
"Big brother, the chaotic aura here feels that it is oppressing my body, and even lifting my arm is more difficult than before." Zi Tian frowned and said.

"This can play a role of sharpening. Your deity is the Burning Purple Python, and also an ancient alien. Sharpening your flesh in the chaos is also helpful to you." Zhuo Bufan said.

Zi Tian nodded, and hesitated: "Brother, I want to practice separately from you!"

"Separate practice?" Zhuo Bufan frowned, looking at him doubtfully.

Zitian said: "Big Brother, I know that you are very strong. It may be safer for me to practice with you, but if I keep hiding under your protection, I don’t think I can become strong. Practice, after all. Own business."

Although Zhuo Bufan was worried about Zitian's safety, he knew that what Zitian said was the truth of cultivation, and nodded, "Well then, we will grind separately, but we need to be careful about everything. There are many dangers in the chaos world."

"I see, brother." Zi Tian nodded.

Zhuo Bufan flipped his palm, and an extra jade slip appeared in his palm, "This is the jade slip given to me by the leader Jiang Cheng. It contains some information about the chaos world. I printed a copy, and this is for you, and Within the Chaos Realm, it may not be possible to contact."

Zitian took the jade slips and collected them solemnly, "Brother, you also have to be careful."

"Okay, let's go to the Chaos Realm for our two brothers, hoping to gain something." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

The two did not delay, each turned into a streamer, and rushed into the chaos realm in the east and west directions respectively. Once entering the chaos realm, Zhuo Bufan felt as if he was trapped in the mud, obstructed and restricted everywhere.

"It's such a heavy chaotic aura. If the physical body isn't strong enough, this chaotic aura alone is enough to crush the flesh into a meatloaf." Zhuo Bufan exclaimed in his heart. Those who dared to break into the chaos realm are the tyrannical existences in the Taiyi universe. .

Zhuo Bufan flew cautiously in the vast chaos. The Ice Emperor Rain Sword was hidden in the void. If he was in danger, he could immediately counterattack. And this kind of flight lasted for half a month, and the chaotic fog became more and more dignified and oppressive. The sense is getting stronger.

According to the jade slip introduced by Jiang Cheng, there are many chaotic beasts hidden in the chaos. These chaotic beasts were born in the chaos, and all of them are extremely powerful. In their bodies, there are'chaotic essences', which are chaos. The power in the body can increase the strength of the physical body.

Moreover, the chaotic beasts also used this chaotic world as a hunting ground, deducing the weak and the strong to the fullest, and many powerful beasts gave birth to wit and very cunning.

There are also many practitioners who have entered the chaos to hunt for treasure, and the chaotic beasts also regard cultivation as their food.

"You have to be careful in everything." Zhuo Bufan flew slowly, seeing many rocks appearing in front of him, floating in the chaos, only to find that they were tens of thousands of miles-sized meteorites floating in this area.

Zhuo Bufan chose a meteorite to land, and his mind swept away, but no life form was found. There were only a few stone mountains on the meteorite, but no plants existed.

"go with!"

With a wave of his palm, a silver circle flew out from his wrist, transformed into a flying sword, and dodged one of the mountain peaks.

"Even the rock is so hard?" Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

Feijian went around in a circle and only cut through the hole about Mozhangxu. You must know that with his current strength, a sword flew out, even if he didn't use his original strength, he could easily destroy a mountain range. Unexpectedly these meteorites were so strong.

After a few breaths, Feijian cut out a cave on the mountain wall, then carved out a stone table, a stone chair, and a stone bed in the cave with stones. After a few simple arrangements, he placed five flying swords at the entrance of the cave. Five elements sword formation to prevent foreign enemies from invading.

Zhuo Bufan stayed here for the time being, because the chaotic aura here is very sufficient, especially suitable for sharpening the flesh, cross-legged in the cave, absorbing the chaotic aura from the world, guiding it into the body, and sharpening the flesh.

Since the ninth level of the Chaos Demon God’s inheritance, Zhuo Bufan’s physical body has been comparable to the top-level reincarnation magic weapon. In the Taiyi universe, the physical strength can also be in the forefront, but without the follow-up practice, he can only use the most primitive method. The stupid way of using treasures to temper the flesh.

Chaos breath also has the same effect, but the tempering effect is not as obvious as the treasure.

After staying temporarily, Zhuo Bufan opened the jade slip that Jiang Cheng gave him and began to examine it in detail. It was impossible to determine space and time in the chaos. Zhuo Bufan could only condense a lake in his body and drip water droplets to determine time.

Killing in the chaotic world is also extremely common. The chaotic beasts fight fiercely, not to mention that a practitioner like him who enters the chaotic world from the Taiyi universe will be hunted down once he encounters the chaotic beast.

According to the news that Jiang Cheng received, although the Chaos Realm is vast and boundless, there are four heavenly kings in the Chaos Realm, and they dominate the four directions. Each of them has an extremely powerful body and power. Even Jiang Cheng dare not provoke those guys. .

"The four heavenly kings? Even more powerful than Jiang Chen's physical body, it is estimated that they have reached the point of physical sanctification... Maybe not only sanctification, but also a divine body!" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Once Ancestral Demon Emperor Hao told him that if he cultivates a divine body, he can become an emperor in flesh. These chaotic beasts are born from chaos, one is stronger than the other, and they fight and swallow each other. It is not impossible to give birth to four powerful men whose flesh is comparable to the emperor.

"Fortunately, these guys cannot enter the'Taiyi Universe.' Otherwise, four powerful men with physical bodies comparable to the emperor will enter, which will be enough to trample the Taiyi Universe and enslave all practitioners.

Day after day, Zhuo Bufan sharpened his body with the aura of chaos, and practiced his marksmanship in close combat. He did not use the'Power of the Dao'. This is his trump card in the Chaos Realm, and this time it was to sharpen the body, so there is no need to use the'Power of the Dao'. force'.

Ten years later, to the practitioner, it was like a sleep.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes in the cave, and he sensed an aura appearing nearby. He had entered the chaos realm for ten years. He hadn't encountered a fierce beast in the chaos yet, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Outside the meteorite, a winged beast with a body length of about thousands of meters and brown smooth feathers soars in the chaotic fog. Its wings are spread out, cutting the chaotic fog, leaving two long traces of gray.

"The breath of a cultivator, it’s been a long time since I have eaten a cultivator. This taste is really delicious!" The alien beast’s eyes were metallic copper yellow, cold as a knife, and suddenly opened its sharp beak, making ultrasonic waves, visible to the naked eye. , The chaotic fog rolls, and circles of sound waves, just like the substance, spread out.

At the same time, it also swept Zhuo Bufan's temporary residence meteorite, shaking the rock to pieces, and the smaller stones were directly turned into dust.

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