Chapter 3564 Dragon List

"I am not an unkind person. Lianxin is my disciple. As I watched her grow up step by step, I naturally felt sorry for her. Although I am not very clear about her and Zhuo Bufan, I have heard some rumors. ." The devil said.

"It's a pity that the master set the rules back then... the people of the Demon Race can never marry the people of the Star Alliance."

Hearing this, Luo Mo's pupils dilated slightly, revealing a look of surprise, "Master, you have not promised, as long as the Shadow Killer takes back the sacred artifact, you promise..."

"Hehe, whether he can get it back or not..." The demon master raised his head and looked at the palace gate with a long voice.


In a house yard, antique, pond corridor.


"Yes, saint."

The maids obediently stepped back, just curiously glanced at a black-clothed sword-bearing man, and whispered.

"The saint has never lied to men. Many young talents from the holy land came to our demons, and the saint never looked at them."

"Well, just now, the Supreme Shadow Killer from the Star Alliance was able to enter the mansion of the saint. It seems that they have an unusual relationship."

"Speak down, talking secretly about the saint behind your back, do you want to be punished?"

"Haha, although the saint is cold on the surface and indifferent to anyone, she is still very tolerant and kind to us."

Standing in the pavilion built on the pond, Ye Ziqin glanced at the maids helplessly, "These maids seem to be too panic at ordinary times. They don't find anything to do, so do they like to talk about gossip?"

"The saint, who has always been known for her coldness, rarely invites a man to the mansion, which naturally makes them curious." Zhuo Bufan touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Are you still laughing at me?" Ye Ziqin's willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he glanced at him like an anguish.

"I know all about your assassination on Bihu Island. You can kill the six evil spirits, and now you can make the limelight in various holy places!" Ye Ziqin said strangely, his eyes flushed slightly, "You Do you know how worried I am."

"I'm sorry, Ye Zi." Zhuo Bufan hugged his wife tenderly.

Ye Ziqin shook his head, "I don't blame you, I'm just worried about you. I know that you went to Bihu Island to find Sister Dragon. Now everyone is happy, but you suddenly came to the Mozu, but you are reckless... Master. The Star Alliance has a deep resentment."

"I did encounter a lot of things on Bihu Island, but I can't tell you all of them now. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will tell you all of them!" Zhuo Bufan said.

"As for the demon lord, she has promised me that as long as I go to the starry world and find the holy artifacts and bring them back to her, she will let you go back with me. I think the demon lord will not break my promise."

Ye Ziqin nodded, "But if you want to win the sacred artifact... I am afraid it will not be so easy. The news that the sacred artifact will appear in the starry world has spread to all the sacred places. Even the saints will be moved. Fortunately, the saints cannot Come to the small world, otherwise we will have nothing to do with this battle."

"Well, although the saint will not make a move, but when a saint will appear, the saint will be moved, and the supreme realm will be even more jealous. If you get a saint, a supreme nine-level realm will even have capital to fight against the saint. , There should be a large number of supreme powerhouses going to the starry world!" Zhuo Bufan said in deep thought.

Zhuo Bufan knew in his heart that none of the powerhouses who were able to cultivate to the Supreme Realm were fuel-efficient lamps, especially as they reached the pinnacle level, the gap between each other would be smaller, and it would be more difficult to defeat the opponent. As for the Nine Realm Powerhouses of the same level. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult.

After cultivating to the Supreme Ninth Stage, they are all peerless powerful men who have the qualifications to touch the ‘Holy Realm’. There are so many ways to save their lives, whether it’s combat experience, various treasures, and escape. It’s harder to defeat, but even harder to kill.

"Yuyou is also an extremely difficult character to deal with." Ye Ziqin pursed his lips, worried.

Zhuo Bufan raised his finger, and in the pond, a ball of water was floating in the void, wriggling and flowing, "That supreme of the snake line, he asked the Cry Yunlai Mozu to propose marriage to you, right?"

In the voice, there was a bit of cold murderous aura.


The water ball suspended in the air burst and turned into droplets, which floated down.

Seeing this, Ye Ziqin couldn't help smiling, and blooming like a flower, "Hmm, I can't imagine that the first son of the dignified Star Alliance, would the Shadow Killer Supreme also be jealous?"

"The woman who dared to grab me, if he is savvy, I will not trouble him, if he is not savvy, I don't mind letting him suffer a little bit." Zhuo Bufan's tone was undoubtedly domineering.

And this domineering, completely comes from his own confidence.

Big dream world! The world of dust! Time to cook rain! The three major sword moves, among the supreme of the same level, should belong to the top level.

The physical body, vitality, and the mystery of mastery condense the heart of the Great Dao, these are the confidence that Zhuo Bufan possesses.

"You should still be careful and low-key, the gluttony belongs to the ancient alien species, and it is the supreme ranked seventeenth in the dragon list!" Ye Ziqin still reminded, even quite complaining, and gave him a blank look.

Long Bang?

Zhuo Bufan showed a suspicious look.

"It doesn't matter if you think about these things, the Dragon List is a list of the Supreme Realm powerhouse... It is set by an ancient dragon elder of the Dragon Clan, and it is also a boring move to count the data of the Taiyi Universe Supreme Nine Realm Powerhouse. A ranking is carried out every 100 years to rank the strongest who have the most chance to step into the Saint Realm!" Ye Ziqin explained.

"Oh, that's the case." Zhuo Bufan nodded, "That gluttonous supreme can be ranked seventeenth on the dragon list, obviously a difficult guy."

"Well, this time the starry world appeared in the territory of Death Abyss. I think there will be many strong people entering. If it weren't for the small world, it would collapse the world. Even some holy old antiques who don't care about the world will fight against their faces. ." Ye Ziqin took out a talisman and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the Talisman, and there was a list inside, a total of a hundred people were listed, all of them were the supreme nine-level powerhouses who could be named in the major sacred places.

"Even the saints will fight for them regardless of their status, let alone these supreme. You can look at this list, which is all the pinnacle supreme who can be named." Ye Ziqin said.

Zhuo Bufan took a look. Dongbo Zhizun ranked tenth and Li Wu Shengseng ranked thirteen. Although he knew that these two were strong, he did not expect to rank so high. As for Yuyou Zhizun, he ranked seventeenth. Among the top 20 of the supreme peaks, it is naturally not to be underestimated.

Although this list was arranged when a senior of the Dragon Race was bored, he collected and sorted out a lot of information, but it also had a certain reference.

"Master Zhang Fan, ranked second?" Zhuo Bufan muttered.

The line of sight fell on the strong man who ranked first, the opponent was actually the top strong man in the line of Demon God, known as the Venerable Huosan! Its ranking is actually one higher than Zhang Fan's ancestor.

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