Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 790: Defeated nine masters

Chapter 792 Defeated Nine Grand Masters

The audience was silent.

Uemura Gang Ning is a famous martial arts master and kendo master in Sakura City, even stronger than Uemura Gangsawa, but he was defeated when Zhuo Bufan raised his hand.

While everyone was shocked, there was more of incomparable anger. Almost everyone was red-eyed, staring at Zhuo Bufan with a powerful murderous aura.

"Do you dare to kill Juning Gang? Let's go together and destroy this demon."

Someone yelled, and instantly pulled those who were in shock back, and immediately the remaining nine kendo masters shot at the same time.

Knife mans swept across.

Clusters of sword flowers bloomed.

Fist is like a mountain, and a group of people actually attacked from various tricky angles at the same time. Everyone knows that if it is alone, even Miyamoto Jiro can't defeat Zhuo Bufan, so he chose to attack in groups.

For a while, murderous aura permeated and locked Zhuo Bufan, almost in a certain range, the air was crushed into powder by the murderous intent, forming a vacuum zone.

As for the ordinary people present at the banquet, they had never seen this kind of formation at all, and they all retreated quickly with fright.

Although these upper-class people have some contact with the martial arts world, they are only half-knowledgeable. Those who truly understand the power of martial arts, and even have seen high-powered fighters fight, are very rare.

Shi Jian was protecting Cocoa and Lu Xuanxuan, pulling them out of the battlefield.

"He will be fine, right?" Lu Xuanxuan's eyes widened and bright, looking at Zhuo Bufan in the center of the battlefield, her pretty face showing worry.

"My son is very good, don't worry." Shi Jian smiled slightly, and a confident smile appeared on his pretty face.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly, but two extremely sharp gazes shot out from the gap between those eyes, a silver light flickered behind him, and a dragon roar resounded through the sky.

A three-foot-changing silver sword was already held in Zhuo Bufan's palm, and the sword **** seemed to be vaguely moving by a silver dragon.

Zhuo Bufan was holding a silver sword. At this time, the long swords in the hands of the other nine Sang country warriors, Tai Sword and Steel Fist, were already close at hand, and the nine paths were almost solidified into a substantive murderous aura covering Zhuo Bufan.

"Sweep the world!"

Zhuo Bufan gave a soft drink and shook his wrist. The Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand pulled out a silver light of about six feet long in the air. The silver thread was thin and thin, as if it had condensed into a ray of light that appeared when the world first opened. But from above the silver thread, it exudes a vast and ancient aura of annihilation.

Wherever the silver thread passed, all the air was cut off, and the surrounding air flowed back from above the silver thread to pull out an air curtain like a barrier.

The nine martial arts masters of the Sang country all showed horror on their faces at the same time, and immediately condensed the chopped true essence in front of them to resist the power of the silver thread.

The silver thread swept across the nine masters of the Sang country, and the nine people flew upside down like fairies scattered flowers dozens of meters away and fell to the ground. Their skills were so strong that they were shaken with blood and blood, and suffered internal injuries. As for the weaker two But it was directly cut off by the silver thread, and blood flowed across the ground.

Defeated nine Sangguo martial arts masters with one sword!

"Zhu Bufan, if you stop now and apologize to the Watanabe family, I can still let you go, otherwise I will beat you here today." Jiro Miyamoto trembles and angers while holding the black autumn water.

When a word came out, the expressions of those grandmaster Sang who fell on the ground changed.

Zhuo Bufan defeated dozens of people in the Watanabe family. Even the heir of Watanabe Saki was defeated. Miyamoto Jiro also said this. Obviously, he was not sure to defeat his opponent, and he was even a little afraid of him.

"When you and I have reached this point, do you still have a way out? If you want to blame, blame you for not knowing good or bad, and dare to come and kill me."

Zhuo Bufan snorted coldly.

Miyamoto Jiro's face was gloomy, full of anger, but there was some regret in his heart.

Originally Zhuo Bufan came to seek revenge from Shi Yu, and it had nothing to do with Watanabe's family, but Miyamoto Jiro wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan, but he provoked a fiend.

But things have already reached the middle point, and there is no turning back.

"Everyone, wish me a helping hand and defeated this demon today." Jiro Miyamoto snorted softly, raising the black autumn water in his hand, and his figure flickered, rushing as fast as lightning.

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand, and the corner of his mouth evoked a faint arc. Half a month ago, he could defeat Miyamoto Jiro, not to mention that the Ice Emperor Rain Sword is going further.

Miyamoto Jiro holds the black autumn water, picks, stabs, cleaves, chops, crosses, wipes, and slashes. Various kendo skills are performed in his hands. The flowing water is extremely delicate, as if watching a gorgeous art performance. , But every one of his swords is full of shocking murderous aura, with the martial arts will to kill.

Miyamoto Jiro knew how powerful Zhuo Bufan's strength was, and he hardly had any reservations this time.

Countless black knife winds swept violently, the wine table and wine bottles were blown by the knife wind, and they were broken into two pieces.

Miyamoto Jiro walked with the sword, and the sword energy screamed out, almost forming a sword to protect him. The warriors who had been injured just now also climbed up, forcibly raised Zhenyuan and attacked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had no sorrow or joy on his face, holding the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand, the long sword pierced out, clusters of sword flowers flickered.

A group of people fought together, and the others had long lost the ability to think and looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

Yi Tianhuai and Yi Bo were even more disturbed. The two offended Zhuo Bufan just now. If Zhuo Bufan kills Miyamoto Jiro and others, will they come to trouble them?

"This guy must be killed." Yi Bo muttered to himself.

After fighting for a minute, the range of the fight became larger and larger, and everyone around them retreated to a hundred meters away. The entire banquet center was destroyed by the violent sword energy and the sword light.

However, the more they fought, the more they were frightened, because they couldn't occupy the upper peak at all, instead they had been pressed and beaten by Zhuo Bufan, and even felt that Zhuo Bufan hadn't used all his power.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand blocked Miyamoto Jiro's attack, and turned around with a sword to cut a kendo master who had attacked from behind in half.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time with them, he made his shots faster and more spicy. Except for Miyamoto Jiro who was qualified to fight him, the rest of the sword sects were just miscellaneous fish.

"the second."

"The third."

"the fourth."

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword is like a **** of death who harvests life, a silver light flashes, and a sword master has fallen.

In the end, Jiro Miyamoto was the only one left in the field.

Miyamoto Jiro looked at the dead Sword Sect, firmly pinched the hilt of the sword, and made a direct sound of bone crashing, his eyes had turned blood red.

"Zhuo Bufan, you forced me, you will die today." Jiro Miyamoto said, suddenly biting the tip of his tongue and spraying the blood on the black autumn water. The black autumn water made waves of clear screams, strands of black The mist rose slowly from above the blade.

"Huh." Zhuo Bufan stood holding the sword, also showing a trace of confusion, Miyamoto Jiro's true spirit was actually climbing rapidly.

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