Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3540: Big dream world!

Chapter 3541 Big Dream World!

"The third brother!"

"Third brother, breakthrough!"

In the crowd, there were two brothers, Qin Yun and Qin Tong, who saw Zhuo Bufan from a distance and said excitedly.

The Qin family is nothing more than a small indigenous family in Langya City. I didn't expect to step out of the world's number one sword fairy and become a heavenly fairyland!

The reason why Zhuo Bufan couldn't reach Qinzhou in the first time was because he reached the shackles and found a quiet place to survive the catastrophe before he appeared.

"Qin Tong!"

"Qin Jianxian!"

Gongsunbei, Yinqian Palace Lord, Renhuang, Huangfu Yulang, Lingshan Dao Zun and others all looked at him and felt the change in his aura. Compared with the sharpness of the past, his aura is now restrained.

"Breakthrough? The second heavenly fairyland in the world of our Xia clan, or a sword fairy." The Emperor said with emotion.

Both Renhuang and Huangfu Yulang and Zhuo Bufan have some grievances. Now that they see Zhuo Bufan stepping into the Heavenly Wonderland, Renhuang and Huangfu Yulang have a lot of feelings in their hearts.

After Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, he cast his gaze on the blood demon.

Massacre hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, blood flowed into rivers, resentment was soaring!

A thick murderous look rolled in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"I said why I didn't see Qin Jianxian's figure. I thought you were a tortoise with a shrunken head. I didn't expect to break through the Heavenly Wonderland. It surprised me!" The blood demon said with a smile, but the **** pupils exuded poison Light.

"I haven't killed your bastard, how could I hide." Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"I have never tasted the blood of a strong man in the heavens, I think... it will be delicious." The blood demon stretched out a scarlet pointy tongue and licked his lips.

The sword immortal of Heavenly Wonderland is known as the number one killer and the best at killing.

The blood demon didn't take it to heart, his immortal body was already formed, a drop of blood could be reborn, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't kill him at all.

"Since you like to **** blood so much, just taste what your blood is like!" Zhuo Bufan's voice fell, a flying sword that has cut through the void, turned into a shock, and slaughtered the blood demon.

"Kill me, you are still a little tender." After the blood demon said, his arms squirmed and turned into blood, condensing two vine-like arms, crossing the void, directly winding towards Feijian.

But as soon as he touched, the blood demon's face changed.

It seems that the ordinary flying sword is not too powerful, but it contains terrifying power, as if it is a world of its own, crushed.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The two arms that the blood turned into were torn to shreds in an instant, countless blood splattered into the void, the droplets of blood coagulated without dispersing, floating in the void.

"The sword immortal among the practitioners is known as the number one killer. It is really extraordinary, and it is much more difficult than the underworld." The blood demon's eyes were fierce, and the blood suspended in the air flew back into the body again, turning into two arms. , "Unfortunately, my blood demon's immortality has been cultivated. If you can't kill me, I can be reborn with a drop of blood!"

Back then, the Pluto stepped into the Heavenly Wonderland to suppress the blood demon, but the Pluto was best at arranging formations, talismans, and prisoners. He couldn't kill the blood demon at all, so he could only suppress it.

After the last time the underworld prisoner was trapped, the blood demon has now stepped into the fairyland, and has worked hard to save his life. A drop of blood can be reborn, and it can't be killed at all.

Moreover, if Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly, the blood demon should have left a drop of'hard work' hidden in the world of the Xia clan. Even if he kills the blood demon in front of him, he can be reborn with that drop of hard work. It is indeed an extremely difficult one. opponent.

The world of the Xia clan said that it was big or small, and if Zhuo Bufan was in real body, he was of supreme realm strength and could easily kill the blood demon.

But now, he is a ‘Qin Tong’, he is just a heavenly fairyland, and he can’t obliterate that drop of effort through causation at all. As for searching with divine mind? It's just a bit of blood, like finding a needle in a haystack, it's impossible.

"Really? Today, I, Qin Tong, will kill the world and kill you completely." Zhuo Bufan snorted coldly.


A flying sword, turned into countless sword energy, enveloped the world, trapping the blood demon prisoner.

Mastering the new swordsmanship ‘Dust World’, evolving from the heavens and the sky, forming a time and space on its own, this is the mastery of spatial capabilities.

"Break it for me!"

The blood demon shouted angrily, squirming around, and blood-colored vines flew out quickly, extremely fast.

Thousands and hundreds blasted towards the sword qi barrier, and the sharp sword qi directly crushed countless blood-colored vines and completely annihilated them.

"What? His sword aura is so powerful, what level has he reached that can obliterate my blood? I feel that my life force is disappearing." The blood demon was completely shocked this time.

In the past, Human Emperor, Lingbao Dao Zun and others attacked at the most obvious level of his body, like a hole in his chest, which could heal instantly, but Zhuo Bufan's sword energy was different, which could directly annihilate his life force.


Zhuo Bufan controlled the flying sword and flew out with a mouthful of the flying sword. It contained the power of the space level, which was said to be annihilation. In fact, he only sent the blood demon's blood to another level, so that he could not feel it. .

If the blood demon is a supreme realm powerhouse, this method is of no use to him. The supreme powerhouse can sense multiple levels of space and can recall the lost essence and blood, but it is obvious that the blood demon can't do this.

"No, no, my blood is constantly decreasing. If he continues like this, I will be wiped out!" The blood demon's eyes were red and he was already a little crazy, but no matter how frantically he counterattacked, he could not break the sword qi barrier.

In everyone's eyes, the dense sword aura formed a round ball to trap the blood demon inside, and a flying sword was constantly interspersed with the blood demon's body, and the blood demon's breath was constantly weakening.

"What level did Qin Jianxian have reached to eliminate the power of the blood demon?" Palace Master Yin Qian asked in shock.

"Our attacks hurt the blood demon at most, but can't damage his essence and blood. Each wound can heal quickly. Qin Tong is a sword immortal, the best at attacking, and now he has reached the heavenly fairyland and has mastered another one. Level of killing power." Gongsunbei said excitedly.

"However, the blood demon claims that a drop of blood can be reborn. It is not enough to destroy his body. He must have hidden his blood in the world of the Xia Clan and can be reborn again!" Lingbao Dao Zun frowned and said in deep thought.

Hearing the words of Lingbao Dao Zun, several people showed solemn expressions.

Zhuo Bufan has reached the Heavenly Fairyland, and must ascend to the Jade Lake Fairy Realm one month later, but the blood demon hasn't completely died yet. He is reborn with a drop of blood. With the blood demon's practice experience, he constantly devours the blood, and it is easy to become the earth immortal, even the heavenly immortal, and to Xia again. The scourge of the family world is endless.

"The breath of life is getting weaker and weaker, don't you choose to resist?" Zhuo Bufan stared at the blood demon.

"Qin Jianxian, I didn’t expect you to be much better than the old man of the Underlord. What a pity, today I admit to planting, but you reach the heavenly immortal realm, within one month you must fly to the jade pond immortal realm, and I can still be reborn, with me The strength of, will soon be able to return to peak state, when you are not in the world of the Xia clan, I want everyone to die!" The blood demon laughed frantically.

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