Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3546: Fairy Partridge, or Long Geyue

Chapter 3547 Fairy Partridge, or Longgeyue

"Where am I?" Zhuo Bufan held his forehead and slowly sat up from the jade bed.

Feeling Zhuo Bufan's awakening, Fan Yan, who was sitting sitting outside the courtyard meditating and practicing, immediately walked in, beaming with joy: "Shadow Killing Supreme, you are awake."

"Well, Fan Yan, where am I?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Shadow Killing Supreme, this is the fairy palace. After you were injured and fainted, several fairies appeared, rescued you back to the fairy palace, and gave you a bottle of'Golden Wind Jade Dew' to help you heal your injuries." Fan Yan said. .

Zhuo Bufan got out of bed and stood up, with a smile on his face.

"I'm right, Long Er can't care about me, she must be in the fairy palace." Zhuo Bufan walked out of the room, planning to find Long Geyue.

I happened to encounter a fairy girl who was blocking him at the fairy gate.

"Master Zhuo, you are awake." Xiangu looked at him with complicated eyes, "The palace lord has already ordered, after you wake up, please leave the fairy palace, there is no friend you are looking for in the fairy palace."

"Impossible, I want to see your palace master." Zhuo Bufan said.

Xiangu frowned slightly and stopped Zhuo Bufan, "Master Zhuo, the palace lord has said very clearly that she is merciful to save you this time, and there will be no second time."

"Really? If you can't see the palace master or my wife, I would rather die in your hands." Zhuo Bufan said with firm eyes.

Xiangu was stunned for a moment. It seemed that she had received the voice transmission of Divine Sense, her face changed slightly, and she looked at Zhuo Bufan and said, "Well, you follow me to the palace hall, the palace chief will see you."

After saying this, Xiangu walked towards the front.

Zhuo Bufan followed behind.

A fairy palace carved with white jade, with a misty atmosphere, walked up the white jade steps to the gate of the palace, and the fairy stopped, "Master Zhuo, you go in, the palace owner will see you alone."

Zhuo Bufan arched his hands at Xiangu, took a deep breath, and walked into the palace.

Inside the palace, it was empty. There was a white screen in front of which was painted with flowers, plants and trees. A delicate figure could be faintly seen standing behind the screen.

"Zhuo Bufan, I have seen the Palace Master." Zhuo Bufan stopped, and politely bowed his hand to the figure behind the screen.

"Zhuo Bufan, the Supreme Shadow Killer of the Star Alliance." A cold voice, like a stream of flowing mountains, was refreshing.

"The palace master knows me?" Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

"Well, I know you, you should know who I am?" said the woman behind the screen.

Zhuo Bufan was just a guess before, but now when he heard the palace master say this, he was startled and opened his mouth, "Are you the wife of Emperor Shang, Fairy Partridge?"

Emperor Shang is his master, and the woman behind the screen is his wife!

"Well, I am Fairy Partridge. Now you have seen me and can leave. There is no friend you are looking for here." Fairy Partridge said.

Zhuo Bufan frowned and lowered his eyes slightly, "Fairy Partridge, my wife is missing. I got news from some places that she had entered Bihu Island. I didn't find him in the Xia world, nor did I find him in the Yaochi world. Seeing her, I think she must be in the fairy palace."

"I have already told you, we don't have your wife in the fairy palace, and you are still stubborn. I can save you once, but it doesn't mean that I will save you a second time." Fairy Partridge said coldly.

"My wife is really not in the fairy palace?" Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth.

"You don't have your wife in the fairy palace, let's go." Fairy Partridge said.

"Then I will leave first." Zhuo Bufan sighed, turned around, and walked slowly towards the palace gate.

Behind the screen, the woman with a veil on her face slightly pursed her thin lips, and her ten slender fingers pressed slightly and clenched tightly together.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly folded, holding Qingfeng's long sword, pierced towards the screen, and the sword energy swept across.


The screen split instantly and flew around. The sudden scene also surprised the partridge fairy behind the screen. A white horse flew out of his hand and slammed into the long sword!

The long sword deviated from the position, and Pili slammed into Zhuo Bufan's chest.

Suddenly, Fairy Partridge retracted his palm, and the horse who was about to touch Zhuo Bufan's chest suddenly shrank back without hurting him.

"Get up!"

Zhuo Bufan pulled his wrists, and the weird and ethereal Qingfeng Long Sword lifted the veil.

Fairy Partridge turned around, hurriedly turned his head and turned his back to Zhuo Bufan.

"Longer!" Zhuo Bufan saw her eyes as soon as the veil was lifted, "You are Longer, why are you lying to me?"

"I..." the voice choked.

"You know how worried and sad I am after you left without saying goodbye. In order to find you, I walked into Bihu Island and walked into the world of the Xia Clan, but why didn't you see me and didn't admit that you were Long Geyue? "Zuo Bufan's voice is excited.

At this time, Fairy Partridge just turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan with extremely complicated eyes and tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I am Long Geyue...or Fairy Partridge." Long Geyue shook her head painfully, "In fact, when I was in Tianlan Xinghai, I kept having some strange dreams. In my dreams, I Once with another man!"

"There are many inexplicable memories in my mind... I am no longer Long Geyue... Xiao Fan, you forget me," Long Geyue said.

Not Long Geyue, but Fairy Partridge?

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He knew that there was a reincarnation in heaven and earth. In the past, Emperor Shang's wife, Fairy Partridge, died, and the ice emperor created the road of reincarnation, and the path of heaven was merciless. The opportunity of reincarnation, open the road of reincarnation, and become the first female emperor of the Taiyi Universe!

"How could this be?" Zhuo Bufan was extremely anguished.

If Long Geyue is really the partridge fairy reincarnation, then Long Geyue is Emperor Shang's wife and his own wife. For this kind of result, Zhuo Bufan could not accept it.


As long as the strength of this life continues to improve, after the soul is strengthened, there is a chance of awakening!

Fairy Partridge wasn't too strong in his previous life, so Long Geyue in this life slowly awakened his memory because of his increased strength.

"Xiao Fan, you go. One day I will awaken all my memories. At that time, I don't even know whether I am Long Geyue or Fairy Partridge." Long Geyue said with red eyes.

"Do not!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and growled inwardly.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt a bit tingling in his eyes, a drop of tears ran down the corner of his eyes, holding the Qingfeng long sword, turning around and walking towards the palace gate.

There was a blank in his mind.

"How come? How come?"

After walking out of the palace, Zhuo Bufan slashed out in anger with a sword aura, leaving a long pitch-black sword mark in the cutting space! "

"Why, God wants to tease me like this?" Zhuo Bufan yelled at the sky, and the pain had nowhere to vent.

Long Geyue is the partridge fairy reincarnation, awakening the memory, and she is the disciple of Emperor Shang again, between the two, there is no possibility!

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