Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 808: The Kings of the Qingyun List

The 809th chapter Qingyun list kings

Yu Ziruo, Zhang Yesheng, and Chen Yanghao rested in the ancient courtyard for one night, and the next day they saw Zhuo Bufan who had returned.

This is just a small village in Nara County. From here to the capital of Sakura at least three thousand miles back and forth, Zhuo Bufan defeated Yamamoto Yoichi after three thousand miles, and it is estimated that the three of them would be shocked if they knew it.

"You are finally back, can you compete now?" Yu Ziruoqing's cold and beautiful face is always like a snowy mountain that will last forever.

Chen Yanghao also raised his sword eyebrows, his gaze flashed, and his fighting spirit erupted.

Although Zhang Yesheng was mild-tempered and bookish, he still looked at him scorchingly.

The strongest king, who doesn't want to challenge him, if you defeat him, then you can reach the throne of the strongest king.

"The three of you are not my opponents, there is no need for this." Zhuo Bufan said with a calm expression with his hands on his back.

Ziruo Liu frowned, her pretty face filled with anger, the descendant of crescent eyebrows, and the girl of heaven, has never been so lightly insulted.

Chen Yanghao even squeezed his fist, the layer of true essence under his feet penetrated into the ground, the ground under his feet cracked like spider silk cracks, and his eyes were cracking.

Zhang Yesheng's face was tight, and the vitality aura surged in his body.

The three of them are the geniuses of the younger generation of Lan Guo, the direct disciples of the martial arts school, today they were actually insulted by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's current opponents are Sang Country's second-generation Sword Master, a super master of the Sword League, and a few young martial arts geniuses from Lan Country. He is indeed no longer in his eyes.

"Shadow Kill, are you scared and dare not compete with us?" Yu Ziruo scolded, and the long sword behind him suddenly flew out of the scabbard, floating in the air with a humming sound.

The long sword was about three feet three long, thin and sharp, emitting bursts of cold light.

Zhuo Bufan took a second look. It turned out to be a fifth-grade magic weapon. For Yu Lanxing, the fifth-grade magic weapon still exists like a treasure. It seems that these sects hidden in Lan Guo still have some background. .

Chen Yanghao's feet gradually had white infuriating energy condensed into a Tai Chi pattern.

Zhang Yesheng stretched out his palms slightly, holding two **** of Yin and Yang Zhenyuan, one black and the other white.

It seems that Zhuo Bufan won't be able to fight them anymore.

But at this moment, suddenly an abrupt voice rang, "Smelly lady, you chased me for three days and three nights, haven't you played enough?"

Yu Ziruo, Chen Yanghao, Zhang Yesheng and others looked outside one after another, only to see two figures fighting in the woods. As they fought closer and closer, various spells and spells were thrown out without money.

"I am a man, and you are not allowed to insult my master." Another clear drink sounded.

The two figures were fighting outside the ancient courtyard, and Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. Both of them were masters of spells, and at least had the strength of the foundation stage.

At this moment, two more figures came out.

"Brother Wu, these two played really well, who do you think will win?"

"I think it should be Brother Lu. After all, he was crushing Kuang Diao on this road."

The two who spoke were wearing martial arts uniforms, while the other wore more fairy-like appearances, both in their early twenties, of moderate build and handsome appearance.

"Wu Yihan, Li Yang?" When Chen Yanghao saw the two, he directly called out their names.

And the two fighting were the Kwan Kwong of Wandao and the Lu Xing of Hong Kong Island. The two sects were originally from the mainland, but Kuang Kung abused Lu Xing when he met Lu Xing. The two of them started fighting, and they have been fighting for three days and three nights.

"Brother Chen and Brother Zhang and Junior Sister Zi Ruo are coming sooner than us?" Wu Yihan smiled and showed white teeth.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, these people are the kings of the Qingyun list, except for Aixinjueluo July, almost everyone is here.

"Really annoying." Zhuo Bufan rubbed his temples.

Although he is a decisive man, he is not extremely vicious. He kills all the people who deserve to be killed. These people are descendants of the martial arts sect of Lan Guo, and heirs of the martial arts family. He has no hatred with Zhuo Bufan, but simply wants to fight him. In the competition, Zhuo Bufan couldn't kill them all.

Both Pinghe and Shijian stood behind Zhuo Bufan. Seeing so many young Languo powerhouses coming, Pinghe also showed a slightly surprised look and opened his mouth.

The strength of these people is probably not lower than that of Sang Country's Sword Sect, and they are still very young, and their future achievements are limitless.

Shi Jian frowned, "These people are really annoying, they are coming to Sang Country, huh."

Both Lu Xing and Kuang Diao came from the Daoist School of Dragon and Tiger Mountain in the mainland, and finally split up. The magical powers are all the same. The bright spells of thunder and lightning, fireball, wind blade, and illusion blasted the ancient courtyard into flat ground.

"Bound of Stars."

Lu Xing suddenly formed a seal on his hands, and twelve stars lit up on the star robe he was passing on, which combined to form a very strange pattern.


Even Zhuo Bufan couldn't help showing a slightly surprised look on his face. This kind of technique was profound and mysterious, no less than the technique of the cultivation world, it was just the lowest level.

But even so, an indigenous planet like Yu Lanxing has no systematic cultivation civilization, and someone can create spells similar to the little sects of the cultivation world, which surprised him extremely.

Kuang Diaohu's face changed drastically, his palm changed, and there was a night pearl in his palm, and he immediately sealed with one hand, and the light on the night pearl bloomed like a star in the dark night.

At the same time, the starlight patterns on Lu Xing's body have been combined, forming a nebula-like chain that slams into Kuang Diao's body, which contains a kind of ancient charm.

The light of the Ye Mingzhu on Kuang Diao's body bloomed and formed a light shield to block the outside, but when the Nebula chain touched the light, the light shield was like glass broken by a hammer, cracking inch by inch.

Nebula flogged Kuang Diao's body, and immediately knocked him out, then stopped after breaking several trees with his back.

Kuang Diao’s mouth overflowed with a ray of blood, and his eyes showed horror. He lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body. If it weren’t for a treasure given to him by the master, I’m afraid this whip would have broken his breastbone. .

"For the reason that you and I have the same roots, I will spare your life, and I will dare to insult my master next time, and I will kill you." Lu Xing said coldly, looking at him.

Kuang Diao gritted his teeth, after all, he didn't speak any more.

Once his master and Lu Xing’s master belonged to the same family. Later they separated. There were some grievances between the two. Therefore, Kuang Diao wanted to humiliate Lu Xing when he saw Lu Xing. He did not expect that Lu Xing's strength was so strong. No wonder his master once said that Lu Xing's master is a genius who will not be born in a century.

I am afraid that only those geniuses can train such a powerful apprentice.

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