
Another important thing for Zhuo Bufan was to kill General'Ge Dao'. This General Ge Dao once swallowed two cultivators in front of him. Zhuo Bufan has never forgotten this account.

Divine Sense spreads in a range of four hundred miles, and other chaotic beasts can sense a range of up to two hundred miles. Zhuo Bufan is like a ghost in the thick fog.

A thousand miles away, two chaotic beasts are flying slowly.

"Brother Ge Dao, do you think we can get the Shen Yuan Fruit this time?" General Ling Xi asked.

In the Yuanguo Conference, there are also close-knit teams forming a team that can take care of each other. The relationship between General Lingxi and General Ge Dao is very good. The two are fierce beasts born in the same area and have known each other for many years.

Ge Dao said: "What do you think is the God Yuanguo, at least one or two per Yuanguo meeting, but as many as seven or eight. If you want to get one, you need a chance. If you can get one, the Puxiang Heavenly King must be heavy. There are rewards."

The two of them didn't know yet, the direction they were flying was the area where Zhuo Bufan was.

Eight hundred miles!

Five hundred miles!

Four hundred miles!

Among the two, General Ge Dao's divine consciousness can reach two hundred li, while General Lingxi only has more than one hundred li. The two of them flew unhurriedly, and suddenly the thick mist in front of them broke through a passage.

Both of them were a little surprised, and then suddenly their pupils shrank, and eight flying swords, like fog and electricity, suddenly shot towards them.

The speed is too fast, and it contains a strong murderous intent.

"Block!" General Ge Dao roared, his right arm swelled to ten feet in thickness, and he slammed forward.

The general Lingxi had both palms and ten fingers, and the sharp claws ejected from the sheath, tearing through the chaotic fog, forming a gang wind trying to block the flying sword.


The three flying swords easily penetrated the giant palm of General Ge Dao, and three holes appeared in the palm, and black blood continued to drip down. After the flying sword penetrated the palm, it flew out a hundred meters away, and then turned to fly towards General Ge Dao .

There were a total of eight flying swords, and three flew towards General Ge Dao. Each flying sword was extremely sharp and carried thunder and fire. The remaining five flying swords flew towards General Lingxi with all their strength.

"What? A total of eight flying swords, of which three are flying swords to attack Ge Dao, and five flying swords to kill me?" General Lingxi's pupils contracted, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Ming Ming Ge Dao is much stronger than him, and five flying swords attacked him, indicating that the other party was really going to kill him.

In the Yuanguo conference, the four heavenly kings each sent 30 generals to participate in the competition, but these chaotic beasts are not stupid. Fighting, at most, seriously hurting the opponent, desperately trying to kill the opponent is extremely rare.

Only a fool would work hard for the four heavenly kings' divine essence fruit, and if there was no chance to compete, he would give up on his own initiative.

Now that the two of them had just entered this area and had not seen the shadow of Shen Yuan Guo, how could they suddenly be attacked.

Five flying swords cooperate with each other. One of them is the Ice Emperor Rain Sword. The whole body glows with ice blue light, and the surrounding void is condensed with a number of clear ice flowers, which are bitterly cold and affect the void.

A layer of ice crystals also condensed on the general Lingxi’s skin, and the cold penetrated into the bone marrow, making the movements of his palms much slower. He tried to wave his claws to resist the sword qi, but the speed was a bit slow, and the sword qi was too fast. Soon there were bloodstained wounds on the skin.

"Damn it, who is it that attacked us!" General Lingxi was shocked and angry.

"Anyone among Chaos Fierce Beasts who can use these despicable sword formations is definitely a practitioner, and the only practitioner who enters here is the'Dark Spear'." General Ge Dao said angrily, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent.

He hadn't gone to trouble with that practitioner, but the other party dared to attack and kill him.

"It's the ‘gun of darkness’ guy, I’ve said it a long time ago, people who are not my race must have different hearts. I don’t know what Puxiang Heavenly King thinks, so he arranged for a practitioner to come in." Lingxi gritted his teeth, full of anger.

However, the killing power of the flying sword made Lingxi resist extremely painful. In the past few years, Zhuo Bufan has perfected his sword skills again. In terms of killing, his power has also increased by about 30%. Three flying swords contain the sword, and five Feijian tried to kill Lingxi first.

"Dark Gun, don't hide sneakily, just come if you want to kill me Ge Dao!" General Ge Dao shouted angrily, his voice showing the sound waves visible to the naked eye continued to spread out.

The "sensation" of the two people was only two hundred miles away. Zhuo Bufan stood outside the four hundred miles range, quietly "watching" neither of them made a sound.

Because there is an iron rule in the Yuanguo Conference, it is strictly forbidden to kill each other in the same camp. No matter what grievances, you are not allowed to do it in the Yuanguo Conference, because killing in the same camp will only reduce the strength of your side, which is not good for fighting for the gods. This is something that the Four Heavenly Kings absolutely forbid.

Zhuo Bufan didn't show up. If Feijian could kill two people, he would not leave evidence. Once he showed up, he would definitely reveal his identity.

Now Ge Dao and Lingxi are only guessing at him, but Yin Shuo is very strange. Maybe it was Yin Shuo's accident that killed the two of them, and there would be no evidence.

"Brother Ge Dao, I can't hold it anymore, help me!" General Lingxi asked Ge Dao for help.

Five flying swords are combined into an exquisite sword formation, which contains the five elements of ‘golden, wood, water, fire, and earth’. Unless the law is broken with force, the sword formation cannot be broken by the means of chaotic beasts.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Ge Dao held a generous throwing knife in his hand, without any complicated patterns, thick and heavy, chopped around, shaking the flying sword upside down.

This sword is a peerless weapon bred in the chaos, which is comparable to the top reincarnation magic weapon, and can exert great power in the chaos world.

"The gun of darkness, don't be like a mouse hiding in a stinking ditch, just show up if you have it!" Ge Dao split the three flying swords that besieged him, flew to the general Lingxi to help him resist the flying sword.

Four hundred miles away, Zhuo Bufan'watched' this scene, frowning slightly.

After all, these two are the top generals in the chaos world, their strength is extraordinary, it is almost impossible to kill the two with flying swords remotely.

Anyway, Zhuo Bufan was about to kill two people, and Zhuo Bufan didn’t care about the consequences. The sooner you can solve these two guys, the better, and the later will change. With this thought, Zhuo Bufan held the Qiankun spear, and the speed suddenly increased under the burst of vitality, turning into a thunderous attack. Kill the Lingxi general.

Among the two, the Lingxi general was slightly weaker, and killed him first, then beheaded Ge Dao.

"Head-shrunk tortoise, finally willing to show up!" Ge Dao saw a thunderous figure flicking out, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Chaotic Qinglian!"

Zhuo Bufan's first goal was General Lingxi. He stabbed a spear in his hand, bursting out with super power, shaking the void ripplingly.

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