Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3543: Persuade you to have a more glass of wine


"Brother Zhuo, Yu'er, Ying Qiu is also back?" Yang Tu walked out and saw the three of them with joy on his face.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also recovered his old appearance in the ordinary time, although he also took the elixir, he maintained his appearance as a middle-aged person.

"A-Lian, come out quickly and see who is back." Yang Tu shouted.

"Yu'er, Ying Qiu, Uncle Zhuo." Chen Lian also walked out with the maid.

"Hurry up and order the kitchen to cook, I want to get drunk with Brother Zhuo." Yang Tu said.

At night, the stars are dotted.

The Yang family mansion was extremely lively. Today, Yang Tu was happy. The people all got some silver rewards. The family sat together to eat and drink.

Drinking wine, eating vegetables, talking about things in the past.

"Brother Zhuo, do you remember when Yu'er was eight years old, a man sneaked into the forest and said he was going to go hiking, but he met a black bear. Fortunately, you found out in time. Otherwise, he would have died at that time. "Yang Tu was drinking wine, his face flushed.

"Well, Yu'er is brave enough to see the black bear and didn't cry, otherwise the black bear would attack immediately, but it would be miserable." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"In those years in the mountain village, although it was a little bitter, but it was pretty good. Sister Lian's cooking skills are nothing to say, and I enjoyed a lot of good food along with it." Zhuo Bufan also said.

"Come on, let's drink." Zhuo Bufan picked up the hip flask and injected a ray of immortal energy into it. Drinking it ordinaryly can prolong life and protect against all diseases.

"Mother, you have a drink too." Xue Yingqiu said while sitting next to Chen Lian, pulling Chen Lian's arm.

Yang Tu and Chen Lian were naturally not aware of them, but Yang Yu and Xue Yingqiu noticed a wisp of true immortal energy pouring into the jug.

"Well, my son is also happy today, and have a drink with you." Chen Lian picked up the glass.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank them all in one fell swoop.

When Yang Tu and Chen Lian found that the drink had entered their bodies, they felt a warm feeling on their bodies, and they seemed to be more energetic.

Yang Yu and Xue Yingqiu also had a drink, with surprises in their eyes. This breath of true immortality will also be of great help to their future practice.

"Brother Yang, apart from drinking with you this time, I also want to say goodbye to you. I have to go back to my hometown." Zhuo Bufan put down his glass.

"Back to my hometown?" Yang Tu thoughtfully, but didn't hold back. Instead, he picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine. "Brother Zhuo, I will toast you a glass of wine for your brother. I'm afraid this time we will say goodbye, and we will never have a chance to see you again in the future. ."

"Okay, have a drink." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

Early the next morning, Yang Tu and Chen Lian got up and looked in the mirror to their surprise and found that their faces had returned to their 30s. Their hair was black, their faces were red, and their skin was elastic and shiny. They were all surprised.

Yang Tu and Xue Yingqiu practiced for a whole night, and they found that they couldn't break through for a long time, and they got through all night.

"Brother Yu, your breath...should be going to break through the gods, right?" Xue Yingqiu said in surprise.

"Yeah, thanks to Uncle Zhuo's glass of wine, but I have to accumulate for another three years, and I am confident enough to prepare for a breakthrough." Yang Yu smiled slightly.

Yang Tu and Chen Lian quickly found their son, and they felt incredible about their changes.

"Yu'er, look at me, what's going on?" Chen Lian was still in shock.

"Mother, this is the credit of Uncle Zhuo, I don't have that great ability to make you rejuvenate." Yang Yu said with a smile.

Yang Tu sighed: ‘I’ve known that Brother Zhuo is not an ordinary person. When you met a black bear, he hurried over with a wooden bow. Can he scare away the blind bears in the mountains? "

"Father, mother, Uncle Zhuo is actually the world's number one sword fairy." Yang Yu told the truth.

Yang Tu and Chen Lian were struck by lightning and froze on the spot.

The first sword immortal of the Cleansing Sect, killed the Jinpeng Great Demon and the Blood Demon, and saved the common people from water and fire. Even the ordinary people know his name.

"Haha, I didn't expect it! I, Yang Tu, a commoner, and I can actually drink with the world's first sword immortal as brothers and sisters." Yang Tu smiled excitedly.


After leaving Yang Mansion, Zhuo Bufan wrote a letter to Lingbao Dao Sovereign. Since the death of the blood demon, Lingbao Dao Sovereign began to prepare to break through the heavenly fairyland, which is why Zhuo Bufan still stayed in the Xia Clan world.

Lingbao Dao Zun was Fan Yan. Since they all came from the Taiyi Universe, Zhuo Bufan naturally had to take her away.

Three days later, the Lingbao Dao Sect was fluctuating, and all the experts in the Divine Realm of World Intermediation felt it.

"Another earth fairy has broken through!"

"Our Xia clan is the second celestial immortal in the world."

"The fluctuation came from Lingbao Mountain. It must be Lingbao Dao Zun who broke through."

Zhuo Bufan stood on the top of a mountain and waited for about Mo's time to stick incense, Lingbao Dao Zun came from the fog and fell beside Zhuo Bufan, "Shadow Killing Supreme."

"Well, you have also broken through the Heavenly Wonderland. Now we should fly to the Yaochi Immortal Realm. According to my judgment, there should only be the gate to the Taiyi Universe." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Well, I am with Shadow Killer Supreme." Fan Yan nodded.

Boom rumble...boom rumble...

At the same time, the two of them exuded the pure and immortal energy in their bodies, and the heavenly sense would naturally guide them to the Jade Lake Immortal Realm, and the sky fell under two radiances to envelop them.

Then, there was nothing on the top of the mountain, and the two disappeared.

When Zhuo Bufan and Fan Yan could see the scene clearly in front of them again, the surrounding fairy mist was misty, the cranes flying by, and some auspicious beasts manifested anomalies, and all the scenery was like a fairyland.

"This is the Yaochi Immortal Realm?" Fan Yan frowned.

"Let's go around first." Zhuo Bufan said, his spiritual thoughts spread out quickly, but when he encountered some places where there were restrictions, his spiritual thoughts were isolated.

Zhuo Bufan has explored the world of the Xia Clan, and he has not found any trace of Long Geyue at all. Now all his expectations are in the Yaochi Immortal Realm.

It's just that the two of them wandered around for a long time. Apart from seeing some fairy beasts, they didn't find a practitioner. Perhaps some practitioners lived here, but in the end they probably all left and went to the Taiyi universe to practice.

In addition, the world of the Xia clan has not been able to give birth to a fairy for thousands of years, so naturally no one lives in it.

"Impossible, Longer entered the center of Bihu Island. The center of Bihu Island is the Xia Clan world. I didn't find her in the Xia Clan world. She should be in the Yaochi Immortal Realm. It is impossible not to be here." Zhuo Bufan frowned. .

When the two were flying, they suddenly saw an island suspended in the air, and a gate carved with white jade stood in front of them.


Suddenly, two fairies wearing white dresses and white clothes appeared, with extraordinary auras, at least the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm, but there was no soul aura on the two of them, and they were obviously refined Dao soldiers.

"So courageous, this is the place where Fairy Partridge lives. You two leave quickly." A white-clothed woman yelled.

Fairy Partridge, Emperor Shang's wife, is also his wife.

"Is Long Er here?" Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and said, "This fairy, my name is Zhuo Bufan. I want to go in and have a look. I may have a friend in it."

"I have warned you, if you still don't leave, don't blame me for being polite." The white-clothed woman said angrily, and then with a wave, a stream of light hit Zhuo Bufan's chest, and Zhuo Bufan flew out, splashing a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

End of this article.

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