Chapter 834 King Demeanor

The old witch master’s chest left a hole that was about the size of a finger and was transparent inside and outside, but he did not recover and heal with his body, and the hole was strangely exuding a faint green light. This green is just the green color just now. The sword pierced the body, what was left behind.

"What is this? Why can't I heal my body?"

There was a trace of panic on the old witch master’s face. He had never encountered such a situation before. How many times he faced life and death dangers, he used this kind of magical powers to escape the catastrophe and fight back. enemy's.

"This is the Qi of Yangmu, what you practice is the death system, and life and death are mutually restrained."

Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

He has just practiced Yangmu Divine Art in the past few days, and in the fist he hit just now, there is actually a hidden Yangmu Qi. Yangmu represents life, and the old witch master is full of lifeless energy. The air of wood is restrained.

That's why this kind of happiness appears. It can be said that the effect of Yangmu Qi in restraining gloom, evil aura, and corpse Qi is more violent than the fire system.

"No, I'm not reconciled..."

The old witch master's face showed a hideous and terrifying expression, and his pupils shrank slightly, carrying endless resentment.

But no matter how he screamed and struggled, the green hole in front of his chest exudes a dazzling cyan light, and branches, vines, and green leaves grew out of it, and then slowly stretched out from the chest, bringing the whole body of the old witch master. Are covered.

The old witch master also felt the changes in his body. His skin became more rigid and turned into dry bark, his bones became tree stems, his meridians became rhizomes, and the whole person gradually became It has become a piece of wood, although it is full of vitality, but it has already lost its life.

At the same time, a black ball of light with a laugh about the palm of his hand flew out from the top of his head, turning into a light to escape into the distance.

"Where, come back." Zhuo Bufan beckoned.

After getting the black ball of light that had already flown away, it was suddenly attracted by the suction, but it flew back and flew into the palm of Zhuo Bufan. This is the soul of the old witch master.

With a faint smile at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, he directly threw his soul into the space ring.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan stepped on the void and walked towards the mansion on the mountainside step by step. Every step he fell, the soles of his feet seemed to have steps.

Seeing him walking, everyone standing outside the mansion felt tight, and it seemed that it was difficult to breathe.

Walking in the void, walking in the sky, who is this not a god?

Many superstitious people knelt down for fear of offending the gods.

When Zhuo Bufan got closer and closer, everyone could already see his face clearly, ordinary, with black hair and black pupils, with the delicate looks of a young scholar.

"Why is it him?" Tong Ling almost sat on the ground in fright.

Isn't this boy just that ordinary friend of Zhang Mengmeng?

"It's really Zhuo Bufan." Zhang Mengmeng's eyes were a little surprised, and a few small stars.

"Xiao Meng, why are you here?" Zhuo Bufan landed on his feet and walked to Zhang Mengmeng's side with a bit of surprise, and asked.

Zhang Mengmeng bit her lip and whispered softly: "I came to play with grandma and the others, just now you..."

"Just cleaned up an enemy." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

Everyone was silent when they saw his appearance, and Li Si and the other boys and girls were shocked to the point of indescribable.

This fairy actually knows Zhang Mengmeng?

Zhou Yue couldn't believe it. Just now, he had always thought it was his cousin who was bragging.

Zhang Mengmeng's grandfather Zhou Mingbo, uncle, aunt, and even Zhang Mengmeng's mother all showed horror. I didn't expect that my daughter would know a top powerhouse with such supernatural powers.

"They are here..." Zhang Mengmeng looked at Zhuo Bufan, and stopped talking.

"I know it all."

Zhuo Bufan said with a faint smile. Just now on the surface of the river, his divine consciousness was all over the surrounding area. He already knew who these people were and what they were doing.

However, he had long let go of Jin Jiang, his eyes were no longer in Lan Guo, originally it was just a small matter Zhuo Bufan didn't intend to take care of it, but since he has encountered it, he can't ignore it.

Li Si stood aside, his face was red and white. His husband was only an A-level elite in the Wu League, and other people's boyfriends were immortals. Is this comparable?

Wang Kulu and Mu Wanqing both clenched their fists at the same time, staring at Zhuo Bufan with complicated expressions.

Wang Kulu bit his lip and felt a bitter taste. He was pressed on his head by Zhuo Bufan two years ago. Now Zhuo Bufan has the ability to walk in the air. He is probably even more valued in the Wumeng. He has been trampled underfoot.

Zhuo Bufan naturally saw him and Mu Wanqing, and when he saw an old friend, he felt a little emotional. Two years have passed since then.

"Young Master Wang, it's been a long time." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

"I have seen Master Zhuo!" Wang Kulu struggled for a while, let go of his fist, sighed helplessly, and then cried respectfully.

At this point, everyone was shocked again.

This teenage boy in front of him is actually the martial arts master of Lan Guo!

Seeing his husband lowered his head, Li Si's face was hot, and he couldn't wait to find a place to get in.

And Zhang Mengmeng stood beside Zhuo Bufan, enjoying the attention of the top players in the audience, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and a little bit of happiness.

"Miao Sandao has seen the Second Young Master!"

"Miao Jiangpu has seen the Second Young Master!"

Miao Sandao and Miao Jiangpu both bent down and shouted.

Zhuo Bufan nodded lightly. He still had some reflections on Miao Sandao, but he hadn't seen each other for a year.

Miao Sandao saw Zhuo Bufan appear, his face was overjoyed, not to mention seeing Zhuo Bufan's amazing magical powers, Mu Chaozong had already lost this time.

Mu Wanqing clenched her silver teeth and squeezed her white fist. Although she was angry and resentful that Zhuo Bufan made her kneel at the auction, her eyes were more panic.

Mu Chaozong hesitated for a moment, then hugged his hands and exclaimed, "Your Excellency is the Second Young Master Zhuo. Sure enough, the hero was born as a teenager. I had long wanted to visit the Second Young Master.

"Aren't you trying to beat me, Liwei?"

"I can beat Shura alone, what do you think of you?"

Zhuo Bufan said word by word. Every time he said a word, everyone's expression changed. In the end, Mu Chaozong's face was like white paper, and he knelt down with a thud.

Mu Wanqing trembled violently, her eyes splitting, she couldn't believe Zhuo Bufan's words were true, her eyes were red and bloodshot.

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