Chapter 924 The Enemy Meets

Although Duan Muxiang doesn't know Qing Xuan's true identity, she can also detect some different places from his body. The jealous and lonely high emanating from his body, she has never seen it in anyone. of.

Even the children of some big families from Tianlan City, in terms of temperament, are much worse than the young man in front of him. The temperament of the other person seems to be proud of the world, very similar to a person, but that person does not have him. That sharp air.

The person Duan Muxiang thought of was naturally extraordinary.

Duan Muxiang faced Qing Xuan's strong momentum and pressure, and could hardly say anything to shirk, and could not refuse his request. After all, like Qing Xuan was not only a member of the hidden door, but also a member of the Qing Xuan sect in the hidden door. The son, the innate domineering spirit is not something ordinary people can resist.

When Zhuo Bufan and Ye Beichen asked Duan Muxiang to send Yin Xuecao, they left the box and went downstairs. Now Miao Xin doesn't believe what he said, but Zhuo Bufan can see from Miao Xin's complicated eyes. To the slightest sway.

Even if it was only such a slight vacillation, it was a huge hope for Zhuo Bufan, as long as he exposed the ugly veil of Miaoxue Divine Palace, he would be able to make Miaoxin believe in her own words.

As for Miao Xin and Qing Xuan now, Zhuo Bufan is not worried. After all, Miao Xin’s cultivation method has not yet reached a level, Qing Xuan dare not touch her. Besides, Miao Xin’s character Zhuo Bufan is clearer than anyone else, no one. Can force her to do anything.

"Ye Shao, knowing that I'm here, I don't even see each other, it's not giving me face, right?"

Just as Zhuo Bufan, Shi Jian, and Ye Beichen walked downstairs, they suddenly heard a faint voice behind them, which contained a slight sense of coldness.

A group of people behind him were all headed by Qing Xuan, Snake Monarch and Miao Xin stood beside him, followed by Wu Yue, Yao Lei, and Ouyang Xinghe.

At this time, although the auction had ended, the magicians, warriors, and people in the hidden gate in the auction hall had not all left. Seeing Qingxuan and others came out, many people stopped and stayed to watch the excitement.

After all, Ye Beichen just robbed Qing Xuan's Silver Snow Grass. Of course, this was everyone's guess. No one knew that Zhuo Bufan was actually competing with Qing Xuan Silver Snow Grass.

"This is Young Master Qingxuan and Young Master Ye Beichen, so handsome." A girl who came out of the hidden door widened her eyes, showing a nymphomaniac expression.

"I think Young Master Ye Beichen is a little more handsome, and the person next to him is also handsome, I don't know who it is?"

"Hey, there's a good show to watch now."

Most of the people in the hidden gate knew that Qingxuan and Ye Beichen were not in harmony. They must have had a good show when they met this time.

"In addition to Young Master Qingxuan, there are also Fairy Wu Yue from Chief Chi Yue, Yao Lei from Feng Lei Gate, and Young Master Ouyang from True Fire Gate." Someone recognized the three people behind Qing Xuan.

"That's the Snake Lord of Qingxuanzong. I heard that the magical power is so powerful that she has a weird personality. Don't provoke her." Someone looked at the strange snake and said to the people around him in a low voice.

"Is that pretty girl the fiancée of Young Master Qingxuan? I heard that Qingxuanzong and Miaoxue Divine Palace are ready to marry." At this moment, someone noticed the heart and whispered softly.

Sure enough, everyone was attracted by this voice, their eyes focused on Miao Xin's body, and she suddenly showed awe-inspiring and enviable color. In terms of appearance and temperament, Miao Xin is a first-class face. As for a woman seeing her , It is inevitable that there is a sense of inferiority and jealousy in my heart.

"The goddess of the Miaoxue Shrine is indeed a beautiful woman in the allure. I knew I had asked my master to help me go to the Miaoxue Shrine to propose marriage." A young man said enviously.

"Only by you, the goddess of Miaoxue Divine Palace is worthy of only Young Master Qingxuan." Someone sneered.

Miao Xin gritted her teeth, bowed her head slightly, her eyes showed a complicated look. At this moment, she could feel Zhuo Bufan's gaze staring at her, but she did not dare to look directly at Zhuo Bufan's gaze, the indescribable feeling in her heart The feeling is more like guilt and guilty conscience.

Qing Xuan also frowned. Although the others had amazing looks and temperament, they didn't dare to follow Zhuo Bufan and stared at her straightforwardly. Their eyes were unconcealed, even with some fiery heat. Light.

"Young Master Qingxuan, he is the one who obliterated Luo Yin." Monarch Snake recognized Zhuo Bufan and whispered in Qingxuan's ear.

There was a chill on Qing Xuan's face, quite a feeling that he could not find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless. Although Luo Yin was only an elite disciple of Qing Xuanzong, he was only his servant, but the other party killed Luo. Yin, isn't it equivalent to slap him in the face?

"It's you..."

Just as Qing Xuan was about to speak, Wu Yue, Yao Lei, and Ouyang Xinghe also saw Zhuo Bufan and shouted in unison.

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect to meet these three hapless guys here.

The trio stared at Zhuo Bufan angrily. They were robbed as soon as they came out of the hidden door, but at the same time they were angry, there was a touch of fear in their eyes. After all, Zhuo Bufan’s strength had been seen by them personally. Definitely has the strength in the later stage of foundation building.

"Do you know him?" Qing Xuan glanced at Wu Yue in surprise, and asked suspiciously.

Wu Yue gritted his teeth and couldn't help saying: "Brother Qingxuan, the three of us originally went to the snow mountain to look for you, but we didn't expect to meet him, but he took all our things."

When a word came out, Qing Xuan, Snake Monarch, and everyone nearby were taken aback. Zhuo Bufan actually robbed Wu Yue, Yao Lei, and Ouyang Xinghe, and robbed them of all their belongings.

Snake Lord’s brows gradually moved closer, Zhuo Bufan, as the first person in the mundane martial arts world, was able to kill Luo Yin enough to surprise her, and now he actually robbed Wu Yue, Yao Lei, and Ouyang Xinghe. It shows that the three of them are not his opponents.

Snake Jun looked at Zhuo Bufan's gaze a little more vigilant, and she couldn't figure out the strength of the opponent now.

Qing Xuan squeezed his fist, the other party killed his servants and robbed Wu Yue and others. Obviously his strength was not low. No wonder he asked Wu Yue and others to borrow spirit stones. People ransacked.

As for the other people in the auction, they looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise and dared to rob Wu Yue and the three of them. You must know that these three people are true disciples of the Martial Arts in the Hidden Sect. Isn’t this directly harmonizing Feng Lei Sect, Scarlet Moon Sect, and Real Fire Is the door an enemy?

"Brother Zhuo, you really surprised me, you actually snatched the things of these three people, and you did something that I didn't even dare to do. I admire you." Ye Beichen was taken aback for a moment, suddenly haha Laugh out loud.

He had long seen these decent guys not pleasing to his eyes, and always wanted to find a chance to make them suffer. Unfortunately, Wu Yue and the three of them joined forces, and he couldn't take advantage. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to **** these three people. With a flushed face, Ye Beichen smiled extremely happily.

"He is a shadow killer!" Suddenly a middle-aged man widened his eyes and said in surprise.

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