Chapter 3569 An Island

The Starry World is different from Lujiaxing!

Lujiaxing is just a star, while the Starry World is an independent small world with an independent operating system, and its territory is tens of thousands of times larger than Lujiaxing. Divine consciousness is suppressed, and you must rely on your eyes to find treasures. Discovery.

What's more, the more precious treasures are, the better at hiding them. It is really whimsical to want to find treasures with a sweep of spiritual thoughts.

"I don't know where the leaves are? I can only look for them slowly." Zhuo Bufan flew in the air, his spiritual mind controlled within a hundred miles.

Although the maximum range of divine consciousness can be expanded by thousands of miles, the range is too wide, and divine consciousness exploration is very vague, let alone searching for treasures, the range of hundreds of miles is just right, and you can deeply explore the treasures below.

After flying in the starry world for five or six days, Zhuo Bufan didn't meet a cultivator. The territories of the starry world far exceeded his expectations.

However, during this period of time, Zhuo Bufan also discovered several treasures, including a damaged middle-grade reincarnation-level magic weapon, and some refining treasures. From the perspective of the area where these treasures were obtained, it is obviously in ancient times. There has been a big battle.

Zhuo Bufan swept over the endless ocean, and suddenly found an island where he could see, and most importantly, he felt the breath of a few practitioners.

On the sixth day of entering the starry world, I finally felt the breath of a practitioner, and slightly converged, and swept into the island.

I saw a dilapidated temple on the island, about a hundred feet high. After years, the temple is very dilapidated, and from the appearance, it should not be a Buddhist temple, because the temple has a sinister feeling, and there are many weird birds. statue.

At this time, standing in front of the temple were seven supreme realm powerhouses, among them there was a fellow who was no stranger to Zhuo Bufan, the crying cloud of the snake line.

After sensing Zhuo Bufan's breath, several people raised their heads, with solemn expressions in their eyes.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is also the most popular supreme in the Star Alliance recently, with a proud record of beheading the six evil spirits, and no one dares to look down upon him.

"It's not that the enemy doesn't gather their heads, Zhuo Bufan, I didn't expect to enter the starry world and still meet you. It's really bad luck." There was a trace of sullenness in his eyes, and he hummed coldly.

"Crying Yun, if you don't want to see me, you can go now." Zhuo Bufan is not polite.

The two of them fought at the Maimang, and sparks of light were rubbed in the air.

"Huh! Zhuo Bufan doesn't need to show his tongue in front of me, my brother will take care of you sooner or later." Ciao Yun snorted coldly, and he also understood that when it comes to fighting, he is not necessarily Zhuo Bufan's opponent, only a little restrained anger.

Zhuo Bufan sneered and said: "Cao Yun Zhizun is also the overlord of a party at any rate. He always has his brother in his mouth, but he is a little sorry for his reputation."

"You..." Xiaoyun flushed, almost vomiting blood with anger.

Zhuo Bufan didn't bother to pay attention to Cry Cloud, his eyes fixed on a few of them. In addition to Cry Cloud, there were six Supremes, but Zhuo Bufan was not very familiar with it.

One of them had double horns on his forehead, and his strength was the weakest among them. Only the strength of the Supreme Five-level Realm was the strongest of the ancient dragon court.

"Everyone, I don't have the strength to compete with you for treasures, I just act as a spectator, record some information, send information back to Longting, and update the dragon list!" Longting's supreme smiled slightly, and took the lead to express his position.

The supreme of Longting was not regarded as a competitor by everyone.

Zhuo Bufan once again set his sights on the temple in front of him. There was a special power in the temple, and no one rushed in rashly, because the temple was also isolated from spirituality and could not explore the inside.

Suddenly, four black beams shot out from the temple!

When everyone saw this, their pupils shrank, and they used their own means to intercept the black light beam.

A snake-shaped silver ring on Zhuo Bufan's wrist was untied, turned into a flying sword, and swept towards the nearest black beam of light, preparing to intercept it.

A pair of Supremes standing together also shot at the same time, and the black mist in their sleeves surged and swept into two black beams.

There is also a Yaozu supreme hand soaring hundreds of feet, the palm of the hand is covered with a layer of black material, and it grabs a black stream of light.

Only the location of Cry Cloud is the most embarrassing, the black beam is too far away from him!

"Damn it, give it to me!" Cry Yun was the closest to the two parallel streamers. With a wave of his palm, a black snake scale flew out and turned into a giant python, trying to compete for a black streamer.

"Huh! Cry Cloud Supreme, you might underestimate us!"

Among the two supreme beings, one of them snorted coldly, and the black mist skyrocketed in an instant, and the black python hit it, but was directly bounced away!

The two opposing team joined forces, and crying cloud couldn't help each other at all.

Cry Yun gritted his teeth and looked in Zhuo Bufan's direction. Five black scales flew out on his arm, turning into five pythons, and shot past like lightning.

"Looking for death!" Zhuo Bufan let out a cold snort, and flew out five more flying swords and electric sparks on his wrist, slashing towards the five pythons.

The sword light flashed, and the heads of five pythons were chopped off and turned into cracked snake scales.

The Yaoguang Flying Sword swept through the black light and flew in front of Zhuo Bufan. It was actually a slap-sized stone with a weird symbol painted on it, which was clearly an order to enter the temple.

The other two stone charms also fell into the hands of the two black robe supreme, and there was joy in their eyes.

The last stone talisman fell into the hands of a monster clan supreme, a total of four stone talisman, each has its own ownership.

"Damn, I didn't get a piece?" Wei Yun clenched his fists, his eyes full of resentment.

Cry Yun turned around and walked towards that Yaozu supreme, with a fierce expression, "Fulture spot, give me the stone talisman!"

"Why? I grabbed the stone talisman." The brow frowned and said vigilantly.

"Why?" A sneer was raised at the corner of Ciao Yun's mouth, his arms skyrocketed and turned into a poisonous snake, which shot forward like lightning, and the snake opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs.

Upon seeing the buzzard, his pupils shrank slightly, and his palms shot out head-on. When the two collided, the buzzard slid back several tens of feet, and his complexion turned pale.

The Eagle Spot is the supreme peak power of the Sky Demon Palace, but his strength is relatively weak, and he is far from the opponent of Cry Cloud.

Eagle Spot gritted his teeth. Although he was unwilling to do so, Cry Yun really wanted to grab it. He might not be able to keep the stone talisman, so he simply threw the stone talisman over, "Cry Yun, this account, I will write it down!"

Cry Yun grabbed the stone talisman and said with a sneer: "What about writing it down, it won't be too late for me to speak harshly when you can win."

Zhuo Bufan saw in his eyes and didn't take it rashly. After all, after entering the world of stars, everyone was for treasure. Those who had no friendship before are now enemies. Even if they have friendship, they may turn their faces for a peerless treasure.

In the world of spiritual practice, there are many examples of masters and apprentices fighting for a treasure of heaven and earth.


The other two Supremes who received the stone talisman looked at each other and walked directly towards the entrance of the temple.

Zhuo Bufan and Cry Yun slowly landed behind, and walked toward the temple entrance. They glanced at the two supreme beings. They were surprised. They were similar in appearance. They were obviously twins. They had special feelings and were not caught by the Chaos Nebula. Separated by the power of others.

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