Chapter 867 The Forest of Death

Just as the two shouted, Miao Xin had fallen off the cliff with Mo Yuhua.

Miao Xin held the Mo Yuhua box, feeling the body sinking continuously, but his face showed a relaxed color. Although he was only at the peak of Qi training, he could not use the Imperial Sky Art, but he could use some floating techniques. Let your body be as light as a feather, and then find a chance to climb onto the rock.

Miao Xin breathed a sigh of relief, her face suddenly changed, because she found that she herself didn't even have the power to use a trace of aura, the aura in her body seemed to be frozen and couldn't work at all.

"Am I going to die like this?"

Miao Xin held the Mo Yuhua box in one hand, and the palm of the other hand was tightly clenched. There was a tingling sensation in her palm, which was the silver ring that Zhuo Bufan handed her.

Now, Miao Xin didn't know why, it turned out that the young man's face appeared.

The feeling was so familiar, as if two people had known each other for a long time.

While Miao Xin and Mo Yuhua fell down, the faces of Miao Zhu and Master Feng changed slightly. At this moment, a figure plunged directly from the sky to the cliff and swooped down at a faster speed.

"Is that Master Zhuo?" Master Feng suddenly saw it and called out.

Miao Zhu also saw the figure, his eyes widened. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan would not even care about his life in order to save her world.

Although the magicians have spells, the dense mist under the cliff is very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you may fall.

Miao Xin closed her eyes, feeling the sound of the wind around her, her body was sinking, her heart and face were surprisingly calm, but at this moment, she felt a faster speed passing by her. Immediately I felt my body was hugged.

When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that she was being held in Zhuo Bufan's arms, and the two of them were falling quickly.

"You..." Miao Xin bit her lip, and suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan with some emotion. She didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to save her. Regardless of the danger below, she jumped off the cliff.

"I said that you are my wife, how could I watch you die with my own eyes?" Zhuo Bufan's face showed a faint smile, that kind of smile is like sunlight shining on a person's face, which makes people feel very comfortable feel.

"But I seem to remember that when we returned to Qingzhou two years ago, let's fall off the cliff together."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said that it was already two years ago. They were conspired to fall off the cliff in Qingzhou and brought back the medicine.

Miao Xin didn't know what he was talking about, but looked at Zhuo Bufan's face with a happy smile on his face, a little lost.

Suddenly, Miao Xin thought of something and said, "Can you use aura?"

"No." Zhuo Bufan shook his head. From the moment he fell, he felt the existence of a kind of prohibition. In this prohibition, the aura and true essence in his body seemed to become a pool of stagnant water. Half split out.

"Then do you regret it?" Miao Xin's eyes flushed. Perhaps Zhuo Bufan didn't know the occurrence of this situation, but when this situation occurred, would he regret jumping down to save himself?

Zhuo Bufan lowered his head slightly and looked at the charming woman in his arms, "I only regret that I once hurt you."

As he said, Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist, and the aura and true essence in his body that were originally like stagnant water began to ripple.

Although there are no powerful cultivators on the Blue Star, Zhuo Bufan has already known that there may have been ancient times on the Blue Star, and during those periods there must have been various powers and many forbidden formations. It was a peerless forbidden area, and there was still some power left in the formation.

However, with the strength of his body, even if he fell down, he would be seriously injured at best and would not die. But Miaoxin is different, she can't use aura, she is just an ordinary person, falling from such a high place, she will definitely be crushed.

"No... I won't let regret happen again."

Zhuo Bufan is like an angry beast, roaring, the muscles on his body are as solid as steel, and the veins are loose. He wants to forcibly break through the barriers of the formation here, but how can this formation be laid by the power in the ancient times? So easy to break free.

A mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, and at the same time, the spiritual energy in his body seemed to have found a gap. Taking advantage of this moment, Zhuo Bufan immediately pinched a magic trick and hit Miao Xin's body.

Miao Xin felt that her body suddenly became lighter, and the speed of her fall also slowed down. She seemed like a feather, slowly falling towards the sky.

After Zhuo Bufan finished all this, he took the initiative to release his hand, and his whole person was like a stone, suddenly falling towards the bottom.

"Zhuo Bufan."

Miao Xin suddenly felt her heart shrink suddenly, as if someone squeezed it with her hand, turned her head, and looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was falling rapidly and disappearing into the clouds, her eyes were red, and drops of crystal tears seemed to break. The thread pearls generally fall.


On the edge of the cliff, Master Feng and others waited for about an hour. They didn’t see the two coming up. They caught a prisoner from the Wumen League, because from here, there was a lot of mist under the cliff, and they didn’t know the situation below. , Can only ask a local person to ask.

"Two immortals spare their lives, spare their lives..."

The Wu State warrior was in embarrassment, and judging from the clothes he was wearing, his status in the Wu League should not be low.

Miao Zhu cast a spell to understand what the other party said.

"Two immortals spare their lives, Mosuo has fallen, I am just a small fish, let me go." The other party knelt on the ground and said without falling.

Miao Zhu hadn't asked the question yet. He was stunned when he heard what the other party said, and then asked: "What did you just say, Mo Suo has fallen, so many of you, how could he die?"

She naturally thought that Zhuo Bufan had just opened up the Wu League, but she didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to kill Mo Suo.

"Wu Meng? Just now an immortal came here riding a golden snake and defeated all of our Wu Meng, and Mo Suo also fell." Thinking of the terrifying power displayed by the young man standing on the head of the big golden snake just now, he spoke. The face of the Wu State warrior showed deep fear.

Miao Zhu opened his little cherry mouth in surprise. Just now Zhuo Bufan killed the Wu League by himself.

"By the way, what's the situation here?" Miao Zhu asked after being shocked.

"Below...Below is the Death Forest...It's the place where the **** of death lives. People can't go in." Wu Guowu said.

"What Death Forest?" Master Feng frowned, with a faintly bad feeling.

Wu Guo Wuzhe said: "I also heard that, even the magic masters of the Ghost Witch Cult didn't dare to go down easily, as long as the people who entered did not come out in the end."

As magicians, Miaozhu and Master Feng naturally knew that there were some ‘forbidden places’ on the Blue Star, which were probably the residences of the former sects, but as time passed, after a thousand years, they became terrifying forbidden places.

"The ghosts and witches don't dare to go down, isn't the senior sister in danger?" Miao Zhu's expression changed suddenly.

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