Chapter 892 The Tower of Power

"He... how could he leave like this?" Dong Xiangyun shook his crutches, his body trembled slightly, his originally cloudy eyes were a little red.

"He just died, and he doesn't want to come back. See us again." Dong Xiangyun coughed softly.

"Master, don't be sad." A girl in her early twenties next to her, hurriedly supported her.

"Sister, brother is gone, don't be sad." Qiu Xingjian comforted.

Lu Xing hesitated and said, "Elder Dong, Master often mentioned you to me when he was alive, saying that he was sorry. If there is another life, he still wants to know you."

"Really, I didn't expect him to say this." Dong Xiangyun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'll go back to the room to rest first, and discuss what you have to do by yourself."

After all, Dong Xiangyun slowly walked towards his house with the support of the female disciple.

"Since you are brothers' disciples, let's go and chat with me first." Cheng Ying said.

The group of people came to the lobby and sat on wooden chairs. Lu Xing explained the master’s affairs clearly, and handed over the urn of the old man of nine immortals to the other side, ready to be buried in the star gate.

But when Lu Xing finished talking about the matter, Cheng Ying and Qiu Xingjian were both stunned at the same time.

Because the old man of the Nine Immortals actually passed the position of the head of the martial art to Zhuo Bufan, a disciple who was not Xing Gong.

"He is not a disciple of our Star Sect. How could the senior apprentice pass him the position of head?" Cheng Ying frowned, seeing Zhuo Bufan only eighteen or nine years old. He couldn't see his strength, so he couldn't help but reveal his strength. The color of doubt.

Lu Xing said: "This is the exhortation of the master before his death. I was there at the time."

Not only did the two elders Cheng Ying and Qiu Xingjian show doubts and incomprehension on their faces, but the other disciples also showed slightly unhappy expressions.

The head of the star gate has always been the old man of the nine immortals. Although he has not returned, he has always been the head of the star gate. Now that the head has passed away, he has passed the position of the head to a little boy who is not a star. Disciple of the door, who is willing to be convinced.

"I don't care if I'm the head of mine or not." Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan, who had been drinking tea, stopped his movements and looked up at the two elders.

"Huh?" Cheng Ying frowned, wondering what Zhuo Bufan meant.

"I just want to read the classics of your star palace. As for the master, everything is fine." Zhuo Bufan said.

Indeed, although he promised the nine-line old man to protect the safety of the star palace, he does not necessarily need to be the head.

"No, only the head of the palace can enter the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the star palace. Not the head, no one is allowed to enter, including me and the two elders." Qiu Xingjian shook his head and said immediately.

Zhuo Bufan was taken aback for a moment, "Do I have to be the head of this?"

"Although you are the head of the dictum passed down by the head of the senior brother, you are not a member of the star door, so we have to discuss this matter. I will first send a disciple to take you to find a room to rest." Cheng Ying He stood up and said, and immediately turned and left with Qiu Xingjian.

"Senior Sister Lu Xing, Senior Brother Zhuo, Sister Shijian, this is the place where our ordinary disciples live, called'Bamboo Courtyard'."

Leading Zhuo Bufan and others to rest was a girl I just met, a female disciple next to Elder Dong, named Xiao Xing.

"There is the residence of the elders, and the back mountain is the place for practicing exercises, and there is the Buddhist scripture pavilion, the alchemy room, and the place for storing things on the other side. There is also the round platform you see in the middle, which is given by the masters. Where we have classes."

Xiao Xing introduced one by one.

"The small courtyard arranged for you has been unoccupied, but it is cleaned and cleaned by disciples every day."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, presumably this place was originally the place where the head of the Star Gate lived. At the same time, he also knew that the entire Star Gate had less than 30 formal disciples, and they were all capable of practicing Qi. As for some outer disciples , Is responsible for taking care of the affairs of the world, providing some resources, daily necessities, food and so on for the martial arts.

And Xiao Xing also said something about Elder Nine Immortals and Elder Dong. It turns out that they are brothers and sisters. Elder Dong has always had an admiration for Elder Nine Immortals. He is absolutely free and easy in character and unwilling to be restrained by emotion. He left the Star Gate and wandered outside.

Xiao Xing's personality is gentle, and she looks a little pretty. She soon became acquainted with Shi Jian and Lu Xing. The three girls made appointments to stroll around in the martial arts.

Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged in the bamboo house to adjust his breath and practice.

Now he must learn more about the cultivation sect on the Blue Star, and then inquire about the disappearance of Miaoxue Temple, and bring Ye Ziqin out of Miaoxue Temple.


Inside the Chamber.

The three elders and a few true disciples were all here, sitting together.

"Brother, how can you pass it to an outsider outside of the head? And he's still a yellow-haired boy." Qiu Xingjian frowned.

"I don't even think about it, but although the senior brother has a strange personality, he is a cultivator. He must have his reasons for making such a decision." Cheng Ying said slowly.

"Could it be the illegitimate son of the master teacher?" a young man standing behind Qiu Xingjian suddenly said, but as soon as he uttered the words, he felt that something was wrong, and quickly covered his mouth with a worried expression.

"Hmph, that old guy doesn't even know how to find a woman outside." Elder Dong snorted coldly, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

"What about that extraordinary thing? Is it really let him be the head, but he is not our Star Sect person. If he doesn't agree, it means rebelling against the head brother." Qiu Xingjian was a little embarrassed.

"Master, Master, I have an opinion." It was the young man behind Qiu Xingjian who spoke.

He is a true disciple of Qiu Xingjian, named Wang Pengcheng.

"Well, what's your opinion?" Qiu Xingjian looked at him and asked.

Wang Pengcheng said: "Master, uncle, if you really let him be the head, I think many brothers, brothers, sisters, and sisters will not agree, after all, no matter how round he is, if he really wants to be the head. , Let him pass the test, so that it does not violate the meaning of the master and uncle, but it also allows everyone to convince the crowd."

"What test?" Cheng Ying also came interested.

"If he can walk to the top of the'Starry Sky Tower', then let him be the head." Wang Pengcheng said, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The three elders were stunned at the same time. The so-called starry sky tower is the tall tower in the southeast of the martial art. There are a total of nineteen floors. There is a certain amount of pressure on each floor, and the second floor is ten times stronger than the first floor. By analogy, the more you get to the top, the stronger the pressure.

Even Elder Cheng Ying, who is the highest among the three elders, can only climb to the tenth floor.

"The nineteenth floor is too difficult for a strong man. If he can walk to the tenth floor, the position of the head will be given to him." Cheng Ying was finalizing.

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