Chapter 847: Immortal

Jun Shao, Li Yi, Zhou Li, and the other two boys were suddenly quiet.

If the bald scorpion hadn't followed Chu Er Young Master, Jun Shao might still have the right to scold him like this, but now the bald scorpion is Chu Er Young's person, even Jun Shao wants to give him a bit of face.

The air in the box was terribly quiet.

Li Yi's face paled with fright. Although she was speechless, she knew the seriousness of the matter after all. If she relied on Jun Shao's face, as long as she apologized, she could even get the bald scorpion to refund some money, but Zhuo Bufan now Such a scolding, almost offended the bald scorpion, and there was no room for reversal at all.

"It's a big tone, who is this kid, and what kind of office is there?" The bald scorpion squinted his eyes, his eyes glowing with cold light.

He is not a fool, and the other party dared to say such things, either because his brain was not good enough, or he was really confident.

"Is there anyone in the office that I don't know about this young man in Binhai? This kid doesn't know where he came from." Huang Jun said with an annoyed cold snort.

He helped Li Yi and Bald Scorpion reconcile, and the other party gave him a bit of face, but Zhuo Bufan actually dared to denounce Bald Scorpion. In contrast, he looked a little'insignificant', and he naturally couldn't understand Zhuo Bufan. the behavior of.

"I'll go, this guy wouldn't have heard us laugh at him just now, and now deliberately say this to save face, right?" A boy next to Zhou Li whispered, that boy is Zhou Li's boyfriend, and he is from a good family. The rich second generation.

When he said this, the rest of the people understood. When they entered the box just now, everyone was ridiculed. Zhuo Bufan didn't react at all on the surface, but there was a sense of unconvinced secretly hidden.

But now they stand up and scold the bald scorpion, this kind of behavior, in their opinion, is no different from looking for death.

"Li Yi, tell your boyfriend to stop talking, and quickly apologize to the bald scorpion, otherwise there will be no way to solve your problem today." Zhou Li showed anxious expression on her face.

Li Yi looked at Zhuo Bufan, seeing that there was no sadness or joy on his face, as if talking about a trivial matter, he couldn't help but squeezed his fist, with dense sweat bursting out of his palm.

"You still don't apologize to Brother Scorpion, otherwise, no one will be able to save you today." Jun rarely saw the old **** Zhuo Bufan, and he frowned and said loudly.

The bald scorpion sneered: "Don't, don't apologize to me. I just want to see how hard this kid's bones are. On the coastal site, he actually said that he would destroy me. I really think I am..."

As the bald scorpion said, his face suddenly changed, his pupils widened, his body suddenly fell backward, and he stared straight ahead, his whole body trembling constantly.

The others found the bald-headed scorpion strange, and at the same time turned their heads to look at Zhuo Bufan, all of them pale and trembling all over.

I saw Zhuo Bufan picking up the wine glass leisurely, nothing unusual, but behind him was a golden python with a thick trunk of a tree, with inverted triangular eyes open, and the vertical pupils were cold and hesitated. The red letter rustled.

Jun Shao and the other two companions were so frightened that their legs were soft and knelt on the ground, and even the crotch of the three of them got wet at the same time.

The two little girls, Li Yi and Zhou Li, were so scared that their eyes turned white, and they fainted.

Suddenly a golden python appeared in the box, and ordinary people would be frightened. Even the bald scorpion had a cold scalp. Why didn't he notice a golden python here?

"What did you say?" Zhuo Bufan raised his head, looking at the bald scorpion indifferently in his eyes.

The bald scorpion and the other punks were so scared that they had difficulty breathing, and they didn't even have the courage to escape.

"I... I didn't say..." The bald scorpion swallowed hard.


The golden python entrenched behind Zhuo Bufan suddenly stretched his head and looked at the bald scorpion from top to bottom. The snake vomited, and a fishy smell came on the surface, almost making the bald scorpion vomit.

"From today, you are not allowed to trouble the Li family anymore, and you are not allowed to harass Li Yi, otherwise you should know the consequences." Zhuo Bufan put down the wine glass in his hand.

"I know, I promise, if you kill me, I don't dare to trouble the Li family."

The bald scorpion said quickly, for fear that Zhuo Bufan would give an order, and the snake would bit his head off.

"Master, may I ask...Where can I find you?" Bald Scorpion plucked up courage and suddenly asked.

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes, "Why, do you still want to avenge me?"

"'s not..." The bald scorpion shook his head like a rattle, and said quickly: "My second master has been looking for strange people and strangers. It is not convenient for me to talk about certain things, but the Chu family is the number one in Binhai. One family, as long as the master is willing to take action, the Chu family will definitely not treat the master badly."

Now the bald scorpion finally understands that the ordinary and inexperienced young man in front of him may be an expert hermit. If he finds such a master for the second master, he will be able to ask for benefits from both sides.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, and suddenly thought of something. The woman who might be Ye Zi came to this city, and she would also cast spells. She must also be a member of the world of spells. The Chu family is looking for experts in spells. Could Ye Zi be with Chu? Family relationship?

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has already covered the entire Binhai with his divine consciousness today, and found some traces of sorcerers, but there is no Ye Ziqin's breath in them. Maybe Ye Ziqin used some special secret method, or some magical treasures covered himself. Breath.

"Okay, when I finish my work, I will come to you naturally."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he immediately walked to Li Yi who had fainted, picked her up with his hands, and the golden python instantly changed to the thickness of the rope and jumped into Zhuo Bufan's hat.

After Zhuo Bufan left, the bald scorpion and others heaved a sigh of relief. The whole body was wet with cold sweat, and the whole body was as if drained.

"Take... take my mobile phone and inform the second master." Bald Scorpion said weakly.

At this time, after leaving the KTV box, Zhuo Bufan went back to the fruit stand directly holding Li Yi.


When Zhang Chunlan and Li Mingshu saw Li Yi coming back, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked suspiciously at Zhuo Bufan. They only felt that Zhuo Bufan was familiar, but they didn't recognize this handsome and delicate teenager.

"She just fainted, and she will wake up later, her body is fine, and the bald scorpion won't bother you in the future!" Zhuo Bufan said.

"Thank you for sending Xiaoyi back, but you..." Li Mingshu racked his brains and couldn't remember when he met this boy.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, took out a wooden sculpture and handed it to him, "This is for your son, to drive away evil spirits and nourish the spirit. Putting it at home can protect your family's health from all diseases."

After speaking, Zhuo Bufan carried his hands and walked towards his shop.

Li Mingshu took the woodcarving, patted his forehead, and exclaimed: "Wife, he is Brother Zhuo."

"How is it possible? Zhuo Bufan is a middle-aged person, how could he become a teenager." Zhang Chunlan said more and less emboldened.

"This... we have met an immortal!"

Li Mingshu got a little excited when he said that, whether it was his expression or tone, it was Zhuo Bufan, the middle-aged man they knew.

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