Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 540: Zhuo Shao's anger

The 541st chapter Zhuo Shao's anger

It's eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhuo Bufan just finished his practice, opened his eyes and moved his muscles and bones a bit. He hasn't reached the realm of fasting without eating or drinking, and he still feels a little hungry on his belly.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

It was a call from Zhang Xiaoyu. You should know that Zhang Xiaoyu had a festival with him, and generally would not call him.


"Zhuo Bufan, Tong Tong is missing."

Hearing Zhang Xiaoyu's eager voice, Zhuo Bufan exuded an icy chill, almost freezing the air.

Arriving at the entrance of the Conservatory, Zhang Xiaoyu and Ye Yuze stood at the entrance of the school with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Master Zhuo."

When Ye Yuze saw Zhuo Bufan and thought of what Ye Bing had said, his attitude suddenly became respectful.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have the time to pay attention to him, frowning and said: "Why is Tong Tong missing?"

"She just took a shower in the dormitory, and she said she would take the courier and then she disappeared." Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes were red anxiously. Recently, it was reported that many female students were killed in the news. She was afraid that Zhang Xiaoyu would also encounter a pervert.

"No wonder." Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist.

The artifact he gave to Zhang Tongtong is generally no one can take her away, and she must have taken off the bracelet when she took a bath.

The whole Furong City is big or small. To find someone is like going to the sky, even if he releases all his spiritual knowledge, it will take a certain amount of time to search the entire Furongcheng. Maybe by then Zhang Tongtong has already been killed. Up.

At this moment, a red Audi A4 stopped in front of the school, and a woman wearing sunglasses and mask got out of the car.

Zhang Xiaoyu and Ye Yuze were taken aback for a moment, "Sister Ning, why are you here?"

"Mr. Zhuo." Ning Zizhu looked at Zhuo Bufan and said hesitatingly: "I may know where Tong Tong is. Get in the car."

The three of them got in the car, Ning Zizhu told the cause and effect, with a weak expression on his face, "I don't want to see Tong Tong ruined."

Zhuo Bufan frowned and glanced at Ning Zizhu. This woman was definitely not as simple as he thought.

"Birds." Ye Yuze screamed with his fists. Although he is dull and likes to pick up girls, he has never used this kind of indiscriminate means.

Zhang Xiaoyu gritted her silver teeth, "I really didn't expect Han Jun to be such a person, fortunately there are so many fans who like him."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say a word, he had already acted murderously.

Soon the car stopped at a five-star ocean hotel, Ning Zizhu did not dare to go up, staying in the car and waiting.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and others rushing into the hotel, Ning Zizhu took out his mobile phone and made a call. "Young Master Jiang, the things you ordered have already been done, but Han Jun may have suffered a lot this time."

Two stern-looking bodyguards stood at the entrance of a presidential suite on the seventeenth floor. In the room, Han Jun looked at Zhang Tongtong who was lying on the bed in a coma, with a greedy look at the corners of his mouth.

"Zhuo Bufan, you rely on Miss Mo's family to support you and cause me to be hid in the snow. I will compensate me with your **** sister." Han Jun licked his lips to reveal a greedy look.

Suddenly there was a stir at the door.

"What are you doing, hurry up."

The two bodyguards standing at the door saw three young men coming up, and they stopped shouting.

Zhuo Bufan didn't talk nonsense at all, a wind blade directly wiped the necks of the two of them, and the two bodyguards died on the spot. Zhang Xiaoyu and Ye Yuze looked at them with horror.

Ye Yuze hurriedly called his cousin, killing someone was a big deal for them, and if it made a big mess, it would be finished.

Zhuo Bufan kicked the door of the room and walked into the bedroom. He happened to see Zhang Tongtong closing his eyes and showing long feather eyelashes, lying quietly on a white bed, Han Jun wrapped in a towel and bare feet. Stepping on the wooden floor, staring at Zhuo Bufan with wide eyes.

He never dreamed that Zhuo Bufan would come here, if this incident broke out, he would definitely not be able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in the future.

"Why are you here?" Han Jun's pupils widened and he couldn't say anything.

Zhuo Bufan kicked his belly violently, Han Jun suddenly rolled back like a gourd, and fell on the ground holding his belly, his painful forehead sweating and his face pale.

"Tong Tong." Zhang Xiaoyu hurried to the bed and looked at Zhang Tongtong, with big tears dripping from his eyes.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at his divine consciousness, Zhang Tongtong was only hit by Mixiang, and fell asleep temporarily, his body was fine.

"Beast, you kidnapped my sister." Zhang Xiaoyu shouted loudly.

Zhuo Bufan walked over and stepped on Han Jun's knee without saying a word. With a click, the bone broke on the spot, and Han Jun made a sound comparable to killing a pig. Zhuo Bufan waved his hand casually, and an infuriating air enveloped the entire room, and people outside couldn't hear the sound inside.

"You... don't kill me..." Han Jun's pupils were slow with fear.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's eyes, he seemed to have seen a death god, and a huge icy chill flooded him like a tide. He suddenly regretted the kidnapping of Zhang Tongtong with Jiang Yanfei.

"Sorry, I was wrong...I can compensate you for whatever you want." Han Jun begged.

Zhuo Bufan's expression was cold, and he stepped on Han Jun's other foot again, and the bone broke again. Han Jun's painful eyes rolled white and he almost fainted.

"Want to die? It's not that easy." Zhuo Bufan burst into his body with aura.

From the time of Jinzhou, Zhuo Bufan regarded Zhang Tongtong, a simple girl, as his own sister. There were people who wanted to **** her. Zhuo Bufan would never let this kind of person go.

Ye Yuze heard the sound of broken bones and Han Jun's screams, goose bumps appeared all over his body, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Fortunately, he didn't offend Zhuo Bufan, otherwise, I'm afraid that's the end.

With one foot after another, Zhuo Bufan crushed all the bones of Han Jun's legs and hands, but Han Jun was able to maintain consciousness all the time without fainting.

Despite this, Han Jun couldn't bear the huge pain in his brain, his pupils became a little dizzy, and he would die if he continued like this.

"Young Master Zhuo, he's going to fall." Ye Yuze bit his scalp and said, "Han Jun is the second youngest of the Han family, Han Xifeng's younger brother, if you kill him, the Han family will never give up."

When Han Jun did this kind of thing, Zhuo Bufan beat him up. It was fine for the people of the Han family to suffer behind closed doors, but to destroy him would anger the Han family.

"Oh? How about stepping out of the Han family?" Zhuo Bufan snorted coldly, and several knives and wind blades swept across Han Jun's body. In an instant, Han Jun had more than a dozen bone wounds on his body, and blood kept flowing out, consciousness It began to become vague and weak.

Ye Yuze swallowed his saliva, and suddenly thought of his cousin's words, Zhuo Bufan was a person who had stepped on the Bai family, how could he care about a Han family.

Zhuo Bufan said nothing, picked up Zhang Tongtong and left the hotel. Ye Bing, who came from behind, immediately dealt with this matter. After all, three people had fallen, and the others were the second young masters of the Han family.

Leaving the hotel, Ning Zizhu saw them coming out, got out of the car and said, "How's it going?"

"They're all dead." Ye Yuze's face was pale, and he suddenly began to vomit when he bent over. He had never seen a murder before, and the death was so miserable.

Ning Zizhu was stunned. She expected that Han Jun would be beaten at most, even if it was crippled as expected, but she did not expect Zhuo Bufan to kill Han Jun.

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