Chapter 3601 Brothers

"Twins? Born together?" Zhuo Bufan sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the two fat boys lying in the bedding, his face was overjoyed.

Ye Ziqin nodded, "On the left here is the older brother who was born first, and the one on the right is the younger brother. You give them a name."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it seriously, and immediately said, "My brother is Zhuo Qing and my younger brother is Zhuo Yun. What do you think of Ye Zi?"

"Zhuo Qing, Zhuo Yun? What do you think of this name?" Ye Ziqin asked.

Choosing a name will naturally have meaning, and you will not choose a name for no reason.

"Now the demon gods outside the Territory are eyeing the Taiyi Universe. I hope that these two little guys will grow up and be able to join the Star Alliance, fight for the alliance, and wipe out the evil." Zhuo Bufan said: "Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain, the lone city looks at Yumen Pass. Huang. Sha Baizhan wears golden armor, he won't return it if he doesn't break Loulan!"

"This is just born, and I want to let them go to the battlefield? You are a father, but you don't feel sorry for your children at all." Ye Ziqin said silently.

"Boys, naturally should serve the alliance and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. After all, their father is also the supreme of the Star Alliance." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

"Come on, let Dad give a hug." Zhuo Bufan picked up the two children with his left and right hands.

The two children lay in Zhuo Bufan's arms, opened their dark eyes, and looked at Zhuo Bufan curiously and ignorantly.

Zhuo Bufan was very happy today. He invited some guests to the mansion for a long time, and also sent a message to the Zitian and Lime couples who were experiencing outside.

Zi Tian immediately replied, saying that he would come back as soon as possible. He and Zhuo Bufan are brothers and want the two children to recognize him as godfather.

The flame **** overlord, palace lord overlord, Ye Nan, and Xuanya all rushed to Yunhu Island to congratulate them.

"Shadow Killing Supreme, congratulations!"

"Twins, congratulations."

Zhuo Bufan gave a warm hospitality. These friends were all friends he knew when he entered the primitive universe. They took risks with each other and had a deep friendship.

After experiencing World War I in the Starry World, Taiyi Universe seemed to be calm on the surface, but in the dark, Zhuo Bufan was in a calm mood. He rarely practiced, staying with the two children at all times and teaching them the methods of cultivation. Take them to eat and drink.

In a blink of an eye, the past seven years.

Zhuo Qing and Zhuo Yun are also seven years old. These two little guys have inherited the blood of Zhuo Bufan and Ye Ziqin. They are highly talented and scary. They practiced for a long time. They are even more against the sky than when Zhuo Bufan first practiced. Possessing all kinds of treasures, he was born with a'golden key'.

Yunhu Island, the void is twisted.

Zhuo Bufan appeared in a blue shirt, and he was surrounded by two seven-year-old boys. Although he hadn't grown up yet, he already had a somewhat handsome face. Zhuo Bufan sighed secretly. It is better for Ye Ziqin's genes. If these two children do whatever they want. , It must be ordinary.

"Let's go, Dad took you to play for several months, and your mother will have to teach us when you go back." Zhuo Bufan said, and flew back to the mansion with the two little guys.

Ye Ziqin is in the back garden with a long table. Yu holds a brush in his hand and is writing and painting. This is the number of talisman inherited from the Wu clan.

The inheritance of the Witch clan is very helpful to Ye Ziqin's practice and can assist her in perfecting her own avenue. Therefore, for a long time, Ye Ziqin has been studying the secrets of the Witch clan.

Whoosh, I saw the three father and son appearing in the garden.

Ye Ziqin put down the brush, her eyebrows tufted, "You dad, take them out to play again, these two boys are spoiled by you."

"Although practice is important, it must be a combination of work and rest!" Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Zhuo Qing and Zhuo Yun were afraid of their mother, bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"Well, you two go home and practice hard. This time I will take you out to play and give you many skills to practice hard." Zhuo Bufan patted the heads of the two little guys.

"Got it, dad!"

"Mother, we are leaving."

The two brothers walked into the house.

Ye Ziqin said helplessly: "It is said that loving mothers are more miserable. In our family, you dote on the two children more than me, but let me play the white face. You sing the red face. Both children like you to be a father."

"Haha, Qing'er and Yun'er get closer to me, are you jealous?" Zhuo Bufan teased.

"What kind of jealous can I be?" Ye Ziqin said with no anger, and then said, "Brother Fan, do you feel that Qing'er is a little bored and doesn't like to talk. He usually hides in the room reading books and carving wood carvings by himself. "

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

These two children, Zhuo Qing is the eldest brother, very dull, unwilling to talk to people, relatively silent; on the contrary, the younger brother Zhuo Yun, is simply a mischievous gangster, all day to make the mansion restless, the maid in the mansion, The servant, who hasn't been teased by the second young master, is scared of him.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was stopped by Zhuo Luo and Zhou Biyu's grandparents, and even reprimanded him, making Zhuo Bufan dumbfounded and too petting Yuner.

"Qinger is bored, but he is more serious in his practice. Unfortunately, he has no talent on the way to kendo. Yun'er has a naughty personality and can't help thinking about his practice. But in kendo, he has great talent. I asked Shijian to teach them. The two brothers, Shi Jian told me the same." Zhuo Bufan said.

Ye Ziqin said: "Brother Fan, I think we made a mistake, maybe Qinger is not suitable for kendo, you have time to ask him."

"Well, let me ask him." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Entering the mansion, several maids stood together, eyes red and tears all over their faces.

"What's the matter?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Master." Several maids respectfully saluted and shouted, but they all looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

Zhuo Bufan asked, "Did Yun'er make trouble again?"

"Second Young Master pulled out all the fairy flowers we just planted, and set a fire..." said a maid.

"This mischief, he made trouble right after he came back, making the mansion restless!" Zhuo Bufan frowned.


Zhuo Yun ran down the corridor and heard Zhuo Bufan calling him. He glanced at Zhuo Bufan, made a grimace, and then turned around, facing Zhuo Bufan, puff...putting a stinky fart. Then continue to run forward.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he opened his palms with a suction, sucking Zhuo Yun back, and picked him up, "You made trouble as soon as you got home, and burned the fairy flowers they just planted?"

"Daddy, that flower is not beautiful. I burned it and planted a beautiful fairy flower again. My mother didn't like it either." Zhuo Yun looked at Zhuo Bufan pitifully.

"Have you learned how to use your mother as a shield?"

Zhuo Bufan's anger was mostly gone, and he slapped his **** twice, making the little guy cry in pain. No one in the family can control this little devil, but he is afraid of Zhuo Bufan.

"I'm going to tell my grandparents..." Zhuo Yun cried and said.

"Punish you to go to the quiet room to practice for a day." Zhuo Bufan threw him into the quiet room, sealed the square, and couldn't get out.

Then, Zhuo Bufan walked to Zhuo Qing's room, squeaked, and opened the door. Zhuo Qing was sitting on a chair, carving a wooden sculpture with a knife.

"Father." Zhuo Qing saw Zhuo Bufan come in, put down the knife, and shouted.

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