Chapter 3139 defeat

The young man in the black robe didn't have much words, and once again he swept his figure and appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan. Because the opponent's realm was too high, Zhuo Bufan's proud ‘Universe Mystery’ could not monitor the opponent’s movements.

A withered claw protruded from the cuff, which was filled with sticky magic mist, carrying a disgusting evil atmosphere.

Withered claws are as fast as lightning, and the fingertips of the pervasive devilish energy cut through the air, and even leave traces of faintly corroding the space. Even the strong rock clan like Yi Te, dare not resist this claw head-on.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to take it lightly or underestimate the power of the latter. The silver spear in his hand was flipped, and the tip of the spear was puffing up silver, and the sharp tip of the spear slammed the latter's claws filled with magic mist.


A crisp sound of gold and iron collision.

Zhuo Bufan’s withered claws also surprised Zhuo Bufan. His Universe Spear was originally a magic weapon of life and death. After fusing seven pieces of the sage's armed fragments, it was comparable to the magic weapon of'Universal'. The latter dared to collide with his bare hands and failed. Injury the latter, the strength of this physical body has been cultivated to the level of a magic weapon, or that his physical body is a magic weapon.

Because Zhuo Bufan could not feel the breath of the ‘Holy Body’ from the latter’s body, he could only guess that the latter had practiced his body into a magic weapon.

In just a few breaths, the two have fought hundreds of times.

The power of chaos permeated his body, facing an opponent in the realm of the realm, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to be big, almost adjusted his whole body combat power to the peak state, but even so, it is difficult to get a little bit of cheap in the hands of the black robe youth. .

"The realm of the realm master and the realm of the realm king are two big realms. The gap between this can not be made up with your courage." Mo Kui had no expression on his face, and his voice was bitterly cold.

The claws surging with black mist overwhelmed the sky like a phantom, covering Zhuo Bufan's four directions, faster and faster; the spear leaped in Zhuo Bufan's hand, and the fierce to extreme spear ripped open the space fiercely.

At this time, countless practitioners held their gazes. The battle between a realm king and a realm lord, looking at the entire Taiyi universe, I am afraid that no one has ever seen it, because the realm lord is so high, he is the overlord of one party, and it’s just a matter of fingertips. Can obliterate a realm king, how can a realm king fight fiercely with the realm master.

"Die, Zhuo Bufan, take a good taste of the fear before death." Flinin watched coldly, being forced to such a point by a realm king, and even let him appreciate the taste of death. For Flining, it is a lifetime. Shame.

But it is a pity that this super genius of the Taiyi Universe is destined to fall here today, with no possibility of surviving.

As the palm wind whizzed, the demon energy permeating Mo Kui's body became more and more viscous, and even wrapped around his right arm like flowing water. Suddenly swiped with a palm, the demon energy entwining his arm like flowing water turned into a giant python, opening his blood basin and mouth, cruelly. Biting the tip of the Qiankun Spear, an astonishing evil aura began to corrode the Qiankun Spear, and along the Qiankun Spear spread black magic patterns, approaching Zhuo Bufan.

"It's such a terrifying corrosive force. My vitality is constantly being eroded." Zhuo Bufan was startled.

If this power enters the body and penetrates into his dantian, it will undoubtedly be a terrifying disaster for him.

"Break it for me!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, and suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt in a blue sky.

Chaos power poured into the Qiankun Spear, and the silver dragon scales on the Qiankun Spear also exuded a dazzling silver light.


The giant python biting the tip of the gun was instantly shattered, turned into residual fog, and the smoke disappeared.

But at this time, Mo Kui obviously would not just watch, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan. The other palm was condensed with extremely terrifying power, forming a dark sphere, which contained the terrifying power of destruction, this one. The black ball is enough to destroy a large star.

Grasp the palm of the black ball and gently press the pubic area of ​​Zhuo Bufan's abdomen.

"Uh!" Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly widened, his slightly delicate face, his muscles wriggling, climbing a trace of madness and hideousness.

"Go to hell." Mo Kui raised his head, with a pale and skinny face with a dignified look.


Zhuo Bufan flew upside down hundreds of feet in an instant, and the terrifying power swept away, his coat was shattered, and under this high-speed movement, he kept breaking through the sound barrier, and sonic booms sounded one after another on his back.

After flying upside down for a distance of hundreds of meters, Zhuo Bufan just landed, stepping back again and again, venting the violent power in his body to the ground, and the ground cracked into hundreds of meters of gully, without bottom.

"Cough cough!" Zhuo Bufan chucked his body slightly, coughing lightly, leaving a few bright red blood stains on the ground, just like red plums on the black soil in full bloom, slightly miserable, with black long hair flying in disorder, this look is quite embarrassing. , It's just that the delicate upper body skin is flowing with glazed brilliance, perfect.

Zhuo Bufan lowered his eyes slightly, looking at his abdomen, his abdomen was torn, blood stained, and there was a cloud of extremely evil black mist lingering around the wound, as if he was trying hard to penetrate the wound and seep into his Dantian.

"Really a difficult opponent." A bitter arc appeared at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth.

His physical body has reached the ‘Eastern Physique Realm’, enough to carry the power of tens of thousands of chaos, but the opponent’s blow still caused him to bleed and wound, and the opponent of the realm master realm was really terrifying.

"However, this method is better to put away, so as not to be embarrassed." Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows tufted, his body's vitality surged, the evil black mist lingering in his abdomen shattered away, and his body's skin surface was sharp. The dragon scales covered the palms, arms, shoulders, abdomen, chest and back, flowing with a touch of scarlet brilliance.

"Not dead?"

Mo Kui was condescending, standing in the distance, looking down at Zhuo Bufan, the latter's powerful vitality also made him slightly startled.

A realm king, in his hands, is as simple as crushing an ant, but he didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to hold on for so long.

"You really surprised me, but that's all. This kind of children's game should be over." Mo Kui's eyes floated with black magic energy, and suddenly opened his arms, raised his head and opened his mouth, and a cold voice sounded from then on. : "The Great Demon Swallowing Heaven Secret Art!"

A sharp shout, like the sound of rolling thunder, filled the sky, shaking the sky almost to collapse.

Endless black demon energy gushes out of the devil, thick and viscous, covering a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and everything is turned into a demon domain. A vast demon energy hits the sky, and gradually condenses a thick demon cloud, this violent and terrifying aura, The complexion of everyone suddenly changed, and they rushed towards the distance, for fear that they would be hit by the pond fish.

It is a pity that some hapless guys are a step late. The thick magic cloud turns into a horrible face, opened his mouth, swallowing the surrounding energy, and then fell to Zhuo Bufan, and those who ran a step slower were directly swallowed by the face. Go in, let out a scream, and finally melt into a part of the magic face.

"Lock the dragon coffin!"

Zhuo Bufan's palms were condensed with the mysterious magic seal, and the purple power surging out.

The ground vibrated, tearing a gully, and a giant purple coffin slowly emerged from the ground. The coffin was opened, and the inner coffin was made of amethyst, transparent glass, full of mysterious lines, like the complex and mysterious veins of the human body, and you can even see blood in the veins. Flowing in.

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