
"Temporarily hug the Buddha's feet, want to use the scepter of the witch **** to break through? But I, should not give you this opportunity." Huosun Supreme's eyes flashed sullenly.

It takes time to comprehend the great road, and what Zhang Fan lacks most now is time.

Dongbo, Tengyun, Li Wu, and Yong Ye were all seriously injured. After all, in the starry world, they were suppressed by the power of the world, and their strength dropped by at least five layers, and they couldn't stop Huo Dan at all.

Other supreme lords also understood that if Zhang Fan could not break through the ‘Holy One’ realm, no one could stop Huora. Huora took refuge in the line of the demon **** outside the territory. As long as they move their fingers, they may all be buried here.

Among this group of people, there are also some supreme demon gods who have taken refuge in the demon gods outside the territory, but there is a trace of coldness in their eyes. If Huo 巃 kills all these supreme gods, their demon gods will be stronger, and they themselves can get it. Some treasures.

Under the gaze of countless people, Zhuo Bufan was holding a Qiankun spear and suddenly swept forward, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked at the Supreme Huoyan, with a smile on his face, "Master Zhang Fan, you first understand the great road, as for this guy, I It should be able to block him for some time."

"Arrogant! Can you hold me back?" Huo Yan laughed.

Grand Master Zhang Fan looked solemn and nodded. Now there is no better way. He must find a way to break through, otherwise there is almost no hope of blocking the fire.

Thinking of this, Grandmaster Zhang Fan sat down cross-legged and placed the Witch God's Scepter horizontally on his knees.

Dongbo, Li Wu, Tengyun, Yongye and others guarded Zhang Fan's side and protected him.

The sacred vessel contains a "perfect avenue", which may be different from the avenue Zhang Fan mastered, but it belongs to a kind of heavenly path. It is by analogy. The stone of the mountain can be used for jade, which is very good for Zhang Fan to perfect his avenue. help.

"Since you want to die, I'll squeeze the bug to death first, and then kill them." Huo Yan Zhizun said with a smile, his palm pressed down in the void.

In the sky, the infinite power of origin, gathered together, condensed a thousand-foot-large palm print, just like the substance, which contains a trace of the power of the avenue.

What is a saint, transcendence, master a perfect road, freely control the power of heaven, and crush the ordinary.

Creak, creak.

Facing the pressure of the great road, Zhuo Bufan's bone joints felt the pressure and made abnormal noises.

Below the palm print of a thousand feet, Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows are condensed, and ferocious dragon scales grow on his skin, which drives his vitality frantically. Facing a true saint, he can't have any reservations.

Under the gaze of countless lights, the palm prints suddenly landed, crushing thousands of miles of the sky, and the sky shattered, revealing strips of pitch-black space cracks. The terrifying scenes made many supreme hearts frightened.

"Chaotic Qinglian!"

With an outcry, the Qiankun Spear skyrocketed.

The turbulent chaotic power poured into the Qiankun gun, the gun body was filled with gray thunder, and a cyan lotus bloomed on the sharp tip of the gun, and the sharp cyan light surging, exuding powerful power.

At the same time, eight flying swords were also swept out at the same time, arranging a sword formation.

"Big Dream World!"

A bright light burst out from the chest, cutting the space to form a big dream world. In this area, the space is divided into eight levels, and Zhuo Bufan hides in the deepest level of space.

This is already Zhuo Bufan's strongest trick now. As for "Time Cooking Rain" can travel through the long river of time and space and kill the enemy in the long river of time and space, but it has no effect on Huo.

Huosan masters a complete road, which has already concealed the secrets of heaven. The trick of'time to boil the rain' makes it impossible to find Huoshao in the long Hanoi of time and space.

Just like an ordinary Golden Core Immortal Venerable, even if he is good at deduction, it is impossible to deduct the past and future of a saint. Not only can he not deduct it, but it will be backlashed. Unless he also masters a complete road, he will not be able to explore Huosan's. past.

When the palm print fell, he first encountered the Chaos Qinglian, only to hold on for less than two breaths, the Chaos Qinglian was fragmented.

Then the palm print crushed the layers of the space diaphragm, and the sword array was crushed by the pressure, and then collided with the Qiankun gun, Zhuo Bufan fell down like a cannonball.

Rushing into the land, pretending to be a bottomless gloomy hole, the ground is cracked in a radius of a hundred miles...

Chaos Qinglian, Big Dream World, Sword Formation... resisted layer by layer, but it was still blown out, vulnerable.


In the dark hole, Zhuo Bufan flew out again, but at this moment Zhuo Bufan was very embarrassed, holding a Qiankun spear in his hand, and a drop of blood dripped from the tip of the spear.

"Xiao Fan." Ye Ziqin's eyes filled with tears.

The Supreme Master Huo squinted his eyes slightly, "It's really a bug. It can block my palm, which surprised me a bit, but it's just that. How many palms can you block? You should know that I haven't used it yet. Real strength."

Zhuo Bufan raised his head, his frantic hair flying in the wind, without a trace of timidity in his eyes, looked towards Huo, his eyes exploded with brilliance.

There are only a dozen saints in a holy place, but hundreds of thousands of supreme ones. One can imagine how difficult it is to step into the realm of saints. Mastering a complete road and intercepting part of the power of heaven is indeed difficult to contend.

"How long can it be blocked? If you want to kill other people, you must step over my corpse." Zhuo Bufan said in a sonorous voice, "And you entered the world of stars, shouldn't it be just for the Sorcerer's Scepter, right? There should be something bigger. purpose."

Fire ranks first in the Dragon List. It is only a matter of time before entering the Saint Realm. You don’t need to spend so much effort to enter the starry world, and you choose to break through the starry world. If it’s just for a holy artifact, it seems that Some are too wasteful.

Huo Yan was startled slightly, but Zhuo Bufan guessed something. He sneered: "I broke through in the starry world. Not only can I get the sacred artifacts, but I can also kill you supreme ones. The Devil Emperor will surely reward you with more treasures. Me, why not do it?"

Zhuo Bufan is just a guess. He doesn't know the true purpose of Huosan, but if he can't stop Huosan, all the Supremes here may die today, causing the Star Alliance to suffer heavy losses, and at the same time benefiting the Demon God's line.

"Don't delay, you can go to death!" A small cauldron appeared in Huo's palm.

Xiaoding has three legs and two ears, flying into the air, quickly becoming bigger, filled with the atmosphere of the great road, as long as you are not stupid, you understand that this is a holy artifact.

The saint sacrifices the sacrificial artifacts, who can stop it?

This time, Zhuo Bufan really felt the danger of life and death. To be smaller, if he could not delay until Zhang Fan became a sage, Huo would definitely kill everyone. When it was bigger, Huo had a bigger conspiracy, which might be too much. B Universe caused a lot of damage.

For whatever reason, Zhuo Bufan couldn't take a step back now.

"Now, is there only one last way?" Zhuo Bufan gritted his steel teeth, his eyes were puzzled, his long black hair moved without the wind, full of a desperate smell.

"Your physical body is good, and there are many magic weapons on your body, which are used to'nourish' my Heaven Swallowing Cauldron!" Huo Yan's eyes were stern.

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