Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 842: Do you follow Li Xunhuan?

Chapter VIII Do you learn from Li Xunhuan?

This is a very ordinary-looking souvenir shop, the size of the shop is not very large.

The owner is a middle-aged man, who likes to drink, and he is also very casual in his clothes, even giving people a feeling of desolation.

When I first arrived at this tourist street, the shopkeepers in the nearby shops were very curious, because few outsiders went to Binhai to run a souvenir shop, and the shopkeepers did very strange things and didn’t like to sell things to others. It is very strange, therefore, it attracted many people to come and watch the excitement.

However, as time goes by, the initial ‘curiosity’ has also become a ‘habit’, so no one usually comes to this shop.

The shop also looked deserted and deserted, and besides the strange shopkeeper, there was also a girl in her early twenties. She was ordinary but with white skin and delicate appearance. She was a clerk recruited by the shop. , Is a native of Binhai.

In the shop, the strange shopkeeper is sitting on the carpet. He is holding a sharp knife in his right hand. The knife is like a finger in his hand, flexible, sharp, and well-behaved.

It is hard to imagine a man with such slender and flexible fingers.

He is holding a piece of hard wood in his left hand, and a knife is carved, buckled, cut, and wiped on the wood. His movements are very elegant, like an artist painting and a pianist playing the piano, which can give people a feeling of enjoyment.

As his movements continued to repeat, the wood gradually appeared a humanoid appearance, a woman, and the carvings were lifelike. The hair, arms, and waist were full of perfect beauty, but the man placed the knife on the wood. When she was about to carve her face, she frowned.

"Hey." The middle-aged man sighed softly, then stood up and placed the wood skillfully on the wooden frame behind him.

It can be seen that the rows of wooden shelves behind him are already full of the same wood carvings. There are about a thousand at a glance. Each wood carving is exactly the same, and it depicts a person with an excellent appearance. woman.

Both people in the store were accustomed to his failure.

Moreover, both of them felt that Zhuo Bufan must have suffered some emotional intelligence. Li Xunhuan, who learned from Xiao Li Fei Dao, took a knife every day and used a wooden block to carve the face of his beloved woman.

"Uncle Zhuo, if you go to Uncle Li's for dinner, I will help you see the shop at noon." A girl said softly.

The girl is an employee in the shop, her name is Zhang Xiaomei, and she is a native of Binhai. Because her mother was ill, she gave up her job in other places and stayed here.

"Okay, I'll be back after eating." Zhuo Bufan put down the knife in his hand and left the shop with the middle-aged man in the shop.

The middle-aged man is named Li Mingshu. He runs a fruit shop in this tourist street. He has a wife and two children. He lives in harmony and happiness.

Once in the middle of the night, Li Mingshu's son had a high fever, and he happened to be met by Zhuo Bufan, and he helped him a little, and he has met Li Mingshu ever since.

Zhuo Bufan left Qinzhou and searched Lan Country all the way, but he could not find Ye Ziqin's trace, and his demons became more and more serious, so he chose to stop by Binhai and open a tourist souvenir. Shop, calm my mood.

He returned from the realm of cultivation. Although he was still an ordinary person, he was not living the life of an ordinary person. His mood had already changed. When this change just started, he hadn't felt it, but as Ye Ziqin left, He discovered the demon hidden in his heart.

When he came to Li Mingshu's house, his wife, Zhang Chunmei, had already prepared meals. Zhang Chunmei had a gentle personality and was obedient to her husband, which made others envious.

"Brother Zhuo is here, I'll get a pair of chopsticks and just make some dishes. Lao Li doesn't say anything in advance, otherwise I will buy some dishes." Zhang Chunmei greeted.

"No, I will come over to eat when I have time, I feel embarrassed." Zhuo Bufan said with a light smile.

Li Mingshu shouted again: "By the way, take out the Wuliangye that someone else gave me last time. I want to have two glasses with Brother Zhuo."

"Good." Zhang Chunmei smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

The table is full of home-cooked dishes. Li Mingshu has a good life at a young age. His wife is considerate. His son has just entered elementary school and only has his own daughters. He has just entered high school and is still in the youth rebellious period. He does not go home all day on vacation. It made him a headache.

Zhuo Bufan and Li Mingshu ate food, drank wine, and talked about some trivial things about the parents' parents and the tourist street.

"During the off-season, the business in the fruit shop is not good, and the children are asking for money all day. It's really worrying." Li Mingshu took a sip of the white wine and took a breath of cold breath.

Zhuo Bufan has regarded himself as an ordinary person and said with a smile: "Children always have to teach. After she understands your good intentions, she will naturally be grateful to you."

"I hope she understands it. It's enough if I don't cause trouble." Li Mingshu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Cut, come to my house to eat rice again." A child next to me grumbled while grabbing rice from a bowl.

"Li Yi, how to speak, go back to the room if you don't want to eat." Li Mingshu frowned and shouted. This child is his youngest son, who just entered the fourth grade of elementary school this year.

Li Yi stubbornly pursed his mouth, "It should have been. I asked Uncle Zhuo to give me a wooden sculpture and wouldn't give it to me, mean."

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, but did not speak.

"You child..." Li Mingshu raised his palm, wanting to fight.

"Mom, Dad is going to hit me." Li Yi called out loudly.

"Smelly boy, I haven't beaten you yet, what's your name?" Li Mingshu put down his hand, said helplessly, looked at Zhuo Bufan and said, "Brother Zhuo, I made you laugh."

"It's okay."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and shook his head. This is the life of ordinary people. The parents of ordinary people are short enough to make Zhuo Bufan feel a lot of things.

While chatting, suddenly there was a commotion outside.

"Oh, what are you doing...Is there still Wang Fa?" Zhang Chunmei's voice came from downstairs.

Li Mingshu quickly put down the chopsticks in his hand and ran down the stairs. Zhuo Bufan frowned and followed along.

It turned out that several Harley motorcycles lined up in front of the fruit stand. A group of unhealthy teenagers with yellow and green hair and punk-style leather jackets were sitting on the motorcycle, holding cold steel pipes in their hands. The apples, bananas, and pears were scattered all over the place.

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