Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 816: Budo squad collapsed

The 817th chapter martial arts team is destroyed

But even if you do this, you can’t stop the magical beam. In an instant, the beam penetrated the true essence, pierced through Zhuo Bufan’s chest, and then penetrated out of the back, impacting another five hundred meters. A long mark was drawn in the forest, and it disappeared immediately.

Wherever the magical beam passed, everything turned into dust. From the sky, it looked like a huge knife that cut a thousand-meter-long wound on the ground.

The visual afterimage of a white light beam still remained in the air, and it disappeared after a full three seconds.

"Kage killed, haha." Masao Daban showed excitement on his face, his eyes through the binoculars, looking far away.

Zhuo Bufan was dragged backward by the power of the magical beam for a hundred meters before stopping.

The faces of the other members also showed excitement and excitement, and the demon finally fell.

But just as they were happy, they suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Everyone raised their heads suspiciously, their expressions suddenly changed, and found that there was a flying sword in the sky floating in the air, and the silver light of the sword was fluctuating.

"What is this?"

Just when he was suspicious, the flying sword in the sky suddenly turned into a silver pop and rushed towards him.

The other members also didn't even have time to react, and Beng Fei went out.

This silver flying sword is the extraordinary ice emperor rain sword. The ice emperor rain sword is full of silver light, thunder and lightning jumps on it, slammed down from above, and will be placed in the open space. The cherry blossom bronze mirror Cut in half completely.

And at the same time, Masao Kosaka's face was pale, his eyes saw Zhuo Bufan actually straightened out through the binoculars, and his eyes seemed to be looking at him.

"Impossible, the magic beam has clearly penetrated his heart, how could he still be alive."

Zhuo Bufan stood up straight, his body was as straight as a sword, his eyes seemed to pass through the space, and he stared at Masao Kosaka. The visible change is that his chest really has a transparent hole, about the size of a baby's fist.

It can be seen that a tyrannical body like his can't actually block the power of the laser.

But just now, Zhuo Bufan condensed the true essence of his whole body, causing the laser to be a finger-long position cheaper, and the missing millimeter rubbed his heart. Otherwise, with Zhuo Bufan’s current cultivation base, it is estimated that only Give up the physical body, so that the soul escapes.

But even so, let him use the secret method to find a body again, it is impossible to be as perfect as his own body, which will even cause problems in his future cultivation and destroy his foundation.

"This time, I underestimated the enemy." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, and constantly urged the Nine Turns Golden Body Art in his body. With the surrounding state almost visible with the naked eye, a mist of aura gathered toward his body from all directions. Come, his body is like a whirlpool.

As his body continued to absorb spiritual energy, the hole in his chest was shrinking and gradually healed.

"Impossible, isn't he a human?" When Kosaka Masao saw this scene, his legs were so frightened that he almost broke down.

"What a powerful magic weapon."

Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses and burned with anger.

Just so close, his Dao body was almost destroyed.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword flew back into his hand from a distance, Zhuo Bufan turned into a wandering dragon, and the sword light flashed, the whole figure was like a wandering dragon, rushing into the formation of the members, like a death harvester. .

Without the threat of the laser gun, Zhuo Bufan had no scruples anymore. Although the other well-equipped members were all paper-wrapped in front of him.

In less than a minute, all members of the Budo Alliance fell.

Masao Kosaka's face was pale and bloodless.

At the moment when Masao Kosaka was in a daze, a figure had already arrived in front of him.

"Devil." Masao Kosaka's face was bloodless, his pupils suddenly dilated, with deep horror.

"Go back and tell you the leader of the Sword League, if you dare to come to me..." Zhuo Bufan said, pinching a magic formula in his hand and smashing into Kosaka Masao's body, and immediately disappeared in place.

I don't know how long it took before Masao Kosaka came back to his senses, looking at the embarrassing battlefield with a look of despair.

In the headquarters of the Kendo League, the Lord of the Kendo League sighed three times, and Liu Shengzongzhai also died in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

"What are you talking about, Yanagisei Zongzhai has fallen, the martial arts assassination unit has been annihilated, and the cherry blossom mirror has been lost"

A middle-aged man stared at Masao Kosaka stubbornly, his eyes raging, and he slapped the table and shouted.

Masao Kosaka knelt on the ground, not daring to look up at the bosses, and said in a low voice, "I should have cut my belly on the spot and apologized, but that person asked me to come back with a sentence. He said that if we still dared to chase him, we will continue. kill!"

"This guy is too arrogant."

"Then what can we do? Don't let it go?"

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