Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 910: Shadow Killer Reappearance

Chapter 911: Shadow Killing Reappears

"I killed him, so what?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished all this, he looked straight at the old woman.

The old woman slowly released the hand holding the crutches. Ling Ling disappeared in her eyes. She sighed and said: "What a killer fruit jue, our hidden door person hasn't come out for a long time. I didn't expect that the Languo martial arts world will do it. It's a figure like your excellency, but Luo Yin had the wrong thing first. We Qing Xuanzong will take note of this matter today."

After that, the old woman's snake-head walking stick sprayed out a blue mist, and the corpse of the green-shirted young man turned into a blue sky, and disappeared into the sky with the old woman.

However, after the old woman left, the expressions of everyone were not at all relaxed. Today is the first time everyone has seen the strength of the people in the hidden door. A disciple of a small school can have such strength. If all the people in the hidden door come out. , That Lan Country martial arts world, who can resist, even if Zhuo Bufan's strength is strong, I am afraid he can't use his own power to contend with the entire hidden gate.

The faces of Yu Daoxin, Zhang Gulu, Chen Qinggong and others all showed worry at the same time. Now that the hidden gate appears, the martial arts world may not be peaceful anymore!

"I surrendered." July suddenly stood up, staring straight at Zhuo Bufan, and said.

Indeed, even though July defeated Zhang Yesheng, Wu Yihan, Su Ziruo and others, he was overwhelmed by a disciple of the Qingxuanzong, and Zhuo Bufan came out and defeated the opponent. Can tell.

"Since Young Master July admits defeat, then the first place in this martial arts conference is Shadow Kill." Yu Daoxin stood up and said.

If Yu Zi frowned involuntarily, the first place in this martial arts conference is not so good. The first place in the martial arts conference represents the entire Lan Guo martial arts world. If the hidden people want revenge, they are looking for it. The first person is Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan doesn’t care either. He wants to enter the innate now. The resources in the mundane are no longer enough. He must devour more resources and materials to support his cultivation. Moreover, Ye Ziqin is now in the Miaoxue Divine Palace, which is also related to the hidden gate. As a matter of fact, he was trying to learn about the hidden door.

It was for this reason that he let go of the old woman just now, otherwise, with extraordinary means, he could defeat the opponent on the spot.

However, at the same time that the Kunlun Mountain Martial Arts Conference ended, the entire Lan Guo martial arts world was boiling again.

The name of Shadow Killer once again reached the top of the Blue Clouds List, and everyone began to discuss things about Shadow Killer.

Kunlun Mountain-Martial Arts Conference, Shadow Kill defeated the Hidden Sect Clan, once again ascending the strongest king!

"The Shadow Killer has been silent for a year, and when it comes out again, it is about to wind up the martial arts world."

"It's too strong. I was on the scene myself. Originally, the son of July won, but suddenly a hidden person came and suppressed all of the sons of July. Then the Shadow Killer suddenly came out and defeated the opponent."

"I'm also on the scene. The speed of Shadow Kill is breaking the speed of sound. It should have surpassed Grandmaster Gang Jin and reached the emperor realm, or the legendary **** realm."

"Divine realm? Impossible, Lan Guo martial arts realm does not know whether there is a divine realm now, he is so young, if he really reaches the divine realm, then it is estimated that the reincarnation of the old demon has such strength."

"Shadow killing husband, I want to marry him."

"However, Shadow Killer killed the people in the hidden gate, and this time it caused a catastrophe." An old vest posted.

About the hidden gate, only some super families and martial arts martial arts know about it. As for the other warriors, almost never heard about the hidden gate.

"What the **** is the hidden gate?" someone asked.

"The hidden gate is rumored to be the sect of cultivating immortals, it is the ancient sect of cultivating immortals in Lan Kingdom, but it has disappeared from the sight of everyone a long time ago. They came out this time without knowing what their purpose was. And it was just an ordinary disciple of the hidden gate. , The son of July who can be suppressed bows his head, if all the others come out, I don’t know what shock it will affect our martial arts world."

As soon as this post appeared, many warriors were silent.

A disciple of the Hidden Gate can suppress the top genius like July. If all those sects come out, then there will be a place in the martial arts world in the Land of Land, and this time Zhuo Bufan defeated a disciple of the Hidden Gate. It directly caused disaster to the martial arts world.

Zhuo Bufan is getting better, how can one person resist the revenge of the entire hidden door?

"Let me go, what is the limelight of this shadow, now it provokes me such a strong enemy." Suddenly someone spoke anonymously.

A stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and many people who had seen Zhuo Bufan displeased him immediately ran out and attacked Zhuo Bufan. If Zhuo Bufan did not kill the disciples of the hidden gate, perhaps the martial arts world would not provoke such hidden gates. Formidable enemy.

"You didn't see that at the time, the person in the hidden door was too arrogant, and he actually said that we are undeveloped apes, and Shadow Killer vented our revenge. You are still complaining about him now, and you are shameless."

"Especially when the Shadow Killer said'Martial Arts World, I'll Protect', I was full of enthusiasm. Even if their hidden people want revenge, I'm not afraid of death."

For a while, the entire martial arts forum was once again noisy and incompetent. Basically, those who supported and opposed shadow killings had formed two distinct factions.

"Don't worry, everyone at the hidden door must come to me first if they want revenge."

Above the mountain, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see the concerns of Yu Daoxin and others, and smiled.

According to Zhuo Bufan’s understanding of the hidden gate, these people are the descendants of true cultivators. They spend their entire lives in pursuit of longevity and the great path. Even the goal now is to find a way to leave the blue star, and now the resources are exhausted and they want to leave. Yu Lanxing is as difficult as reaching the sky. They are now coming out, probably because the Futiandidong where the hidden gate is located has begun to dry up. They came out to find more resources for cultivation.

Therefore, the hidden people may not come directly to the martial arts world for trouble.

"But Mr. Zhuo came out for our martial arts world..." Zhang Gulu frowned and said.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said with a smile: "Even if you want to help, if there are really powerful people at the hidden gate, who can resist?"

When a word came out, everyone borrowed silence.

Yes, a small hidden disciple can clamor for the entire martial arts world. If the powerful people in the hidden door come out, no one in their martial arts world can resist.

"But don't worry, everyone, I think that the top powerhouses in Hidden Gate should not leave the school easily. After all, Hidden Gate is not only one school. There are also interests between them, and they will not leave the school easily."

Zhuo Bufan said slowly.

Everyone nodded, seeming to think that Zhuo Bufan's words made sense.

In fact, there is one more thing Zhuo Bufan didn’t say. People in the innate realm will definitely not come out easily, because the blue star has a thin aura. If you can cultivate to the innate, it’s already very difficult. If you leave the aura-rich residence rashly, you may be Consume the lifespan in the body.

As long as he is not born, Zhuo Bufan is not afraid of anyone in the hidden door.

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