Chapter 858

When everyone's eyes were on Zhuo Bufan and Chu Ruoyu, Zhuo Bufan held the tea cup calmly and took a sip.

Chu Tianlan looked at Zhuo Bufan, but there was a strange color in the depths of his eyes.

As the richest man in Binhai, Chu Tianlan is often invited to participate in various summits and has seen many top powerhouses, and even the top three bosses in shopping malls. Only the kind of people who really hold wealth and connections in their hands will have Such a temperament.

But he was puzzled again, because someone like that kind of networked person could not come to treat him, otherwise he wouldn't knock the door in front of the old man of nine immortals, but would have closed the door.

Chu Tianlan also thought of Weiwei that in addition to those who have connections to the sky or the wealthy, there is another kind of person who also has this kind of self-confidence, that is, some powerful warriors or people with extraordinary abilities.

"Is he also a master of spells?" Chu Tianlan was surprised, after all, from the looks of it, Zhuo Bufan is indeed a bit too young.

Feeling everyone's contempt, or watching a joke, or even contemptuous eyes. No matter how careless Chu Ruoyu's personality is, her cheeks are hot, and she stretches out La Zhuo's extraordinary clothes to stop him from talking. She doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of so many people.

"Xiao Yu, who is the boy next to you?" Chu Tianlan asked.

Chu Ruoyu had to bite the bullet and glared at Zhuo Bufan, reluctantly, and whispered: "Grandpa, this is...this is the master my father invited, called Zhuo Bufan."

"Don't say Xiao Yu, I almost forgot. Grandpa and Second Uncle also found a master. I don't know what ability they have." Chu Mo said coldly, with a look of schadenfreude in his eyes.

"Listening to what he said just now, he seems to be dissatisfied with Master Xiu. I don't know if there is any real material that can be brought out." Chu Yue followed.

As for Xiu Hongyi, he stared at Zhuo Bufan fiercely, and it seemed that there was a glimmer that swallowed people.

"This master, don't you know what you are capable of?" Chu Tianlan looked at Zhuo Bufan with some doubts and asked.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, his expression indifferent, put down the tea cup in his hand, and snorted coldly:

"What's my ability? I can catch stars, pick the moon, dump the Tianhe, but go up to nine days and go down to the nine quiets. But you let me perform, do you think I'm a roadside juggler?"

A word was spoken, and there was a long silence, even Chu Ruoyu flushed, and even wanted to put his face in his trouser pocket.

I've seen bragging, but I didn't expect to brag to this level.

He said that he could catch the stars and pick the moon, and get into the sky. Could you let him perform?

Chu Tianlan's expression changed, and she shook her head. Naturally, she thought that Zhuo Bufan would speak big words. Could it be her own illusion just now that she misunderstood someone? He is not a real master.

Chu Xinde, Chu Lianghua, and Chu Yilian couldn't help showing amused expressions on their faces. The second child really found an actor to fill up the count, and he hid for fear of being scolded by the old man.

The bald scorpion has always been standing behind Zhuo Bufan. He saw Zhuo Bufan spit out and kill people after he finished it. But now he heard what Zhuo Bufan said, but he felt that it was a bit too much. This is completely beyond the scope of human beings. Cold sweat.

"Haha, I thought it was an expert, it turned out to be just a big talker." Chu Yue laughed loudly: "Second sister, how much did you spend on this actor?"

"Second Uncle is still so unreliable." Chu Mo's face showed a hint of jealousy.

As for Chu Ruoyu, although she was so angry, she was helpless, her pretty face flushed, and she looked at Chu Tianlan, "Grandpa..."

"Okay, needless to say." Chu Tianlan was also a little angry, and the other children had found an expert to come over, but this **** would never be reliable.

Seeing his grandfather's expression unhappy, Chu Ruoyu sighed and stood awkwardly.

Master Feng looked at Zhuo Bufan and shook his head, because he couldn't feel the presence of mana from Zhuo Bufan. The other party was obviously talking big, and he looked at Xiu Hongyi again, vaguely worried about the young man.

Sure enough, Xiu Hongyi couldn't feel Zhuo Bufan's magical power either. He treated him as an ordinary person, and his slightly narrowed eyes were chilly. "Hey, kid, what did you say about me earlier, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"I said your rubbish."

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked over. He had been upset about Ye Ziqin's affairs recently, so there is no good mood to talk to him.

As expected, Xiu Hongyi's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "Do you dare to say that I am rubbish?"

"I mean everyone here is rubbish." Zhuo Bufan said, standing up suddenly.

The entire Chu family, as well as Master Feng, Xiu Hongyi, Chu Tianlan, Chu Ruoyu and others, their expressions changed in shock at the same time.

Even the fake masters showed anger on their faces. Although they didn't cultivate the magic techniques of Hongyi and others, they were also proficient in some singular dunjia or martial arts. When did they ever be so insulted by a stinky boy.

Chu Ruoyu's face turned red and white, and almost fainted.

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to visit the Chu family, but found that Ye Ziqin and others had nothing to do with the Chu family's affairs. He still had the patience to wait.

"Who is the second uncle looking for? With such a big tone, could it be because of the second uncle's power that he thought he was invincible in the world?" Chu Mo squeezed his fist and said coldly.

The faces of Chu Xinde, Chu Lianghua, Chu Yilian and others also turned gloomy.

"I don't know what to say, I'm not afraid to flash my tongue when you speak big words here." Chu Yue was also angry.

"Little guy, the **** you said also includes me?" Master Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said a little displeased.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, their little tricks are in front of him, just like a child who has just learned to write, showing off in front of the book sage Wang Xizhi.


Zhuo Bufan spit out a word.

Xue Pei suddenly covered his mouth with both hands, and all of his eyes were filled with surprise.

The audience suddenly became quiet.

As Zhuo Bufan spit out a word, the flowers, grasses, and trees in the garden grew crazily. Suddenly the garden turned into a sea of ​​green, and the flowers that shouldn't be in bloom this season also followed one after another. In full bloom, the aroma is tangy.

"This **** Zhuo Bufan, when my dad comes back, he must teach him a good lesson, which will embarrass me."

Chu Ruoyu cursed in her heart.

But when she finished speaking, she found that the surrounding trees were growing, the flowers were blooming, and her pretty face was full of shock.

Not only her, but the entire Chu family, Chu Tianlan and others' expressions also showed surprise.

Chu Mo and Chu Yue were in their throats as if they were slapped severely on their faces.

"This... how is this possible!" Master Feng's face was full of shock and horror, and his body trembled slightly.

At best, he can only arrange in the palm of his hand to make a flower tree bloom, but Zhuo Bufan...

Zhuo Bufan's thoughts blossom into a sea! Shocked the audience!

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