Chapter 3131 Invincible

On the twenty-first heaven, on a certain broad leaf, a young man who was surrounded by yellow sand and couldn't see his face sat cross-legged, calmly comprehending the law of circulation in the leaves, and striving to break through one day and enter the twenty-first heaven.

This person is the only realm emperor pinnacle who entered the 20th heaven in advance, Shayin tribe — Shake.

The Shayin tribe also belongs to the human line, but the group is weak and has no reputation in the Taiyi universe. Very few people have seen the Shayin tribe practitioners.

The Shayin people are not talented in cultivation, but they are best at escape.

Shaq is recognized as the first genius of the Shayin tribe in this era, and the hope of the group. Shaq also knew the principle of'hiding one's capacity and keeping time and attracting the wind' from an early age. He rarely showed outstanding talents in front of outsiders, but this time he entered the rule tree. At his opportunity, he must enter a higher level in advance to collect the treasures, and when he returns to the Taiyi Universe in the future, he will bring the treasures back to the Sha Yin Clan to strengthen the group's power.


Shaq let out a soft murmur, and immediately opened his eyes, his dark yellow pupils flickered with two brilliant lights.

"Someone has come to the twenty-first heaven?"

He sensed the breath of a practitioner, the breath of a human practitioner.

Afterwards, Shaq's figure disappeared in place. After a while, he appeared on another leaf, and saw a young man with black hair and black pupils, standing upright like a gun, standing with his hands behind him.

"Sha Yin Clan, Sha Ke." The young man turned his head, with a gentle smile on his face, said lightly.

"The King of Shadow Killer, Zhuo Bufan." Shaq also recognized Zhuo Bufan's identity, and immediately knelt down on one knee, "Shak of the Shayin clan, I have seen the Lord of the Domain."

Facing Shaq's actions, Zhuo Bufan looked astonished and looked at him doubtfully.

Shake said: "The King of Shadow Killer is the domain master of the Celestial Star Territory. We, the Shayin clan, happen to live in the Celestial Star Territory. It's just that the number of people in the group is very small, so the domain master shouldn't know."

"So you also live in the Celestial Star Territory, get up." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Unexpectedly, the Shayin clan produced such a peerless genius. Zhuo Bufan's consciousness swept away and immediately judged Shaq's strength. Shaq's strength can only be regarded as medium among the realm emperors, but his mood level is extremely high, otherwise he would not be the first. Arrived in the'Twenty Heaven'.

"Your mood level is very high, and you have a great advantage in the law tree. The Shayin clan can make you such a genius, and can lead the group to glory in the future." Zhuo Bufan admired.

Shaq stood up and arched his hands politely. He was not underestimated because of his status as the King of Zhuo Bufan. He had heard the story of Zhuo Bufan. Back then, the mechanical clan invaded the Celestial Star Territory, and he was finally caught by Zhuo Bufan. Sweeping defeat and fleeing, the real strength of this domain master cannot be judged by common sense.

"Domain lord Miao Chan, compared with the dominion, the kid still has a long way to go." Shake said modestly.

Zhuo Bufan faintly smiled and reminded: "The law tree is not safe. If you collect enough treasures, you should leave here early."

Shake was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't know what Zhuo Bufan meant by these words, but Zhuo Bufan would never aimlessly.

"Shaq remembers Lord Domain Lord's words." Shaq still nodded. He would not be too narrow to think that Zhuo Bufan was jealous of his talent, and wanted him to leave the rule tree quickly. Zhuo Bufan must have his concerns when he said that.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

"My lord." Shaq frowned when he saw this, reminding him.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Zhuo Bufan stopped, turned his head, and looked at him.

Shaq arched his hand, was silent for a moment, and said: "The test of the Twenty Heaven is more difficult than the previous one. The domain master has just reached the Twenty Heaven, and he hasn't comprehended the rules here. Forcibly breaking through the barriers, I am afraid it will be a little difficult."

This passage is very euphemistic. Shaq himself stayed in Twenty Heaven for fifty years, and now only 30% can pass the customs. What's more, Zhuo Bufan has just entered the Twenty Heaven and has not yet enlightened him, so he will immediately go through the customs. The success rate almost none.

The law tree is divided into 28 heavens, and every tenth heaven, the difficulty increases dozens of times, especially from the 20th heaven to the 21st heaven, which is a big hurdle.

"If you can succeed, try to know." Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently, and immediately, without any hesitation, took a firm step and walked towards the root of the tree.

After traveling for a long time, the surrounding scenes changed. A monster with a terrifying and terrifying shape appeared around, a figure of hundreds of meters, opened a blood basin, a fierce roar in the throat, sharp fangs dripping saliva, and fell on the ground. It makes a noise and emits white smoke. Obviously, it is very corrosive.

The four hooves of these monsters are covered with sharp barbs, shimmering with cold light, covered in dark hard leather armor, sharp claws, both offensive and defensive, as if born for battle.


Zhuo Bufan stood calmly, his palm was empty, and a straight silver spear appeared, which was firmly grasped by his palm.

In the previous test, because his mood level was too high, the monsters that appeared almost instantly shattered. There was only a twenty-day test, and all the monsters were not weak.

Sw sw swah... the barrel of the gun quivered, and the tip of the gun was like a poisonous snake, piercing the throats of the culled monsters, killing them with one shot!

After the three top-notch mysteries, the mystery of universe, the mystery of creation, and the mystery of chaos, have been cultivated to the Dao realm, Zhuo Bufan’s strength has undoubtedly risen to another level. Even Zhuo Bufan has the confidence to confront Jiang Tu head-on. Of course, the outcome is difficult. But a realm king dared to challenge a realm master, looking at Taiyi Universe, he was afraid that he could not find a second person.

Puff puff...

Heads of monsters were pierced through their throats, blood splattered, and their bodies fell and exploded into nothingness.

Passed the 20-day test successfully.

By the way, Zhuo Bufan got another green stone, which was absorbed by the Chaos Sea as before.

Shaq stared at the stele of the law closely, his eyes focused on the extraordinary name, and he knew the difficulty of the Twenty Heaven Test more than anyone else. The first time he entered the test, he was lifted off by a brute beast when he met only one face, and was seriously injured. .

Suddenly, Shaq's dark yellow pupils shrank suddenly, and the muscles of his face twitched fiercely.

"Domain Lord, have you passed the Twenty Heaven Test?"

On the Rule of Law monument, the name he had been paying attention to flashed, and he had jumped to the upper level, representing Zhuo Bufan who had passed the test of the twenty-first heaven and entered the twenty-first heaven.

Shaq was breathing fast and his face was full of horror. The test of the 20th heaven is extremely difficult. He has been trapped in the 20th heaven for 50 years. He has learned the rules day and night, and he hasn't been able to pass the level enough yet, but he is extraordinary. But in a very short time, he passed the test and reached the 21st Heaven, and, the next moment, Shaq was stunned, and the name on the law tablet continued to jump upward.

Until the name of ‘Shadow Killing King Zhuo Bufan’ reached the top of the Rule of Law Monument, it finally stopped.

Zhuo Bufan reached the peak, the twenty-eighth heaven!

The whole tree of laws, hundreds of thousands of practitioners, all shake!

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