Chapter 3597 Heaven Swallowing Cauldron

"Thank you, Uncle Master, for the suggestion." The demon Lord You Lian nodded slightly, and then looked at Ye Ziqin, "Lianxin, you will come back to the demon clan with me first."

"Yes, Master." Ye Ziqin nodded respectfully.

"Xiaofan, don't worry. Master has already promised our business. She will not go back. When I confess to Master, I will come to you." At the same time, Ye Ziqin also spoke to Zhuo Bufan. , Let him feel at ease.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, if the demon lord is repenting, he is not afraid of tearing his face and turning the devil over his face.

The demon master took Ye Ziqin, the space was rippling, and the two disappeared in place.

"Master, let's go back too." Jiang Chen looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "Leader Jiang Chen, although I am the reincarnation of Emperor Shang, I have not fully recovered my memory yet. You call me Master, I am a bit uncomfortable. You should call me the Supreme Shadow Killer."

"Okay, Shadow Killer Supreme, we also return to the temple." Jiang Chen said, the surrounding space was distorted, and the two left across the void.

In the Star Alliance Temple, the space inside the hall was distorted, and Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Chen appeared.

"Shadow Killing Supreme, should you remember this thing?" Jiang Chen spread out his palms, and a three-legged two-eared small cauldron appeared, with mysterious runes inscribed on the cauldron's body.

Zhuo Bufan's pupils slightly opened, "Is this Huoyan's Heaven Swallowing Cauldron?"

"Well, Huo Kun is trapped by me. I am refining his soul. He is a saint after all. He has a complete road and is protected by the heaven. It is very difficult to kill him, but I cut him off. He has contacted Tianding Swallowing, and now giving Tianding Swallowing to you." Jiang Chen said.

"Give me Tuntianding?" Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

The Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron is a sacred artifact, a treasure enough to make the saint's jealous.

"Shadow Killing Supreme, in order to stop the fire, you did not hesitate to forcibly perfect the avenue. If you did not delay the time, I am afraid that Master Zhang Fan would not have enough time to break through and become holy. Although the World Stone was eventually seized by the Demon Emperor, this is a credit. , But it's you." Jiang Chen said.

"What's more, with my strength, one more sacred weapon will not increase much strength. You have also seen my deity, my deity wanders in the starry sky, hunting and killing chaotic beasts, the larger the size, the stronger my strength. My physical body is the best magic weapon."

Seeing what Jiang Chen said, Zhuo Bufan was not hypocritical. With his hand closed, the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron turned into a palm size and landed on the palm of three inches.

A trace of primordial spirit was penetrated, imprinted in the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron, and the function and function of the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron came to mind in an instant.

There are many formations in the Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron, which can be used to refine weapons in addition to attacking them to increase the success rate and amplification effect of the refiners.

Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed.

During the battle with Huosang, the Qiankun Spear was damaged, and with the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron, a Qiankun Spear could be refined.

"There is one more thing, Shadow Killer Supreme. You and I have both passed the test of the Palace of Miracles and mastered a road of their own. This road cannot understand the way of heaven. There is no reference to it. It must be improved by yourself. The process is extremely difficult. I Trapped in the bottleneck for many years, even the girl You Lian stepped into the Saint Realm and mastered a perfect road." Jiang Chen sighed.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, he knew this.

Both he and Jiang Chen have mastered an avenue that does not belong to the ‘Tao of Heaven’, and Jiang Chen’s talent is decisive.

In ancient times, the ice emperor was able to create the "Road of Reincarnation" to seek a ray of life for the common people of the world in the ruthless way of heaven. What a feat and feat is amazing.

"The avenues understood by other saints belong to the category of heaven, and they are all based on the understanding of heaven. You and I understand different avenues, but like a mirage, looking at flowers in the mist, like falling into a sea of ​​smoke, you can only think about it by yourself, which is very difficult. ." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Jiang Chen looked at Zhuo Bufan, and solemnly said: "Shadow Killing Supreme, you have forcibly perfected the avenue, and the result is expected to fail, but it was a mistake. Wanting to condense a complete avenue, the difficulty is a hundred times higher than before! "

There are some things that Jiang Chen didn't point out. In fact, everyone knew that Zhuo Bufan had no hope of becoming a holy.

The original purpose of trying to become stronger was to retrieve Ye Ziqin. Now that Ye Ziqin has been found, Zhuo Bufan has also made a wish. As for the future, he has never thought that the road to practice requires courage and diligence, but it is also To maintain a state of mind, too irritable, it is easier to get confused.

Saying goodbye to Jiang Chen, Zhuo Bufan returned to the mansion.

The affairs of the Starry World spread all over the world, and also spread back to Yunhu Island.

Zhuo Luo and Zhou Biyu were both very worried. Zhuo Xiaoyu and Zhuo Feng also returned home and accompanied the old man.

On Yunhu Island, the fairy atmosphere is hazy, and the fairy mist rises, like a fairyland.

By the side of a lake.

The sharp sword aura is in all directions, and the sword aura is cold, lifting the lake water, condensing into a piercing ice edge.

"It's not lazy." A voice sounded abruptly.

The woman who was practicing the sword was startled. When she turned around, she saw Zhuo Bufan appear with a smile on her face, "Master, you are back."

"Well, come back with me." Zhuo Bufan said.

Back in the mansion, the family gathered together. Parents, brothers and sisters, the old servants of the family, and some old servants had followed the Zhuo family for many years. Zhou Biyu gave them some elixir, and now they have a long life.

"Mother, the eldest brother is the number one son of the Star Alliance, isn't he doing well now? Stop nagging?" Zhuo Xiaoyu pouted.

Zhou Biyu glared at her: "I care about your elder brother. Your elder brother hasn't spoken yet. Do you dislike me nagging?"

"Mother, practicing all the way is always dangerous." Zhuo Feng also said.

"Okay, I won't say anything." Zhou Biyu puffed up, and the family laughed happily.

Zhuo Bufan sensed the fluctuations in the formation of Yunhu Island, and a white misty figure appeared in the house, it was Long Geyue.

Long Geyue had been serving as the domain master in Tianlan Xinghai, and when he learned that Zhuo Bufan had returned, he immediately hurried back to Yunhu Island.

"Sister Long is back, let's go first, let the eldest brother and Sister Long talk for a while." Zhuo Xiaoyu teased.

Zhou Biyu instructed the kitchen to set up a dinner table in the evening, and then they all left, leaving only Long Geyue and Zhuo Bufan in the small courtyard.

"Xiao Fan, I have heard about the things in the Starry World. I have been very upset these days, and I can't calm down." Long Geyue said.

"It's okay. It's a pity that the Devil Emperor took the World Stone, which is a disaster for Taiyi Universe." Zhuo Bufan sighed.

The two of them were walking in the yard while talking.

Long Geyue smiled and said, "It's great, Ye Zijie can finally come back, and our family can be reunited."

"Long Er, are you not angry?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Why do you want to be angry, do you think I am a jealous woman? And Ye Zijie once took the road of starry sky cultivation without her life for you. She is very important to you, I know it in my heart." Long Geyue said with a slight smile.

Although in the world of spiritual practice, it is common for the strong to marry wives and concubines, even more often, with hundreds of wives, but Zhuo Bufan still feels sorry for Long Geyue and Ye Ziqin.

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