Chapter 337 Black Sword

"Shadow kill, there really is a species, come up to lead the death." Liu Miao shouted sharply with his eyes glowing cold.

At the same time, the eyes of Pu Dao and Hui Ku were like lightning, shooting directly at Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan stood among the crowd, standing proudly without fear.

"Boy, you killed my junior, today I will use my black knife to cut off your head to sacrifice my junior's souls in the sky." Pu Tiedao said, stomping his foot, and a heavy black sword shot into the sky behind him. Rise.

At this time, everyone can see the shape of the heavy knife. It is simple and atmospheric, and the blade has no patterns or characteristics, but it gives people a vague illusion. The heavy knife is inserted into the ground, like cutting tofu, easily submerged several inches, and the blade exudes. The misty black light.

The entire auction table trembled slightly, and under the tip of the knife was solid granite, which could not be penetrated by bullets, but now it was easily submerged by a black knife, with several cracks around it, extending several meters in length.

The heavy knife trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound, resounding throughout the auction venue.

"Zhu Zi killed my Hehuan sect and slaughtered hundreds of people in the Qinglong sect. His hands were covered with blood. He was really a demon in the martial arts world. Although I Huiku has a bodhisattva heart, today I will kill someone and break the precept in order to get rid of harm." salute.

With just a few words, Zhuo Bufan was described as a heinous demon. He needed a reason to kill. Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile. The things these people did secretly were utterly desolate, but now they pretend to be decent people, which is really ridiculous.

Liu Miao's eyes were cold, his hands squeezed his fists, his body burst into blue veins, his bones shook like a fried bean, his back jumped up like a dragon, trembling one after another, his whole body was like a awakening raptor, his body breathed. Spread to the extreme.

Huiku stared at Liu Miao unconsciously, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, since you are going to kill me, then I'll see what you really have." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently, stepping on the head of a man in front of him, and the whole thing descended like an immortal, flying towards the auction platform lightly.

At this time, Qin Yang and the old man around him realized that he was really a shadow killer.

Zhuo Bufan's delicate wrists, holding a fist, seemed to smash towards Liu Miao lightly, seemingly without deterrence, but Liu Miao's complexion changed suddenly, as if he was facing a big enemy, his whole body was full of vigor. Like an arm.

The arms are like dragons, the muscles are surging, and the feet are gripping the ground. Then the strength of the whole body poured into this punch, which directly collided with Zhuo Bufan's fist.


A loud sound almost shattered the eardrums, Zhuo Bufan stood upside down in the air, Liu Miao stood on the spot, the two fists smashed together, a white circular wave of air spread out, like dropping a stone on a calm lake, stirring. ripple.


The muscles of Liu Miao's arm were trembling like waves, and the soles of the feet were directly inserted into the ground, reaching the knees, and the granite under his feet burst. Liu Miao's throat was slightly sweet, and he couldn't spray out a mouthful of angry blood.

What the **** did this guy do, a punch with such a powerful force.

"Palace Master Liu, I'll help you." Pu Tiedao drew the heavy knife, and the rocks flew around.

With a horizontal knife, a dark ray of light appeared in the air. The black knife had already been cut, but a faint gray mist was still flowing behind the air. This knife was simple and thick as if it could cut everything.

"Dang!" Zhuo Bufan flicked his backhand.

The black sword carrying the mighty force was actually bounced slightly by Zhuo Bufan, making a crisp sound, and Pu Tiedao held the handle of the sword, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Taking advantage of Zhuo Bufan's relaxation, Liu Miao finally pulled out his legs, stepped back, and widened the gap with Zhuo Bufan.

Although Hui Ku didn't do anything, the three of them already felt Zhuo Bufan's power.

"Everyone, this demon has some real ability, we must not be careless, today we have to work together to defeat him." Hui Ku said.

At the same time, Liu Miao took out a red pill and threw it into his mouth. The right arm that was originally slumped suddenly seemed to be inflated and regained its vitality, but the cracked openings were still dripping with blood, dripping on the ground.

"Essence Qi Pill, it's not right, it should be the Blood Qi Pill." Zhuo Bufan glanced at the red pill in his hand, it was the Bai Family's Blood Qi Pill.

Pu Tiedao held the black sword, and the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to be true. It was because the murderous intent on the black sword was too heavy and had already affected him.

"Come on together, let me have a good time." Zhuo Bufan had no use of supernatural powers, he directly squeezed his fists, his skin was like glazed glaze flowing with a touch of golden light, he had just broken through the third layer of golden skin, he was about to try his own. strength.

"Okay, magic knife technique!" Pu Tiedao shouted first.

The gray light on the black sword instantly skyrocketed, and the murderous aura was diffused. Pu Tiedao jumped up to a full three meters high for his life, and smashed down horizontally, drawing a black light curtain in the air.

"Good come." Zhuo Bufan laughed and raised his arm to greet him.

"Is Shadow Killer crazy? How come you touch Pudaowang's black sword with your arm!" Someone in the audience asked in surprise.

There was a trace of suspicion in the eyes of Pu Tiedao. He actually wanted to use his flesh to fight against his black sword. The martial artist practiced the body, and some of the martial arts who had been well trained could train copper skin and iron bones, just like the iron cloth shirt handed down from the Chen family's martial arts museum. Longyin golden bell cover.

Practicing these outside skills to the extreme, you can resist knives and guns hard.

But his sword was made of volcanic iron found in the volcano for three full years. It had blown hair and cut the iron like mud, even if the master of horizontal training did not dare to resist his sword.

Everything is said slowly, but it's actually just a second.

The black sword slashed on Zhuo Bufan's arm, and the golden glow of the skin on his arm was flowing. With a bang, the black sword slammed into the metal, making a sound of thunder and lightning.


"Impossible." Pu Tiedao's pupils widened in disbelief. There was a crack in his black sword, and only a light white mark was left on Zhuo Bufan's arm.

The black sword collided with his arm and jumped back, causing Pu Tiedao to split apart and unable to hold the handle. Park Tiedao bounced and flew out.

"Is this guy a robot, whose body can resist the knife?" someone slapped his tongue.

"There are several horizontal training masters in the martial arts world, who have trained their bodies to be impenetrable and can even be blocked by bullets. Is he also a horizontal training master?" Someone asked the answer.

"Impossible, there must be some secret treasure on him. Grandmaster Heng Lian hurt his body, and he will not live at most forty years old. Moreover, it takes time to beat his body. How can he be Grand Master Heng Lian when he is so young." Some people questioned.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan jumped up and grabbed the black knife, as if twisting a twist, directly twisting the black knife into a ball, as if a black iron rod was thrown directly on the ground.

"You..." Pu Tiedao sprayed out blood.

He had worked so hard to find the material for the black sword and begged a weapon master to help him refine it. Now it was directly destroyed by Zhuo Bufan.

"Bump!" Zhuo Bufan suddenly kicked Pu Tiedao's chest, and Pu Tiedao flew out directly and hit the ground. His body plowed a deep gully on the concrete floor, his chest sank in, and his life was cut off on the spot.

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