The 907th chapter defeated all heroes in the world


Julie slapped it out with a slap, and the whole air trembled, and a golden qi was like a dragon, suddenly beating out like a crowd rushing over.

Wu Yihan and other five people came out together, shocking power, boxing, palming, leg skills, and swordsmanship. These five people are geniuses of their own sects. They are also the kings on the Qingyun list. They are even more powerful than those old masters. Winning, five people shot at once, and the true essence of the entire mountain was trembling.

In July, he slapped it over, and it was actually a combined blow to disperse everyone, and it turned out to be a five-to-five shot with one blow.

But everyone’s gaze towards July has revealed deep fear and admiration. July is only twenty-five or six years old, and he is the proud son of heaven, the genius among geniuses, the true essence of cultivation is so solid and vigorous. What's more terrifying is his understanding of martial arts, that kind of indomitable domineering, it is estimated that only talents from the top family like Aixinjueluo possess.

Although this blow only resulted in a tie, July was tied with the other five based on his own strength. If you are alone, maybe there will be no one except Chen Qinggong and other Gang Jin masters. Can suppress him.

It is not unreasonable for July to occupy the position of the strongest king in the Qingyun list when the shadow cannot be killed.

"Ebrow chasing the wind swordsmanship." Ziruo frowned her eyebrows, and a sharp color flashed in her clear eyes. Between the shaking of her wrists, the lightsaber in her hand shook into several sword flowers, moving towards July from eight directions. Stabbed, every aspect angle is very tricky, making people unable to avoid it.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, "Servant sword, you use my sword..."

"I...I just told Sister Zi Ruo a few tricks, and she realized it all by herself." Shi Jian curled his mouth and said with his head lowered.

The sword technique Yu Ziruo used was indeed somewhat of the shadow of the Qinglian sword song, but the main body was still the crescent sword technique.

Faced with the sword flowers coming from all directions, everyone's hearts were suddenly raised, not knowing how July will respond. After all, these sword flowers are not just phantoms, but the real sword light, which has wiped out people. The body, after all, will poke a hole.

In July, his eyes were like the sun, his whole body burst into war, his black hair was flying backwards, like a **** of war, and he slapped the front face, ignoring the sword flower coming from the side.

Ziruo was stunned for a moment. Could it be that July wanted to hurt the enemy a thousand and hurt himself 800?

But when the slap of July was taken out, everyone understood that July had never thought of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred. Instead, the pure dragon vitality directly shook the surrounding silver sword flowers. Broken, the remaining strength hit Yu Ziruo's abdomen.

Yu Ziruo suddenly flew out like a kite with a broken line, the tip of the sword was inserted half a foot into the rock, and the white hand grasped the hilt of the sword. She held her body steady, her beautiful face was a little pale, and the corners of her mouth overflowed with a dazzling blood. .

"Zi Ruo." Zhang Yesheng frowned, his left and right hands converge on Yin and Yang, which is Wudang's unique Yin and Yang palm. It is rumored that only Zhang Gulu would use this technique. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yesheng had already learned this at a young age. The fascination is really shocking.

"True Dragon Fighting Righteousness!"

July's eyes are like electricity, looking at the Yin and Yang picture of Zhang Yesheng's double palms, his face is crazy, and he punches out, a golden dragon that is almost solidified, soars into the sky, with a wave The vast atmosphere almost shook the air to pieces.

The golden real dragon collided with the yin and yang diagram, and instantly smashed the yin and yang diagram into smashes, and the Yu Jin hit Zhang Yesheng's body, knocking Zhang Yesheng back.

The entire mountain peak was filled with smoke and cracks, and all the gravel and rocks were shaken into dust by the powerful real element.

Wu Yihan, Li Yang, Yu Ziruo, Chen Yanghao, Zhang Yesheng and others looked at each other, and then used their housekeeping skills to attack July again. However, the golden gong-qi protection on the body of July can be done with every move. With the great rhyme of martial arts in the eyes, not only did a few people join forces not to gain the upper hand, but more and more reluctantly supported the attack in July.

The martial arts people in the mountain showed their amazing colors.

"Sure enough, it is the son of July, so amazing!"

"My former idol was Shadow Killer, but from now on it will be the son of July."

"Sure enough, he is a child of the Aixinjueluo family." Qu Banshan said.

Qu Mo curled his mouth and said, "If he is not a child of the Aixinjueluo family, he can be so powerful, and everyone else uses medicinal materials and piles of pills."

"Hmph, what do you know, if you have his martial arts talent and strong willpower, my Qu family will exhaust all of you and you will be cultivated." Qu Qingshan snorted coldly, scared Qu Mo dare not speak any more. .

"Mo Ge, it was originally. Although the son of July is a powerful family and all the resources are piled on him, he himself is a martial arts genius, so he can achieve today's achievements." Qu Yao said.

Zhuo Bufan watched a few people fight together, the peaks and flat tops of the various true essences were about to collapse, and he nodded involuntarily. If July is placed in the realm of cultivation, he will definitely grow into a holy child in the future. It’s a pity that the resources and aura on Blue Star are too scarce.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan looked at a peak in the distance again.

Above the peak, a young man in a green shirt frowned. He obviously felt that someone was watching him, but when his consciousness swept through everything, he couldn't find out who was coveting him.

"It may not be coming out for a long time, and I have an illusion. How can someone find me in these monkeys?"

The green shirt youth shook his head, and soon his gaze fell on the battlefield, "This July is still in my sight. The rest are too weak."

"Master Chen, what level do you think the strength of Master July has reached?" An old man looked at Chen Qinggong next to him and said slowly.

Chen Qinggong is a great master of martial arts and has been avoiding the world for decades. This time he came out to see the martial arts conference. He is a real master of Gang Jin. Although his eyes looked muddy, he occasionally flashed a sharp light.

"In my humble opinion, Master July's strength is almost close to mine." Chen Qinggong said slowly.

When a word came out, everyone around him took a breath.

Everyone knows Chen Qinggong's strength. If July's strength is already close to him, it means that July hasn't done his best at all.

What's more terrifying is that July is only twenty-five or sixteen years old. If he is given another ten years, he might be able to reach the emperor's extreme realm, even the legendary **** realm.

Not only Chen Qinggong, but also the heads of the martial arts such as Yu Daoxin, Zhang Gulu, and others, all saw the extraordinary of July.

As for the faces of the Aixinjueluo family, all of them showed pride.

After fighting for about ten minutes, Yu Ziruo, Zhang Yesheng, Wu Yihan, Li Yang, and Chen Yanghao pushed away at the same time. All five suffered internal injuries, their faces were pale, and blood was left on the corners of their mouths.

The eyes of the five were even more horrified. Except for one person in their hearts that was invincible, there was now another person.

"It's a pity that Shadow Killer isn't here." July sighed, as if he was a bit regretful. His goal had always been Shadow Killer, but he had seen Shadow Killer a year ago. The slumped appearance made him fundamentally No desire to fight with Shadow Killer.

"After a year, I thought you would show up." July shook her head inwardly.

"Yes, is this the first genius of your martial arts world?"

Suddenly a cold voice rang in everyone's ears.

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