Chapter 3590 Yin Shan shot

"Still can't stop it?" Zhuo Bufan's arms were numb, and the Qiankun gun almost flew out.

Huo Ran is a true saint after all, mastering a perfect avenue, and there is still a sacred artifact in his hand, and everyone on the scene can't stop him.

"Wait for me to get the things first, and then I'll take care of you." Huo Yan's eyes were stern, and he suddenly gave up on Zhuo Bufan, and turned to look at the witch temple, with a fierce glow in his eyes.

Most of the formations of the Witch God Temple have been destroyed. The buildings collapsed one after another. The Heaven Swallowing Cauldron flew over the Witch God Temple. The black light gathered at the mouth of the Ding, which contained the power of the avenue.

When the black beam of light was about to fall on the Witch Temple, suddenly in the Witch Temple, hundreds of feet thick vines were like pythons, squirming crazily, twisting and winding, each vine was a hundred miles long and densely dense, covering the upper part of the Witch Temple.

When the beam of light fell, the vines were destroyed and annihilated as soon as they touched the vines, but the power of the beams of light was also constantly consumed. After the beams of light passed through all the vines, the remaining less than one percent of the power blasted on the formation of the witch temple, just let The formation rippled and failed to break.

And this scene also made countless supreme stunned.

"There are still people in the Witch God Temple?" Huo Yan frowned slightly.

Zhuo Bufan and Ye Ziqin also looked at the witch temple, and they had already guessed that one in their hearts.

Inside the Hall of the Witch God, a figure slowly flew out, wearing a black dress, with a veil on her face, and Taoist rhyme hidden on her body, giving people a feeling of darkness and emptiness, but no one dared to look down upon this woman.

"You are fighting for treasures, I am not interested in intervening, but if you want to destroy the witch temple, you have to pass my level first!" Yin Shan, the witch god, looked at Huo Yan with a cold voice.

"You are the witch god? According to the information I got, the demon **** outside the ancient times came and attacked the starry world. In order to protect the starry world, you have sacrificed yourself and integrated into the witch temple...Even if you wake up, your strength has not fully recovered, right?" Huo Kun Xu narrowed his eyes and said.

The witch **** does exude the rhyme of Dao Dao, but Dao Yun is slightly thinner than Huo Dan.

Having said that, Huo Yan was a little anxious in his heart. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for him. Zhang Fan is still enlightening the Sorcerer Scepter. Once he breaks through, he will be sanctified, and Jiang Chen is also rushing. On the way.

If you don't get the World Stone, I'm afraid the Devil Emperor will not let him go.

"The scepter of the witch **** has been obtained by others, and you still want to capture the witch **** temple, do you want to seize the world stone?" Yin Shan frowned and asked.

A look of doubt appeared on Zhuo Bufan's face.

The stone of the world?

Dongbo Zhizun, Tengyun Xianjun and the others changed their faces. They also guessed that Huo Yan had spent so much energy entering the starry world. It shouldn't be possible that it was just for the scepter of the witch god. They did not expect it to be the stone of the world.

"Damn it, Huosan has taken refuge in the Demon God outside the Territory, and wants to get the World Stone and establish a stable channel so that the strong among the Demon God outside the Territory will descend into the Taiyi Universe!" Dong Bo Zhizun frowned.

"Brother Dong Bo, what is going on? What is the stone of the world?" Zhuo Bufan asked through transmission.

Dongbo Zhizun's transmission: "Shadow kills brother, the world stone is the core of the starry world. The starry world and the heavenly path are very weak. It is difficult for us to mobilize the power of the heavenly path, and my strength is suppressed."

Zhuo Bufan knows this very well, because he has a perfect internal body world, so he is not affected by the suppression of heaven.

"Huosan does things for the demon gods outside the territory. This purpose is for the world stone. If you get the world stone, you can build a stable space tunnel, which is not repelled by the heavens. It can smoothly allow the demon gods outside the territory to enter the Taiyi universe. It is too great for me. As far as Universe B is concerned, it is a catastrophe." Dongbo Zhizun said solemnly.

Zhuo Bufan's complexion changed.

Once the space tunnel is established, the demon gods outside the territory can continuously enter the Taiyi universe, which is destined to start a tragic war.

Huosun manipulated the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron and suddenly burst out countless half-moon-shaped dark streamers. Tens of thousands of them were constantly cutting vines. Although these vines were tough and rough, they could not resist the crescent streamer. A steady stream of vines re-growth.

"Only defense?" Huo Kun frowned when he saw this.

Yin Shan awakens, although his strength has not been restored to its peak state, but if it is just a defense, and in his own territory like the Witch Temple, it is still very difficult for Huo Yan to break through the defense.

The vines are cut, grow again, and go back and forth.

Huo Kun suddenly sacrificed a dark red flame, and a dark fire flame jumped in his palm. He delved into the mystery of fire. Although the avenue swallowed a vein through cultivation, the power in it was as strong as the sun, and this flame was him. His natal magic weapon belongs to the top reincarnation-level magic weapon. Although it is not a sacred weapon, it is enough to exert its power in his hands.

"The Fury of Burning Heaven!"

The flame flew out of the palm, burning across the sky, the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​flames, raging fire, burning all things, some supreme people who did not rush to avoid, encountered the flame, were directly burned to ashes, and could not even make a scream of struggle.

The flames swept downwards. Although the vitality of the vines was tenacious, they only supported one breath, and turned into ashes. The speed of the vines' growth was completely unable to keep up with the speed of being destroyed.

Upon seeing this, Yin Shan frowned, and waved both palms. The left and right palms flew out of two round wheels, one black and the other white, exuding strange waves, connected to each other, turning into two thousand-mile-long round wheels, blocking each other. The flames swept.

"I just woke up, and my real body has long been destroyed, unable to exert the power of the'Yin-Yang Nirvana Chakra', and now operating the sacred instrument, my soul consumes a lot of time, at most I can only last for half a cup of tea." Yin Shan bite With teeth, his expression is solemn.

"Hehe, God of Sorcerer, how long can you stop me, the soul will be too heavy, I'm afraid it will break directly." Huo Yan sneered.


Dead abyss territory, starry sky, a suspended island.

Above a vast ocean, there is a golden fairy palace with mist and mist.

"Dragon King, big things are not good." A strong dragon court entered the fairy palace and saw an old man sitting on a white jade dragon chair.

The old man has white beard and hair, and two white jade dragon horns grow on his forehead. He is not angry and majestic. This is the dragon king of the ancient dragon court. He has one of the strongest bloodlines in the universe. He is sanctified in the flesh.

"Received the third prince's message, Huo Dang appeared in the starry world, and broke through and became holy."

When the Dragon King heard the words, his expression changed slightly, "Immediately notify, gather the Dragon Court powerhouses, and prepare to go to the Starry World. I have to tell Madam Jiang about this matter. Only he can stop Huo Dan!"

"Yes, Dragon King."

The Dragon King also immediately communicated with the distant starry sky and contacted Jiang Chen.

In a vast dark starry sky, a powerful man with a height of thousands of miles walks in the starry sky, catching some giant chaotic beasts hidden in the depths of the starry sky, and chopped a chaotic beast that is larger than the star into two with an axe. half.

"Oh, the Dragon King contact my deity?" The giant stopped and looked forward.

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