Chapter 3576 gluttonous

"Master Zhang Fan, do you know the witch **** line well?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Master Zhang Fan smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "I can't understand it, but I know some rumors and news about the witch **** line. The witch **** line belongs to a minority genre. In the ancient times, there were very few people who practiced the witch **** line. , The starry world is the stronghold of the witch gods."

"In ancient times, the demon gods from outside the territories invaded, and the Witch race was not spared. The starry world was tragically invaded, blood flowed into rivers, and bones covered..."

"Since then, the witch **** line has completely declined, and many inheritances have also been lost."

Zhuo Bufan listened quietly and nodded. It is no wonder that there are very few practitioners in the Taiyi universe who cultivate the witch **** line, because there is no complete system and method, which is a bit similar to the line of the underworld master, and the inheritance has declined.

"This time everyone is here for the sacred artifacts. I am afraid that after entering the Witch Temple, we will have a fierce battle and may even become opponents." Dongbo Zhizun said.

"Since everyone comes for the sacred objects, whoever can get the sacred objects depends on their own ability." Grandmaster Zhang Fan said with a smile.

Master Zhang Fan has been trapped in the supreme pinnacle for many years, and the road of perception is only short of completion. He is known as the person most likely to step into the holy realm in the Star Alliance. This time he entered the starry world to find the sacred artifacts and achieve the road to perfection. Holy Land.

Whether it is the sacred instrument bred by the heaven and the earth, or the sacred instrument refined by the saint, it contains a perfect Dao law, which can help the practitioners to perfect their Dao and achieve the saint's Tao fruit.

"A sword immortal named'Qin Tong' appeared on the dragon list. I don't know which holy place it belonged to, or a casual repairman. According to the information collected by Long Ting, this person killed ten supreme peaks, ten digits outside the territory. Demon God, now ranked first than Master Zhang Fan and Huo Ran, and ranked first on the Dragon List." Dog Ye Zhizun frowned and said in deep thought.

"Well, this person is indeed powerful. At the same level, everyone has studied life-saving ability. It is not easy to defeat the strong at the same level. It is even more difficult to kill." Dongbo Zhizun exclaimed: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Universe There are too many powerful people, and the appearance of the sacred artifacts in the starry world may only attract him."

Although Zhuo Bufan is also good at using flying swords and has a set of top-notch reincarnation-level flying swords, a few people obviously did not connect Qin Tong and Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Qin Tong is too powerful, able to kill the strong at the same level.

Although Zhuo Bufan is also powerful, he can beat his opponent at best, and there is still a gap in the way he wants to beheaded.

Hearing a few people talking, Zhuo Bufan touched his nose in embarrassment. No one knew now that he was the number one ‘Qin Jianxian’ on the Long List.

What is a hole card? The one that is not exposed is the hole card. Once it is exposed, it will be guarded, and even a few supreme will join hands to deal with him. In this way, the chance of wanting to win the sacred weapon is even smaller.

While talking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt his heart and looked forward.

I saw a snow-white figure in front, turning into a streamer and flying over, it was Ye Ziqin.

And beside Ye Ziqin, there were four masters of the demon clan, all wearing black armor, mighty and extraordinary, all of them were the powerhouses of the supreme pinnacle.


"Xiao Fan."

When the two met, they were overjoyed, and their faces bloomed with joy.


The four masters of the demons who followed Ye Ziqin snorted softly, and their attitude towards Zhuo Bufan was not so kind. Although the demons and the Star Alliance truce and temporarily reconcile, the grievances and prejudices accumulated by each other before. Time is also difficult to completely eliminate.

Even though Zhuo Bufan had some dazzling records before, he has just stepped into the summit of Supreme. According to the intelligence collected by Longting, Zhuo Bufan has made very few battles in the world of stars. Now he is ranked 70th, this kind of weak. , Not worthy of the saint at all.

"If you really have the strength, why do you hide your head and show your tail, and dare not do it in the starry world?" a demon master said softly with disdain.

Ye Ziqin frowned slightly. These people were sent by the demon master to protect her. They were all the supreme masters on the dragon list. After entering the starry world, the four people found her with secret techniques.

"Xiao Fan, don't listen to them." Ye Ziqin said irritably.

"If I were the kind of person with a small belly, I am afraid I would have died of anger a long time ago." Zhuo Bufan faintly smiled, not paying attention.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Ye Ziqin's small hand, held it tightly, and said through a voice transmission: "This time, I will definitely get the sacred artifact of the Wu Clan, and the Hui Mo Clan will propose marriage to the Demon Lord."

Ye Ziqin's eyebrows clustered, and he bit his thin lip. "Xiao Fan, there are quite a few strong people who have entered the starry world this time. Sword Immortal, even killed a lot of Supreme Pinnacles, you compete with them for the sacred artifact... it's too difficult."

"Is that sword immortal really that powerful? I haven't played against him yet. It's not always the one who will kill you." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Talk to you about business, don't take it seriously, do everything you can, don't try your best." Ye Ziqin was worried in his heart and sternly ordered.

"Okay, I will listen to you obediently." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

With the passage of time, more and more practitioners gathered near the Witch Temple, and then a group of people swarmed from afar, headed by a burly figure, exuding a strong coercion, and several Supreme Realm powerhouses behind him.

"Zhuo Bufan, you secretly accounted for my brother crying, this account, I will make it clear to you today." An angry shout, resounding everywhere, like the sound of rolling thunder rolling across the sky.

This line of people is the supreme of Teng Snake's line, and the headed person is Yu You.

In an instant, many sights from all quarters converged on Zhuo Bufan and Yuyou from different places.

Ye Ziqin frowned slightly, and her pretty face showed worry. Yu You was ranked 17th in the Dragon Ranking. After entering the Starry World, Yu You and three Supreme Peaks fought, seriously injured two people, beheaded one, and Long Ting collected intelligence. , Has updated the ranking of the dragon list, and now Yuyou is ranked tenth, stepping into the top ten ranks.

"Xiao Fan..." Ye Ziqin's eyes showed a worried look.

"It's okay, if you show your strength appropriately, you can also deter some of the younger generations." Zhuo Bufan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Zhuo Bufan, how did my brother Cry Yun die?" Lu You's eyes were fierce, and he stared at Zhuo Bufan.

"Competing for treasures is inherently dangerous, and we can only blame Yunyun for bad luck." Zhuo Bufan said.

"With his strength, he won't die easily. You must be tricking him in secret, designing to plot against him." Lu You's eyes were full of anger.

"If you want to think so, then I can't help it." Zhuo Bufan said.

The confrontation between the two also aroused the interest of many cultivators, including some strong men in the Holy Land of Death Abyss also watching. Since Dongbo Supreme and Master Zhang Fan did not intervene, they naturally would not intervene in.

What's more, the people in the Holy Land of Death Abyss also know the strength of Lu You very well, and believe that he will not be defeated by a kid who has just been promoted to the pinnacle of supreme.

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