Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 851: Strange jade pendant

Chapter 852 Strange Jade Pendant

With just a word, the tall Jin Min Jae flew out, and even his body was completely blown to pieces in mid-air. This is incredible, and watching this scene at close range now, the real and shocking feeling is completely It is not comparable to the 3D movie effect in the cinema.


Chu Feiwang was dumbfounded, his mind was blank, and he didn't recover for a long time.

And Liu Mazi and the others also looked dull, as if they had been casted by a hold magic, their brains didn't react for a while.

After the shock, when everyone saw the scattered pieces of meat and blood, they suddenly vomited on the spot.

As the instigator, Zhuo Bufan was sitting on a chair with an old god, as if he had just blown away an insignificant ant.

The bald scorpion shook his head, and immediately reacted, and he hurriedly bent down respectfully and shouted:


Chu Feiwang also regained his senses, with a look of awe on his face: "Master, mighty!"

Just now, he thought that Zhuo Bufan was just an ordinary teenager. There was no obvious point. He even suspected that he was a liar, and he brought Zhuo Bufan to the underground boxing ring. There was another purpose, that is, let Zhuo Bufan had a taste of his own strength and wanted to verify whether Zhuo Bufan was really a'master'.

Now Chu Feiwang finally believes that the boy in front of him is a real ‘master’.

In the ring, even Master Zhang was slammed by Jin Minzai. Everyone has witnessed Jin Minzai's strength, but now Zhuo Bufan has blown him down with a single word, so superb, almost like a demon king.

"Liu Mazi, do you still want to compete with me for the position of the underground leader?" Chu Feiwang straightened his chest, his face showed arrogance, quite a bit of a fake tiger.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan doesn't care about these, his current mind is only on Ye Ziqin's body.

"From now on Binhai is your second master Chu." Liu Mazi looked at Zhuo Bufan with jealousy, his forehead and bridge of nose were already covered with cold sweat.

Liu Mazi didn't dare to provoke such a ruthless person who could kill with just one word. After speaking, Liu Mazi left the boxing arena with a group of men dingy. As for Jin Minzai's ‘corpse’ in the stadium, the bald scorpion has been arranged to clean up, and today’s boxing match may no longer be held.

As for those who come to watch the boxing match, they have seen killing people a long time ago, and those who can come here have been registered. If they don't want to die, they should not reveal the news.

"Master Zhuo, I really entrusted your great blessing today. I will arrange a hotel for you tonight. I am looking for a few models to accompany you." Chu Feiwang followed Zhuo Bufan, bending slightly, his face full of awe. .

"No, just arrange a place for me to rest." Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

"Okay." Chu Feiwang's mouth evokes a strange arc. Although Master Zhuo is supernatural, he is only a young man after all. Maybe I am embarrassed to say that. He has secretly found a few women for Zhuo Bufan to send to the night. His room.

Chu Feiwang asked Bald Scorpion to help arrange a five-star hotel for Zhuo Bufan, which was naturally the most luxurious presidential suite arranged. After taking a shower, Zhuo Bufan sat on the sofa with a calm expression and suddenly he sighed:

"Is Ye Ziqin the woman I met today? Why doesn't she recognize me?"

In another room on the same floor in the hotel, two women are sitting on the carpet in the living room, meditating and practicing. They closed their eyes and breathed a very strange feeling. With their breathing, their bodies exuded. A little white air conditioner.

The air-conditioning radiated around the two of them, but it caused the temperature in the entire living room to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant. Compared with the heat outside, it was like a land of ice and snow.


The two women took a deep breath at the same time. The white cold air lingering around them, as if encountering a whirlpool, flowed back into their bodies, and the two opened their eyes.

Miaozhu frowned and touched his belly, "Sister Miaoxin, are you hungry? I'm hungry and want to eat something."

Miao Xin nodded her head with a cold expression. She hasn't reached the realm of bigu meal, wind drink and dew. They have been cultivating in the room all day, and it is natural to be hungry.

"Then I'll go out and buy something to eat." Miao Zhu showed excitement on his face. "When I just came in, I saw an oden beside the street. The taste should be good. I'll buy some."

"Master said let us not be greedy for commonplace things. You have only been out for a month, and you have been confused by commonplace delicacies, and be careful to mess with Taoism." Miao Xin frowned, looking rather helpless.

Miaozhu took her arm and said coquettishly: "Sister Miaoxin, don't I just like to eat something? Why are you talking so badly? Besides, this time only you and I will come out. Don’t tell me, I don’t. Said, how could she know, Master."

As he said, Miaozhu spit out her pink tongue, but there was a trace of palpitations on her face. The master of Miaoxue Divine Palace was very strict. If she knew that she had made a mistake, she would definitely not spare her lightly.

Seeing the somewhat scared look of Junior Sister, Miao Xin burst out with a laugh, with a hint of teasing in her smart eyes, "Well, I won't scare you, go out and buy food. I'm in the commonplace." I won't tell the master."

Miao Zhu looked at this senior sister strangely. She and senior sister didn’t know each other for a long time, but the senior sister always looks cold and cold in the teacher’s door. It can be said that it is unkind, even she felt it before. The senior sister's personality is very cold, even a little scary.

But in the past month, Miao Zhu seems to find that the senior sister is like ordinary people, and now she is actually joking.

"Thank you Sister." Miao Zhu quickly stood up, and then left the hotel happily.

Just when Miao Zhu left, Miao Xin frowned and picked up a white, crystal clear jade pendant from her arms. The jade pendant was about the size of a mahjong tile, and a lifelike fish was carved on the surface of the jade pendant.

Miao Xin looked at this jade pendant in a daze. From her memory, she seemed to have this jade pendant, but she couldn't figure out the specific source, because the master told her that because she had practiced and got into trouble, So I lost a memory, and there may be something about jade pendant in that memory.

When she sighed blankly, the white jade pendant in her hand suddenly emitted a milky white halo. Miao Xin frowned, feeling a strange feeling in her heart, as if the jade pendant in her hand was guiding her to a certain place.

"How come you suddenly feel this way? This jade pendant has always been okay." Miao Xin looked suspicious, but she couldn't help holding the jade pendant, opened the door, and walked towards the end of the hotel on this floor.

The closer to the end, the milky white halo on the jade pendant became stronger, and the feeling that made her feel a little overwhelmed became stronger.

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