Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3557: Supreme Nine Realms!

Chapter 3558 Supreme Nine Realm!

After processing this batch of treasures, Zhuo Bufan just waited for the exchanged treasures of heaven and earth to come back and cultivated the seventh layer of the Demon God Inheritance!

"Go, go to Dao Pagoda!"

Zhuo Bufan's body disappeared in the garden, and in the next moment, he appeared in the vast starry sky of Light Spear, a tower of gods that did not reach the top, as if standing still in this starry sky.

The Dao Pagoda is a place for practicing mystery. Zhuo Bufan has mastered the ‘Great Way of Man’, and the six levels of mystery he mastered have also been sublimated. If he wants to break through the shackles, there shouldn’t be much problem.

The key is to master the six mysteries, which need to cooperate with each other, and it is a little difficult.


Zhuo Bufan turned into a streamer and rushed into the Dao Pagoda. Starting from the 200th floor, the Dao Pagoda is the level that the supreme realm challenged, and the 200th to 290th floor is the division of the nine realms of the supreme.

Last time, Zhuo Bufan challenged the 230th floor. After clearing the customs, he was promoted to the Supreme Third Stage, but in terms of his current real strength, it was comparable to the Supreme Ninth Stage!

After entering the Dao Pagoda, Zhuo Bufan splits the blood demon avatar, let the blood demon avatar hold the gold medal, enter the top of the Dao Pagoda, use a thousand times the flow rate to enlighten, and the deity begins to challenge the Dao Pagoda.

Under the dark sky, the mountain peaks are as steep as swords, and the valleys stand tall.

A sturdy white-haired giant ape appeared on a mountain. The thick and thick furry held a dark, patterned stick, "Oh, come to challenge so soon?"

"Senior White Ape, please enlighten me." Zhuo Bufan arched his hands.

Although the white ape, crocodile dragon, and Taoist soldiers in the Dao Pagoda have evolved, they have also given birth to emotions over time. Apart from having no soul, they are almost indistinguishable from real life.

Whoosh whoosh...

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and Seven Stars Excalibur. He used the Universe Gun to challenge his melee skills. Now he has just obtained the Seven Stars Excalibur. If he wants to cooperate with the Ice Emperor Rain Sword to display the sword formation, he still needs to run in the mystery. The tower is a good choice.

Eight flying swords, suspended in the air.

With the Ice Emperor Rain Sword as the core, the Seven Stars Divine Sword is arranged around, forming a faint connection with each other.


Zhuo Bufan gave a soft drink, and the eight flying swords turned into eight pops, blasting towards the white ape.

After reaching the supreme realm, the level of mastery of the mystery is actually very high, and it is extremely difficult to improve a little bit. Everything is a water mill, requiring a little bit of insight and accumulation. In the end, it will be natural to break through the shackles.

The best way is to use the martial arts and sword skills created by yourself as a breakthrough point.

Zhuo Bufan stayed in the Dao Pagoda to sharpen the mystery, while the clone was at the top of the Dao Pagoda. He relied on a thousand times the time flow rate to comprehend, analyze and ponder the shortcomings of the swordsmanship, improve and run in.

In the first month after entering the Taoist Tower, Qin Xiyue sent the exchanged treasure, half a month later than expected, and in the second month, Dongbo Zhizun also sent the exchanged treasure.

Zhuo Bufan simply stayed in the Dao Pagoda and used the treasures he had exchanged to refine his body.

Sitting cross-legged on a hilltop, Zhuo Bufan first took out the "Star Heart Stone", which was ten feet in size, with uneven surface, exuding scaly silver light spots.

Not every star can give birth to a ‘star heart stone’, only some stars with a very high concentration of spiritual energy can give birth to a ‘star heart stone’, which is usually inside the star and is very precious.

Zhuo Bufan sits in knots, the star heart stone is placed in front of him, and his heart is running.

A little bit of starlight peeled off the star heart stone, and slowly flew onto Zhuo Bufan’s skin, and then, like falling snowflakes, permeated into the body. The body is like a piece of steel, constantly tempered and polished, and it will become more and more powerful, but again, In the later stages, it is extremely difficult to improve at all.

A tens of feet of star heart stone can be exchanged for a low-grade reincarnation-level magic weapon, but after being swallowed by Zhuo Bufan, the improvement of the body is only a trace.

"It's so difficult to make progress." Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

In the next time, Zhuo Bufan has been honing the mystery in the Tao Pagoda, while absorbing all kinds of treasures, tempering his body, and practicing without years, after a hundred years passed, Zhuo Bufan also released a divine mind clone to stay on Yunhu Island to accompany him. family.

Dao Pagoda, two hundred and ninety floors!

As long as you pass this level, you will be the Supreme Nine Realm, which is enough to stand at the same height as Dongbo Supreme and Tengyun Xianjun. With such strength, even the demon master must pay attention to it. When the time comes, he will go to the demon clan to retrieve the leaves. Qin, it should be twice the result with half the effort.

The six top mysteries have now been honed and integrated to become more and more perfect. They are used in conjunction with the sword formation, and the various mysteries are more powerful through them.

Now Zhuo Bufan believes that even if he does not use the Seven-Star Divine Sword, but only uses the ordinary Universe-class flying sword, he can still kill the Demon Lord Liu Sha.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here so quickly, but it doesn't seem to be a surprise." A golden-haired monkey, holding a thick copper stick on his shoulder, scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, said with a smile.

"Senior Golden Monkey, please enlighten me!"

Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath, his eyes exploded with brilliance.


The Ice Emperor Rain Sword and the Seven Stars Divine Sword are connected to each other to form a sword formation. The mystery of the universe makes the sword formation ban the four sides, the mystery of the aurora makes the flying sword faster and more treacherous, and the mystery of the chaos increases the power, and the sword formation crushes a space and time. ...

Several kinds of mysteries work together, and the sword formation is extremely powerful.

"Huh!" The golden monkey shouted angrily, his golden pupils burned with flames, the copper rod in his hand skyrocketed instantly, and it easily crushed the void with the swing, and the sword formation instantly collapsed.

"So strong!"

Zhuo Bufan's pupils shrank slightly.

After a long time of running-in, my own sword formation has become more satisfactory and powerful, and the six mysteries cooperated in it to make up for each other, and it is so perfect that it will be ‘smashed’ by the golden monkey’s sword formation.


Zhuo Bufan continued to manipulate the eight flying swords, once again using the Ice Emperor Rain Sword as the core, connecting the Seven Stars Divine Sword, the sword formation was restored, and it changed into countless sword auras, sweeping the sky, and killing the golden monkey overwhelmingly.

The Dao Pagoda test determines the difficulty according to the mystery he has mastered. Zhuo Bufan has mastered the six top mysteries, and naturally, the Golden Monkey will also master the six mysteries.

The golden monkey waved the copper stick, shaking it, shattering the space. Fortunately, here is the inside of the Dao Pagoda. If it is outside, the two fighting like this can easily destroy a star.

The sword aura seemed light and fluttering, but every sword aura was as heavy as a star, and the speed was extremely fast.

After half a stick of incense, the Ice Emperor Rain Sword swept across the face of the Golden Monkey, bringing up a ray of blood. The Golden Monkey’s copper rod was put down, and Zhuo Bufan also took back the eight flying swords, and the Seven Star Sword turned into seven bracelets. Wearing it on the wrist, the Ice Emperor Rain Sword returns to its scabbard.

"Congratulations, breaking through the 290th floor of Dao Pagoda and reaching the Supreme Ninth Stage!" Jinhou said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan's face was calm, everything was water milling, and there were not too many surprises.

Since the battle with the Demon Sovereign and the Six Evils, in a blink of an eye, he has finally reached the Supreme Ninth Stage. All of this is also expected by everyone in the Star Alliance. After all, Zhuo Bufan's strength in slaying the Demon Sovereign and the Six Evils is sufficient. evildoer.

It's only a matter of time before stepping into the Supreme Nine Stage.

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