Chapter 3137 Domineering

"Zi Tian, ​​is your eldest brother really a realm king?"

Lime was already dumbfounded, stunned in place, like a wood carving, the pretty face that had always been arrogant, showing a rare look of shock.

"Is there a fake? It's a pity that I can't go to the Eighteenth Heaven, otherwise I can fight alongside my eldest brother." Zi Tian's eyes were burning, staring at the battle image projected by the law stele, even if he was far away, he felt blood boiled all over.

"The realm of the realm king, with such strength, I am afraid that Taiyi Universe can't find a second realm king of this kind." Lime said in shock.

There are not a few people who are as shocked as she is. Almost practitioners who have witnessed the fighting situation through the projection of the law tree can hardly calm their minds at this moment. One person will face a hundred rock and machine race emperors, and look at all the practitioners who have entered the new universe. Among them, this is the only one.

Ouyang Yun, Xiao Ao Xiao Ke, Wei Lan and others have both shocked faces and a hint of shame on their faces. The superiority they had shown in front of Zhuo Bufan before, now seems to be so ridiculous.

"This guy is really a pervert." Tan Yu squirmed his lips, his tongue was dry.

"It is indeed a pervert. The realm emperors of the Rock Race and the Mechanical Race are not weak. If I am replaced, I can fight against two realm emperors at most at the same time." Huoding also sighed.

Only Ye Ziqin and Luo Mo remained silent, but they had different minds now. While Ye Ziqin was proud of Zhuo Bufan, he also had a worry in his heart, and Luo Mo had several contacts with Zhuo Bufan. , She knew what Zhuo Bufan's strength was. Entering the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Zone, the two could join forces to compete against the Five Princes, but in a short time, Zhuo Bufan's strength improved rapidly, reaching a level that shocked Luo Mo.

Within eighteen days, the fighting situation became more intense.

The silver gun was vast and overbearing, swept past, several mechanical clan emperors left a hole in the chest, the heart of the machine was completely shattered, and the vitality quickly passed away.

Zhuo Bufan descended like a **** of war, holding a long spear, and on the other side using mental power to manipulate the'Sura Blood Stabbing' and'Ice Emperor Rain Sword' to protect his body. Hundreds of realm emperors acted at the same time, but he could not hurt one of his hairs. More than a dozen emperors lost their lives as a result.

"If you don't kill this son, there are endless troubles!" Flining and Yi Te looked at each other, Yuan Li burst into a frenzy again, and the two instantly turned into two streams of light and shot towards Zhuo Bufan.

The strength of the rest of the realm emperor is naturally not as good as Yi Te and Fulining, and the light and shadow of the ice emperor's rain sword and the blood stab of Shura can't stop them.


After flying through the air, Yit and Flinin looked at each other, and the vitality in their bodies was like the tide of ten thousand frontiers, and the majestic vitality was vented at the same time.

A golden beam of light merged with an inky black beam of light, turning into a beam of gold and black mixed energy, with the power to shake the heavens and the earth, instantly tearing the air brutally, and directly blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

The two of them are the top realm emperor peak level masters of each race. Under the joint attack, there are few people who can fight against them. Even the five princes will turn into powder under the joint attack of the two.

"Chaotic Blue Dragon!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, his black eyes contracted slightly, the Chaos Sea stirred and rolled, and the power of the chaos as heavy as a mountain surged and poured into the spear.

The spear was filled with hazy gray thunder and lightning, faintly transformed into the form of a blue dragon, emitting a deafening dragon roar, and rushed towards Yit and Flening.

Under the collision of the two extreme arrogant and domineering forces, a ring of air waves diffused, and dozens of surrounding realm emperors were affected and flew out one after another. They were shocked pale, and blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

And at the place where the blue dragon collided with the beam of light, a group of dazzling white light shone nine days and ten places, making everyone squint their eyes. As for the divine consciousness induction, the divine mind would instantly tear into shatters when it entered the frantic area.

"Is he dead?"

"Master Yi Te and Master Frita join forces, who dares to confront head-on!"

"Zuo Bufan will never survive."

At this time, the people of the Machine Race and the Rock Race did not know that the so-called Lord Fleta was actually Flenin from outside the territory, but the half-brother of Fleta.

Zhuo Bufan's strength is really palpitating, Yi Te's eyes widened, staring closely at the white light like the blazing sun.

But at this moment, a silver ray came in front of him with lightning speed. It was the Qiankun Spear in Zhuo Bufan's hand. It was filled with silver mystery patterns, with a hint of saintly breath. It was the Qiankun Spear. The sacred vessel pattern formed after the fusion of seven armed fragments.

Yi Te’s pupils suddenly tightened, his skin showed strong black magic lines, and his body swelled rapidly. The Rock Race was known for its physical tyranny. But at this moment, Yi Te’s heart was full of unprecedented threats.


The spear was like a silver streamer, easily penetrating Yit's chest and abdomen.

Yi Te squirmed his lips, made a dry sound in his throat, widened his pupils, and the brilliance in his eyes quickly passed away. He lowered his head and looked at the spear inserted into his chest. He didn't believe that he would die in the hands of a human world king. .

The sacred weapon power and the power of chaos permeating the gun body penetrated Yi Te's body, breaking his body into particles, and the smoke disappeared.

"Master It's dead?"

"No, how could Lord Yite die? He is the strongest realm emperor of our Rock Clan!"

"Impossible, Lord Yit will not die."

The realm emperors of the Rock Clan stared with round eyes, shocked beyond words, and an unspeakable chill instantly swept through their bodies.

The Rock Race claims to have the strongest body, but Yi Te was killed by Zhuo Bufan with a single shot.

"There is one more." Zhuo Bufan's face was expressionless, his gaze fell on Flining, and the deity disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of Flining, hitting him with a punch in the face.

The latter is like an out-of-the-bore cannonball, flying upside down and exploding, breaking the sound barrier, bringing up a series of sonic booms.

Zhuo Bufan follows his shape like a shadow, like a tarsal maggot, mastering the mystery of the universe, and being comfortable without the rules of the law tree, he can instantly move to Fleining's side.

The fist containing the power of chaos, squally rain, kept falling on Flinin's face.

"Damn, damn!"

Freinen kept yelling. He grew up outside the territory. Although he was a supreme disciple outside the territory, he, like everyone else, needs to start from the bottom and go through cruel and dangerous practice before he has the current strength.

In his eyes, he has always looked down on the strong man in the Taiyi universe, because he felt that the so-called strong man who grew up in the Taiyi universe was undoubtedly the flower in the greenhouse.

Even Frita, his half-father, is a trash and **** in his eyes.

But Zhuo Bufan's appearance was not only a blow to his body, but also destroyed his self-confidence and pride for thousands of years.


Zhuo Bufan once again struck Flinin's face with a punch. The latter fell directly to the ground like a tattered doll. After sliding hundreds of feet, he fell to the ground.

"Flining, Taiyi Universe does not belong to you, I said, where did it come from, where do you go back." Zhuo Bufan stood in the sky, with a domineering attitude of arrogance to the world.

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