can the leaves sense my state of mind?" Zhuo Bufan was a little strange, perhaps because of the Pisces jade pendant.

After watching Ye Ziqin for a while, Zhuo Bufan's mind wandered around the Law Tree. Every day's test was in vain. All the way to the Eighteenth Heaven, Zhuo Bufan accidentally found two acquaintances.

A huge lake, filled with black and white, light intertwined like a net, revealing powerful rules.

Guanghu is naturally familiar to Zhuo Bufan, but this is the first time I have seen Guanghu in black and white.

Around the lake, hundreds of powerful practitioners guarded them, all reaching the realm of the realm emperor, and more than 20 realm emperors were at the peak of the realm. They were the strongest of the rock clan and the mechanical clan.

Among them, there are two leading figures, one is several feet tall, with dark red muscle knots, and exudes a frightening aura. It is the strong rock clan Yi Te and the brother of Yiao.

Another person had golden skin, shimmering metallic luster, bald head and purple eyes, and a golden python tail turned up behind him. His hands and feet were accompanied by sharp claws. The edge of the sharp claws flowed with vitality, which made it easy to cut the space wall membrane.

"Fretta, the arc of light is too strong. It is estimated that it will take half a year before it can be broken." Yi Te frowned and said.

There was a shadowy arc at the corner of Frita’s mouth, "The Guanghu ban will be opened sooner or later, don’t be too anxious. I found Zhuo Bufan’s traces under my men. That guy has been hiding in the third heaven. It’s a pity that all seven of my mechanical clan emperors died. Out of his hands."

"Zhuo Bufan?" Yi Te clenched his fists and creaked, his eyes glowing with hatred.

His brother Yiao died in Zhuo Bufan's hands. Yi Te was born to protect his shortcomings, and he had been sending people to look for Zhuo Bufan's traces, but he didn't get any results.

"This guy, is it a tortoise with a shrunken head and has been hiding in the third heaven?" Yi Te snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, his name has appeared on the Stele of Law, and he has reached the Ninth Heaven. I believe we will meet him soon." Flita said.

Yi Te clenched his fist, his palm burst out, "I must unscrew his head to avenge my brother."

Zhuo Bufan existed in a state of mind, floating above the Guanghu Lake, and the conversation between Yi Te and Frieta entered his ears without a word.

"This guy, isn't Frita?" Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes and frowned slightly.

He saw Frita die in front of him. Although the breath of the people in front of him was very similar to Frita, he was more sinister than Frita. Even from the latter, he smelled a familiar smell, coming from the darkness outside the territory. The stench of the earth.

"What is the purpose of impersonating Frita?" Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan's sight fell into the light lake intertwined with black and white, and his'line of sight' passed through the restriction and went deep into the bottom of the lake. The water of the lake was black and white, full of stickiness.

"This breath is exactly the same as'Liang Yi Dan', this is'Liang Yi Lake'."

His sight was unfettered, penetrating the bottom of the lake all the way. There was a round mottled stone platform at the bottom of the lake, and a black and white stone plaque suspended, about the size of a palm.

Zhuo Bufan breathed tightly, his black eyes widened.

This is the ‘stone of reincarnation’.

It is the treasure he is looking for when he enters the monster race and enters the new universe.

Unexpectedly, he discovered the ‘Reincarnation Stone’ in the Eighteenth Heaven, and he was bound to win the Reincarnation Stone.

Withdrawing his ‘sight’, Zhuo Bufan tried his best to calm his excitement. According to Yi Te’s words, it would take them at least half a year to break the ban, and he had time to take away the reincarnation stone.

But at this time, Zhuo Bufan’s "state of mind" has not been recovered, and he continues to move towards the higher level of the law tree. The reincarnation stone is indeed an extremely rare treasure. Except for a reincarnation stone found in the Eighteenth Heaven, there are no other places. Traces of reincarnation stone.

Eighteen is a number with special meaning in Buddhist scriptures.

Is this also related to the reincarnation stone.

I wanted to see if there are reincarnation stones in other places, but unfortunately I didn't get any results. If you want to get the reincarnation stone of the eighteenth heaven, you can only face the rock race and the machine race. There are some things that seem to be impossible to avoid.

When he came to the twenty-first heaven, there was only one person sitting cross-legged, with yellow skin and yellow sand entangled like a ribbon, making it difficult to see his face.

"The strong man of the Shayin clan, Shake." Zhuo Bufan passed the law monument and knew the identity of the man in front of him.

The Shayin tribe is a very small group in the Taiyi Universe. It depends on the human race to survive. It is unexpected that such a peerless genius appeared in the Shayin tribe, who can lead all the way to the 20th Heaven. With a sense of the law, the other party should have reached it. A very high level.

Continuing upward, Zhuo Bufan traveled unimpeded all the way, directly to the twenty-eighth heaven, which is also the top of the law tree.

On the twenty-eighth heaven, at the tip of the law tree, there is a huge emerald green temple, which emits a blue brilliance like the sun, illuminating the boundless universe and permeating the breath of endless laws.

Here is the center of the new universe!

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