
"I can't hold it anymore!" Ding Hua said loudly with a solemn expression.

"Hold on for two more breathing times, we are already very close to the formation." Master Wu continued to throw out the talisman, turning into ice thorns, thunder fire, earth dragons, and all to greet the beasts behind, blocking them.

Seven thousand miles!

Six thousand miles!

Three thousand miles!

It takes almost two or three breaths to rush into the meteorite formation and then teleport away.

But at this moment, the faces of Master Wu and An Lan suddenly turned pale, because dozens of fierce beasts flew out behind the meteorite in front, and they were caught in a double-team.

"What's the matter, is it that our formation has been discovered by these fierce beasts long ago, and they are waiting for us to throw ourselves into the trap?" Master Wu said in shock.


At this moment, Ding Hua's golden shield suddenly disintegrated, turning into sword lights, and shooting away at An Lan.

"Why..." Seeing this, An Lan's pupils shrank suddenly, vines entwined on his body, trying to block the golden sword light, but the distance between the two was too close, and Ding Hua suddenly attacked.

Only a small part of the golden sword light was blocked, and the rest of the sword light still blasted all over An Lan's body. A mouthful of blood spurted from An Lan's mouth, his cheeks were pale, and his breath instantly wilted.

Those vines that lay in the void seemed to have lost energy, and instantly withered and dissipated.

After Ding Hua finished all this, he quickly flew towards the fierce beast, with a strange arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, stupid guy, I want to steal Hun Yuanli, I don't want to die with you!"

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, An Lan, and Master Wu all understood that Ding Hua was a traitor. He had betrayed them a long time ago, and even betrayed the Taiyi Universe. He secretly cooperated with the beasts. I am afraid that those who were arrested would also cooperate with Ding Hua. Can't get rid of the relationship.

"Traitor!" Master Wu snorted coldly, but was not too angry. The most important thing now is to find a way to get out.

"Take the heart source pill." Zhuo Bufan immediately shouted, and immediately drew out his spear, sweeping across the back, the spear flashed past, and swept away a few fierce beasts.

An Lan opened his mouth and took out the Heart Source Pill and swallowed it. The power in the Heart Source Pill was integrated into his body, and his injuries were repaired instantly, and his pale cheeks became more rosy.

"Brother Qin Tong, Senior Master Wu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Ding Hua to be a traitor. I blamed all this." An Lan blamed himself very much.

"Huh, what's the use of these now? We must find a way to break out. There are more and more fierce beasts, and we will be captured alive sooner or later!" Master Wu said.

There were tigers behind the wolves, and the three of them were trapped in the middle, and there were a steady stream of fierce beasts chasing them, and there was almost no light and vitality in sight.

"Hmph! Ding Hua, didn't you say that the kid with the gun is not very powerful? I was almost stabbed to death by him?" Langtu frowned, resentfully said.

Ding Hua smiled and said: "Brother Mantis, I don't know that he has hidden his strength. The actual strength is so strong, but no matter how strong it is, they will not be able to escape today."

"The stronger the strength, the better. This can quickly help me extract the'Hunyuan Li', and I will also be rewarded by Lord Xingtian." The hole in the chest of Mantu has now completely healed, and he sneered.

"Don't forget my benefits then." Ding Hua said.

Mantu snorted coldly, "We all say that our fierce beasts are cruel, but at least we will not be as shameless and insidious as your practitioners. Even our own kind will be framed."

Ding Hua's face twitched when he heard the words, but his expression remained calm.

"Don't worry, your benefits are indispensable. I also need you to help me catch practitioners to refine Hun Yuan Li." Lang Tuyou said with a smile, after all, it is beneficial to cooperate with Ding Hua.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's trio had been surrounded by fierce beasts.

"Practitioners, dare to steal Hun Yuanli, **** it!"

"Catch it with nothing, we don't have to kill you."

Some fierce beasts with higher intelligence spoke out to persuade them to surrender. Although they can't speak humanly, they can know what the other party is saying when their spirit fluctuates.

"Want to let us be caught by your hands and become those practitioners who are imprisoned by you, refine Hunyuan Glass in the Hunyuan Vortex, wait until the foundation of practice is completely destroyed, and then lose the value of use, and then be killed?" Zhuo Bufan squeezed tightly. Qiankun's spear burst into light.

An Lan and Master Wu stood together back to back, their eyes and expressions were extremely solemn, and their hearts were dead ashes. I'm afraid I can't escape today.

"An Lan, Master Wu, you are responsible for protecting yourself, and I will blaze a trail." Zhuo Bufan spoke to the two of them.

An Lan and Master Wu were both stunned, blazing a trail?

Especially Master Wu, his eyes are full of disdain, you think these are ordinary beasts, these are chaotic beasts, all of them have extraordinary combat power and thick skin, and this is the base camp of beasts, wanting to kill a **** way. How difficult.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about revealing his hole cards. If he couldn't kill, he might die here.

The dragon scales grow on his arm, and his body is surging with surging chaotic power, holding a long spear, facing a four-hooved beast that is trampling on the void.

The light flashed, the tip of the gun burst into gray thunder, and it pierced the brutal beast's head with a chuckle, shattering the head, and was instantly killed.

The other fierce beasts were horrified.

The eyes of Master Wu, An Lan, and Ding Hua were shocked. It turned out that Zhuo Bufan was still hiding himself before. This was his true strength. He actually killed a fierce beast with a single shot.

"An Lan, you and I try to protect ourselves, don't let him get distracted, and use your vine to block other beasts." Master Wu said immediately.

"Good." An Lan nodded vigorously.

Now the three can only work together to get a chance.


In the area of ​​the Chaos Vortex, in a mountain 100,000 miles away, there is a giant beast that is more than ten thousand meters in size. It is sleeping. It has three heads, shaped like a wolf's head. The wolf's head in the middle is two times larger and the neck is long. Downy like steel thorns.

Suddenly, in front of this giant beast, a bright white light appeared, and then a figure of Xu Xu appeared. The elephant head is like jade, and the long trunk has circles of white patterns. The body is restrained, but it is bigger than this one. The beast is still terrifying.

This behemoth suddenly opened six eyes and saw the figure in front of him. There was a hint of fear and awe in the eyes, and respectfully said: "Puxiang, you... how come you come to me."

"I'm just investigating it everywhere. You have eaten so much Hunyuan Li. If you practice hard, you can also help me in the'Yuanguo Conference'." Puxiang Tianwang said coldly.

"I, I'm born like this, I have to sleep most of the time, and I don't want to live up to the trust of the King Puxiang." Wanzhang Giant Beast said with some fear.

This behemoth is naturally the Xingtian general who is in charge of this chaotic vortex.

Puxiang Heavenly King looked at the distance, "I sensed the breath of several practitioners. There are thirty-two generals under my hand. You are the weakest. Even practitioners dare to come here to steal Hunyuanli."

"Puxiang Heavenly King, that is my subordinate Beast Mantis Tu and a cultivator who deceived the other three cultivators. They will be arrested immediately and let them help us refine Hun Yuanli." General Xing Tian said quickly.

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