Chapter 556: Great Pressure

With one sword, Mo Chuyang was defeated!

Although Mo Chuyang was not good at using swordsmanship, and his body was injured, he no longer had the power of a master, but his defeat in the hands of others showed the power of the Sangguo swordsman who had crossed the sea.

"Beichen's sword flow is really powerful." Mo Chuyang's mouth showed a hint of bitterness.

His strength was greatly reduced after being ill for three years, but others could defeat him with a single sword, indicating that the opponent was at least a swordsman at the master level, and even with his superb swordsmanship, the average master was not his opponent.

Mo Chuyang's strength was a little bit stronger than Jingzhou Liu Xuandao's strength, but in terms of the master's strength, it was far behind the two masters of the Bai family.

The martial artist who has truly stepped into the master is the real pursuit of martial arts. When Mo Chuyang enters the realm of the master, he will only use his true essence like a primitive man, but he has not created his own martial arts. He belongs to the last master. .

But the level is like this, the true essence condensed in the sword is real, one sword cut the sword and defeated Mo Chuyang. Broken Stream looked calm, without a trace of pride, as if he hadn't looked at Mo Chuyang from the beginning to the end.

"It's so disappointing. It turns out that Lan Guo's martial arts master has only this kind of strength." Shuo Shui Liu didn't even look at Mo Chuyang. With a twist of his wrist, the sword was inserted into the scabbard accurately.

The faces of the Jiang family and the Han family showed excitement. Now even Mo Chuyang can't stop the power of the sword, no matter how powerful that Zhuo Bufan is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the flow.

The two old-fashioned families in Huozhou, the Mo family and the Ye family, seem to have ill-fated, and they have become the end of the battle. It will soon become their Chinese food.

The Ye Mo family's faces were solemn, revealing a trace of sorrow, as if they had seen the decline of Jia's house in the Dream of Red Mansions. Are they going to be like that, no longer glorious, and heading for decline.

Mo Susu squeezed her white fist tightly and bit her silver teeth hard. His beautiful eyes were full of anger. The opponent not only suppressed their Mo family, but also humiliated Lan Guo's martial arts.

"I lost." Mo Chuyang's mouth raised a bit of bitterness, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old, sitting in a chair without saying a word.

Now all the hopes of the Mo Ye family have gathered on Zhuo Bufan. If Zhuo Bufan does not come, the Mo family and Ye family will really be over.

"Damn it." Ye Bing curled his lower lip, "When Mr. Zhuo comes back, I will definitely teach them."

The corner of Mui Ne's mouth evokes a charming arc, "Mr. Mo's martial arts is also good, but it's a pity that my senior's swordsmanship is higher."

Han Xifeng stood up and smiled coldly: "By the way, what about the guy surnamed Zhuo, could it be that he heard the wind and ran away long ago?"

"Han Xifeng, Mr. Zhuo will definitely come, don't be too early." Ye Bingliu frowned and snorted angrily.

"Really, come to die?" Han Xifeng laughed and said unscrupulously.

Ye Bing's pretty face blushed, but she couldn't speak, in fact she was also playing drums in her heart. The fact that Zhuo Bufan defeated the two grandmasters of the Bai family was spread, and no one had seen it personally, but Mo Chuyang was also a grandmaster, but was defeated by a sword. Can Zhuo Bufan really break the flow of water?

This is not only the doubt in Ye Bing's mind, but also the doubt in the hearts of the Mo family and the Ye family. If Zhuo Bufan really loses, their current rich second-generation status will become ordinary people. This is a reality that everyone cannot accept.

Jiang Yanfei had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, as if Zhizhu was holding it. No matter how powerful Zhuo Bufan is, can he defeat the water flow? Even the Grandmaster Mo Chuyang, who was overbearing Huozhou, was defeated by a single sword.

Jiang Taiping opened his eyes slightly and glanced at it, then continued to close his eyes to rest.

In just one minute, the thoughts in everyone's hearts changed drastically.

"Mr. Zhuo, why haven't you come yet?" Ye Yuze said anxiously.

"Is he afraid of running away long ago?" someone said.

"Shut up." Zhang Xiaoyu glared at a girl standing behind, "Zuo Bufan will never run away."

I don't know why, she always looked down on Zhuo Bufan before, but now she is full of self-confidence in Zhuo Bufan. At the beginning, he had resisted the king's house in Jinzhou, and he had never flinched, and now he will not flinch.

Although it was just an unintentional word, it had quietly planted seeds in everyone's hearts. Did Zhuo Bufan really escape? Otherwise, if you left Huozhou for three days, why didn't you come back?


Among the villas near the river.

An old man with long white hair in a Tang suit sat cross-legged in the courtyard, next to an eighteen-year-old girl with a lovely appearance.

The girl was wearing a white sweater with two ponytail whips, her pretty face with a faint melancholy, one palm on her face, her head tilted, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Master Wu, where did Brother Xiao Fan go? Why haven't you come back." The girl sighed slightly, it was Zhang Tongtong.

Master Wu closed his eyes. The Qi training tactics taught to him by Zhuo Bufan, the cultivator, constantly absorbed the aura around him. Hearing the girl's words, he said calmly: "Miss Tong, don't worry, Mr. Zhuo is the top power in the sky. Will be back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Wu suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the villa with a stern look on his face, "Miss Tong, stand behind me."

Zhang Tongtong's clear eyes showed a suspicious look. At this moment, several Audi A6Ls stopped at the door of the villa, and the door opened immediately, and a dozen guys dressed in black clothes and black trousers looked like bodyguards.

"That's her, Jiang Shao confessed to take her back." A leading man said.

When everyone walked into the villa, Master Wu coldly snorted: "You don't know it is a private residence, so dare to break in privately and find death!"

"Oh, a smelly old man is so fierce. Get out of me." A bodyguard walked over, and suddenly flew out with a distance of five or six meters from Master Wu, fell to the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth.

Master Wu was no longer the rookie who had just entered the Qi training period. Now, with extraordinary help, he has already entered the late Qi training period, and hopes to break through the foundation building period in the future.

"Everyone, be careful."

The leading bodyguard frowned and took out the weapon in his hand, and the others also took out the weapon one after another.

Everyone knows that the old man in front of him is a little strange, not an ordinary person.

"Little old man, it's none of your business, we will take care of the family and get out of the way quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"Really, it depends on the stuff in your hands."

Master Wu snorted coldly, his hands were sealed, and an invisible aura enveloped him and Zhang Tongtong. If something happened to Zhang Tongtong, Zhuo Bufan might cramp him.

"Live and die, shoot, kill him, and take people away."

The gunfire exploded for a while, but when the bullet was three feet away from Master Wu, it was blocked by an invisible gas shield and solidified in the air.

"What's going on?" A group of people stared with big eyes, showing horror.

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