Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3584: Sword Array Sleepy Snake

Chapter 3585 Sword Formation Troubled Snake

The crowd separated, and a few supreme people came from the rear, and the leader was the supreme of the line of Teng Snake, glutton!

Lu You smiled and looked at Zhuo Bufan and Ye Ziqin, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, "I thought you two fell into the yellow sand vortex and died. I didn't expect that your life is really big, but you are still alive?"

When Zhuo Bufan saw Lu You, he released the killing intent in his eyes.

"Yuyou, I haven't settled this account with you yet, how dare you run out?" Zhuo Bufan said coldly.

Lu You sneered and said: "Zhuo Bufan, you got the Sorcerer Scepter, do you think everyone will let you two go? Obediently hand over the Sorcerer Scepter, maybe you can survive!"

Ye Ziqin's palm tightly grasped the Witch God's scepter, frowning her eyebrows, and his eyes showed dignified colors. The fiery and greedy eyes of many supreme beings beside them showed their desire for the sacred artifacts and would never give up obediently.

Zhuo Bufan also knew that if Patriarch Zhang Fan got the Sorcerer Scepter, he might be able to deter the heroes, but if he got the Sorcerer Scepter based on his name, he might not be able to deter others. Once the melee started, he and Ye Ziqin would definitely become the target of the crowd. .

Although Dongbo Zhizun, Master Zhang Fan and others would not attack him, they shouldn't be pulled in to help themselves against other Supremes.

The only way is to kill Yu You and frighten the heroes.

"The Witch God's Scepter is in my wife's hands. There is nothing wrong with everyone who wants to fight for it, but before that, I think you can wait for a while, let me solve the glutton first." Zhuo Bufan said.

As soon as the voice fell, a flying sword had drawn a sharp sword light, and shot away at Luyou.


Yu You blasted out with a punch, his fist collided with the tip of the sword, and the flying sword flew out. Yu You was also slammed back a few steps, and immediately showed the'Dharma Formation'. All eight arms and snake tails were transformed, and they were pinched and held. Knives, swords, axes, halberds...

This time, Zhuo Bufan didn't choose to fight melee physically, because this alone couldn't kill Yuyou.

"Spend a good moon, full moon, cloudy and sunny!"

With a light drink, the seven silver circles on the wrist turned into a seven-star divine sword, and instantly combined with the Ice Emperor Rain Sword to form a sword formation, covering all directions, trapping Gourmet in it.

Seven-star magic sword, seven top reincarnation-level magic weapons appeared, and the ice emperor rain sword is a high-grade reincarnation-level magic weapon, which belongs to the natal magic weapon. Now it can also exert the power of the'top magic weapon'. The eight flying swords cooperate with billions of swords. , Cut the square.

Many people around took a breath, and could keenly feel the sense of danger coming from the sword formation.

"Huh? I have seen this sword formation of Shadow Kill Supreme before, but it seems that its power has increased several times..." Grandmaster Zhang Fan said in surprise.

"Brother Zhuo, the Seven-Star Divine Sword, combined with his natal Flying Sword, can exert a stronger power." Dong Bo Zhizun exclaimed.

The others also stared closely, their eyes all focused on Lu You.

"With this sword formation, you also want to trap me?" Lu You snorted, and then burst out with a powerful elemental force, a line of snakes, best at melee combat, but also good at'illusionism', illusion and formation are connected, gluttony Naturally, he didn't pay attention to the sword formation.

"You can come out first," Zhuo Bufan said coldly.

If Ye Ziqin sneaked into the yellow sand formation, if it were not for his own sword formation, and it was not suppressed by the power of the world, I am afraid He Ye Ziqin had turned into a loess, and Zhuo Bufan was already full of murderous intent on Yuyou.

Gourmet’s eight arms swung, knives, swords, halberds, yue...Each weapon magic weapon, each derives its own mystery. Under melee combat, Gourmet delves into the martial arts of eight weapons and displays them at the same time with unpredictable power.

A fierce ray of light slashed on the ‘billions’ sword aura, trying to tear and destroy the sword formation.

But with the passage of time, Lu You's complexion became more and more ugly, and the sword formation was solid, no matter how he chopped and slashed, the sword formation was always intact.

Even sword energy swept across him, bringing up a puff of blood, leaving behind sword energy wounds.

"Impossible, a sword formation can trap me? I have played against him, he has not been so strong!" Yu You was shocked.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to expose the identity of the "Sword Fairy Qin Tong", deliberately hid his strength, only defeated Luyou, and shocked some Xiaoxiaos.

Now that Ye Ziqin got the ‘scepter of the witch god’, Zhuo Bufan naturally could no longer save his strength, he had to show all his strengths, slay the glutton, and frightened the heroes.

"Third prince, Lu You seems to be unable to break through the sword formation. Before, Lu You and Shadow Killer fought against him outside. Shadow Killer only overwhelmed him in melee combat. There is not a big difference in strength. Now Lu You is completely suppressed." A Supreme from Long Ting said.

The third prince frowned slightly, "There is only one reason. The Shadow Killer has been hiding his strength, and now his true strength has exploded."

Hearing this, everyone around was taken aback, Zhuo Bufan actually hid his strength.

In the sword formation, countless sword qi swept through, constantly consuming the strength of Lu You, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, fierce, and half a time, the body of Lu You was already covered with large and small wounds, and blood was flowing out.

At this time, Lu You finally discovered that Zhuo Bufan had hidden his strength before, and his pupils shrank slightly, revealing a look of horror.

"No, if I can't break through the sword formation, I might really die?" Lu You felt cold.

Suddenly, Lu You took back all the magic weapons, his body turned into a real body, and turned into a snake with black scales. A pair of wings grew on its back, and it roared, constantly bombarding the sword formation with its tail, trying to destroy the sword formation.

"Yuyou, all of this is thanks to you. If you hadn't attacked me and caused me to fall into the yellow sand whirlpool, and the sword formation would break through again, I am afraid my sword formation would not be so strong." Zhuo Bufan looked indifferently and tried his best to manipulate Sword formation looted and killed.

After all, Lu You is the tenth strongest in the Dragon Ranking. If the sword formation of "Spread a Good Moon and a Full Moon, Full of Clouds and Clearness" does not break through again, I am afraid that Lu You will not be able to easily trap Lu You.

A series of sword qi penetrated through Yuyou's body, and Yuyou's life aura continued to weaken.

"Help me! Help me!" Yuyou finally panicked, and if he continues, he will definitely die here.

In the crowd, several supreme members of Tengshe's line frowned when they saw this. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan's strength was so strong, and Luyou would be in danger of life.

After all, Lu You is the supreme of the snake line, it is impossible to die without saving.

The four supreme pinnacles suddenly acted, flying out from the crowd, blasting palm prints in the air, and wanting to smash the sword formation, four terrifying Yuan Li palm prints violently bombarded the sword formation.

The sword array trembled violently, but in the eyes of everyone's horror, the four square Yuan Li palms were printed.

"How is this possible? Together, the four of us can't destroy the sword formation from the outside!"

"Impossible, unless he is a saint, he can't stop us at all!"

The four Supreme Masters were shocked, and the others were shocked. Even Dongbo, Zhang Fan, and Li Wu had their pupils shrunk. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan's sword formation was so powerful.

"Call a helper if you can't beat it? It's a pity, no one can save you this time." Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed.

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