The 829th chapter Yangmu magic

On the other end, Zhuo Bufan got the wood necklace. Although it contained the energy of the wood, it was too little, but no matter how small it was, it was meat.

Moreover, energy with attributes is different from ordinary auras. These auras with attributes can not be obtained by ordinary cultivation. Some require a specific environment or a specific exercise method, but obviously it is to cultivate a certain kind of energy. The power of using spells is also different.

For example, a spellcaster who majored in the fire system has much more power to use the fireball than ordinary spellcasters.

"Everyone who practices magic can cultivate various attributes, in addition to the common five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and various special attributes such as wind, thunder, light and darkness."

"I am majoring in the Fire Element. Now the Fire Eye Fine Gold has reached the point of being small, but the energy of other attributes is too weak. If I can cultivate the five attributes to a realm of great consummation, with my current strength , You can slap Liu Shengzongzhai to death with a slap."

Zhuo Bufan thought secretly in his heart, but there was a touch of self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth. Is he too greedy?

In the realm of cultivation, in the vast and boundless space, I have never heard of anyone who has cultivated the five attributes to Dzogchen. The energy required for the cultivation of attributes at the beginning is very small, but with the improvement of the realm, in the later stage, what is needed Energy is unimaginable.

Even if he was once Zhuo Bufan, one of the strong people in the path of starry sky, he only cultivated the fire element to Dzogchen. As for the other attributes, they are all small, but even then, in the starry sky. , Is also the king of nine heavens and ten earth.

"Since I was born again, then this time I have to seize the opportunity. I must not be on the wrong path, but if I practice all attributes to Dzogchen, what a powerful force it will be."

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes revealed incomparably firm and resolute gaze. Since he has gone through his life again, don't leave any regrets.

However, if you want to cultivate spiritual energy with different attributes, you need corresponding exercises.

Regarding the exercises of the wood system, Zhuo Bufan can find at least thousands of heaven-level exercises in his mind, dozens of god-level exercises can also be found, and there are also two or three saint-level exercises.

"Aoki technique?"

"Bei Ming Cultivation Technique?"

"Sky Monkey God Technique?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head time and time again. Although these techniques can be thrown into the realm of comprehension, they can also be used to rob him, but they are not the most suitable for him. Whether the exercises conflict.

Although the wood kung fu is soft, the fire kungfu practiced by Zhuo Bufan is too overbearing. If you practice the soft wood kung fu, the two types of kung fu are in the body, and the wood kung fu must be the fire kung fu. Law suppressed.

One way of cultivation is to calm the yin and yang and master the universe. If the strength of the cultivation method is too large, the strength in the body will be unstable in the later stage.

"Wait, I once explored an ancient desolate mound, where I got a wooden sign with the spiritual sense of a top powerhouse left on it. It seems that there was a wood technique, which was not suitable at the time. I practice, but now I can practice when I'm born again."

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan crashed and crossed his legs, recalling the exercises in his mind.

However, the remaining great power at the time of this exercise did not have a name, it seems that he died after researching it out.

"Then I will call you'Yangmu Divine Art'."

Zhuo Bufan opened slowly with one hand, suspended on the emerald necklace in the air, and a stream of green water flowed out and gathered on the palm of his palm, forming a small green ball with rich wood energy inside. .

And as the wood energy was completely absorbed, the jade necklace became cracked and then fragmented.

If someone at the auction sees that 30 million is gone, I guess they would be crazy.

Zhuo Bufan and Liao Wen didn't go to the hotel, but found a rest in a deep mountain nearby. Both of them are magicians, and they don't need to sleep. Anyway, they just need to practice.

However, Zhuo Bufan had already laid out a fog array, a defensive array, an attack array, and a spirit gathering array around him. Having arranged four formations in a row, Liao Wen had already been stunned.

Liao Wen sat cross-legged, but instead of practicing, she opened her eyes wide and watched Zhuo Bufan's practice.

I saw that the green ball in Zhuo Bufan's hand turned into a trace of green mist, which was continuously absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

At the same time, the grasses, wildflowers, and trees that originally grew around Zhuo Bufan’s body began to grow crazily. The grass grew to 30 centimeters, the sound of wildflowers was in full bloom, the fragrance was permeated, and the branches grew crazily, just like Like whips, they are intertwined.

Thinking that the 50 meters around Zhuo Bufan seemed to have turned into a virgin forest, Liao Wen opened her little cherry mouth, her small face showing shocked expression.

Although Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes, he felt that his muscles, skin, and bones all started to breathe oxygen crazily. There was an indescribable sense of invigoration throughout his body. It felt like he was reborn. Like a winter morning, I got the first breath of cold air when I got up from the haze, which was refreshing.

This change lasted for three days. Liao Wen ate wild fruits when she was hungry, and drank dew when she was thirsty.

"It's already the third day. I don't know what happened to my grandfather. He is still cultivating here?" Liao Wen was sitting on the soft grass, crying with her small face, and muttering angrily.

If Zhuo Bufan continued to cultivate like this, her grandfather would definitely be in danger. But the little girl didn't dare to disturb Zhuo Bufan. Cultivation is very important. If she is disturbed by others, she is likely to get confused.


Finally, just as Liao Wen was lost, a soft exhaling voice came from nearby.

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and stood in place. A blue light flashed in his eyes. Although his strength had not improved, his entire body was full of vitality and powerful vitality after absorbing the energy of the wood element.

The wood element is the power of life, the vitality of life, even the wounds that were made by the Yanagi Zongzhai and the bronze mirror of Sakura last time have healed without a trace during the three days of cultivation.

A gust of wind blew a seed into his hand.

Soon the seeds took root and sprouted in the palm of the hand, growing green leaves, and then blooming a small light pink flower.

"In the past, I only pursued strong combat effectiveness, and ignored the aura of other attributes. I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised secretly.

If he had cultivated Wood Element Spiritual Qi a long time ago, if he had reached the realm of Xiaocheng, his recovery ability might make others startled.

"With the power of Yangmu Divine Art, if you cultivate to the realm of Dacheng, even if there is only a piece of flesh and blood left, you can reconsolidate your body."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were faintly filled with excitement.

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