Chapter 3636 Nine Deaths

"There is still time for a stick of incense before the barrier opens!"

Zhuo Bufan stood up and held the last sacred fruit in his hand. If the sacred fruit is swallowed now, after the flesh is sanctified, it will trigger the boundary of Yin Shuo's attack, and he will be attacked by Yin Shuo.

Only before the flesh is sanctified can one try to break through the'Silver Vortex'.


Zhuo Bufan left the place and flew towards the Silver Shuttle, and finally stayed near the Silver Shuttle. There was a silver vortex in front of him, continuously absorbing the power of chaos and supplying the power needed by the Silver Shuttle spacecraft.

It's just that the strength of the swallowing has been weakened a lot. Obviously, the silver shuttle will soon stop absorbing. At this time, the power in the silver vortex is also the weakest moment in a month. This is Zhuo Bufan's experience after previous observations. .

Raising his arm, eight flying swords flew in, forming a sword formation to wrap his body, and without hesitation, he flew directly to the silver vortex.

The fire sword array is formed, densely packed, and billions of swords are like weaving a net.

Dark red dragon scales appeared on Zhuo Bufan's arm skin, cheeks, and neck, breaking into the silver vortex, Zhuo Bufan didn't have full confidence in his heart, and he had to do his best.

This silver shuttle is so magical and dangerous. Even the Four Heavenly Kings' joint efforts to explore the silver shuttle have been attacked, and there is even a danger of falling.

When his body was close to the silver vortex, he was attacked by countless thunder snakes, protected by the fire sword formation, but these thunder snakes did not pose too much threat.

The body merged into the silver vortex, just before the real test began. There was a peculiar power in the silver vortex, forming a sense of oppression, constantly squeezing the sword formation, and the surrounding area was filled with thunder, sweeping over like a tide.

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows furrowed, Xinhuo Sword Formation is now his strongest sword formation, best at defending, and within this month, Zhuo Bufan has also divided a ray of divine consciousness in the body world to ponder and ponder at all times.

The Fire Sword Formation is more than 60% stronger than before entering the Chaos Realm, and it can easily block the Holy One's full attack for three breathing times.

But as he entered the silver vortex, Zhuo Bufan realized that he was wrong. There was a powerful formation inside the silver vortex, and he would only be excited when he felt an intrusion of outsiders.


Zhuo Bufan's Yuanli vented out and poured eight flying swords into it, which narrowed the range of the sword formation. Now only about a few meters in size is left. When the sword formation is reduced, the defense of the sword formation will also increase.

Within the silver vortex, a violent thunder appeared, constantly bombarding the sword formation, and every thunder bombardment was equivalent to a blow from a saint. Even if the flesh became holy and wanted to pass through the silver vortex, it would be a life of nine deaths.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know how long the silver vortex channel is. Only the misty gray fog can be seen in front of him, and the end of success cannot be seen. Perhaps this is the most tormenting thing.

The Fire Sword Formation had already inherited the thunder of about a hundred saints' blows, and finally broke completely, and the rest of the thunder was poured into Zhuo Bufan's flesh.

The unspeakable pain, even though Zhuo Bufan's spiritual consciousness was extremely powerful, he almost lost consciousness and fainted.

Zhuo Bufan gritted his steel teeth, and he knew very well that once his consciousness fell and he couldn't control his physical body, his physical body would be destroyed. With his fists clenched, blue veins on the surface of his skin burst out, stimulating his physical strength with all his strength.

But even so, resisting the thunder with a physical body would undoubtedly hit the stone with the pebbles, the skin exploded, wounds appeared, and blood flowed out.

After a few breaths after the sword formation broke open, Zhuo Bufan's whole body was covered with wounds, his appearance was extremely embarrassed, and even in some places, the flesh and blood were wiped out, and the white bones like colored glaze could be seen and exposed.

If you persist, your body will be completely disarmed.

Zhuo Bufan gritted his steel teeth, desperately holding on to the last line of defense, his consciousness could not fall, and he took out a bi-colored fruit from the space ring. This is the'heart source pill' given to him by An Lan, the tree clan's holy medicine for healing. Humiliate physical injuries and replenish vitality.

Open your mouth and swallow the heart source pill in one bite.

The heart source pill is transformed into pure life energy, which penetrates into the skin cells and repairs the wounds of the body, just like a dying vine and wood, after being watered by the rain, it is rejuvenated with vitality.

Zhuo Bufan tried his best to control the flying sword again and protect his body. Although there was no vitality to continue to condense the fire sword formation, the eight flying swords cooperated with each other and could still block the next percent of the damage.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan rushed into the silver vortex in just seven breaths, but to Zhuo Bufan, it seemed that a long century had passed, not to mention the inability to see the end, and everyone was full of fear for the unknown.

"Qing'er, Yun'er, Cai Cai, they are still waiting for me at home, I can't die in Chaos Realm!" Zhuo Bufan bit his steel teeth and stimulated his body's full potential, carrying the thunder in the silver vortex.

Even though bones were exposed in one-third of the physical body, and the thunder went deep into the bone marrow, bringing piercing pain, Zhuo Bufan's eyes remained clear.

Finally, when Zhuo Bufan's oil ran out, some blurry pictures appeared in front of him, his body seemed to pass through a water curtain, the surrounding chaotic thunder disappeared, and Zhuo Bufan fell heavily to the ground.

The body was like a puddle of mud, lying on the cold ground, without a trace of strength, it was extremely difficult to even lift a finger, and his consciousness fell into chaos, and he fell asleep deeply.

Just after he fell asleep, a hoofed beast the size of a hunk and full of thunder appeared beside him, a pair of golden eyes looked at the foreign intruder, and then looked at the flying sword beside him, slightly taken aback. .


Yin Shuo stopped swallowing the power of Chaos, hundreds of silver vortex channels were all closed at this moment, and the enchantment covering tens of thousands of miles in the square disappeared.

Originally, there were a total of one hundred and two Chaos Ferocious Beast generals who entered the Yuanguo Conference. Now only twenty Chaos Ferocious Beast generals remain. These twenty Chaos Ferocious Beast generals still have lingering fears. Almost, they also died in Zhuo Bufan. Hands.

As soon as the world opened, these chaotic beasts immediately flew outside.

Before the opening of the barrier, the Four Heavenly Kings had already appeared, Lin Lixuan, looking around, even though he had prepared in his heart, he still couldn't restrain the anger in his heart when he saw that there were only twenty chaotic beast generals left.

Under Puxiang Tianwang, there were only four surviving chaotic generals, among them was Xingtian general. This guy was lucky and was not discovered by Zhuo Bufan.

"What happened?" Puxiang Tianwang's face was very ugly.

Facing the coercion of King Puxiang, the four chaotic beast generals trembled. General Xingtian said: "Master Puxiang, is the spear of darkness... He killed a hundred chaos generals in the enchantment. , All are his murderous hands."

Hearing Xing Tian’s answer, Puxiang Tianwang’s eyes were filled with anger, his palms clenched, he did not expect that he was really that practitioner... But Zhuo Bufan’s strength should not be so strong, the only reason is that he swallowed the gods. fruit.

The other three heavenly kings also received replies from their subordinates, all of them looked ugly. In this Yuanguo conference, not only a large number of Chaos Beast Generals died, but also the Shen Yuanguo did not get a single one.

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