Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 949: Sky Profound Pill

Chapter 950 Profound Sky Pill

Gradually, the cold flames that originally erupted, after Zhuo Bufan made a few seals, gradually gathered together to form a beautiful light blue flower, and the chill that radiated from it seemed to be all of a sudden. Disappeared in general.

But it's not like that. Those chills and energy are gathered in the blue flame and will not be wasted.

A fragile mosquito did not seem to notice the blue flame, and rushed in. It was instantly frozen into blue ice crystals by the cold inside and fell to the ground.

"Finally finished."

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief. His forehead was already covered with fine sweat. It would be extremely difficult to arrange this kind of earth evil flame with his current strength. If he replaced it with another monk in the late foundation construction period, it would be impossible to arrange it. The evil flame out of the ground is used for refining equipment.

The reason for spending so much energy is to ensure that this refining tool can be foolproof. After all, the Ice Emperor Rain Sword is an extraordinary magic weapon. If the magic weapon is damaged, it will also cause damage to his mind. Moreover, the current situation is not Steady, Zhuo Bufan absolutely does not allow any failure to happen.

Zhuo Bufan took out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword. The three-foot-three-inch sword converged its sharp edge and hovered above his head. A milky white dragon fish emerged from it and soared in the air, looking very lively and happy.

"I have nine levels of confidence to succeed this time, but you also have to refining with the Ice Emperor Rain Sword. Whether you can endure the pain caused by the cold flame is up to you."

Zhuo Bufan looked solemn, looked at Arowana and said.

The dragon fish is Zhuo Bufan. The dragon fish drew out its soul and erased all the memories. It is equivalent to a new spirit existence, because it is the spirit of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and Zhuo Bufan is equivalent to the mind the same.

As if he understood Zhuo Bufan's words, Arowana uttered a few exhilarating moans, obviously looking forward to his own progress so that he could consolidate his body as soon as possible and become a real spiritual creature.

"Go ahead."

With a slight smile on Zhuo Bufan's face, he looked at Arowana and said.

The dragon fish dived into the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and immediately the Ice Emperor Rain Sword rushed directly into the blue flame. In a flash, the Ice Emperor Rain Sword was covered with blue ice crystals and frozen into an ice blue sword. Shining light blue light.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword is Zhuo Bufan's magic weapon, so he can clearly feel the tempering of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and the pain suffered by the Dragon Fish at this time.

"If you want to be a peerless artifact, you have to go through a million times of tempering." Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself, but he did not dare to relax in the slightest, staring closely at the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in the cold flames. Variety.

The materials needed for this refining tool, Zhuo Bufan, have been prepared. You only need to put them in one by one according to the order, proportion, and time. It is simple to say, but it contains a lot of knowledge and experience of refining.

The order and time of placing the materials must be determined according to the changes of the flame and the ice emperor rain sword, and the most important thing is the weight. It is not that the more things you put, the less, so every link and detail are very important. Bufan was almost upbeat and didn't dare to slack in the slightest.

"Put in the blood sea secret sand."

"Put in Fengshuang Baojing."

"Put in black gold and iron."

After another three full days, Zhuo Bufan hadn’t eaten anything, nor had he rested. He just concentrated on refining the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and finally it was noon on the third day, the blue above the Ice Emperor Rain Sword. Thin cracks appeared on the colored ice crystals, and immediately like a bullet shell peeling off, exposing the Ice Emperor Rain Sword inside.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword has not changed much, but the blade has become more transparent, with a strange azure blue light, and the chill radiated from it is 100 meters apart and it is like a needle on the skin, which makes the whole body feel like a needle. It hurts.


The Ice Emperor Rain Sword flew into the air, and a white dragon fish leaped out of the sword body, dancing in the air, making a cheerful cry, Zhuo Bufan raised his head, and his face also showed a touch of relaxed joy.

The body of the dragon fish at this time has been solidified. The white scales on the body are as smooth as white jade, covering the body, and the four outside the body are also covered with fine scales. The claws are as sharp as a sword, and the top of the head is even more sharp. Two small white jade-like feet emerged, with a delicate appearance, but the power emanating from them could not be underestimated.

"The entity has finally condensed, and it may not be impossible to evolve into a jade dragon in the future." Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

After dancing happily for a while, the dragon fish dived into the ice emperor rain sword again, and then the sword flew in front of Zhuo Bufan, trembling faintly, making a humming sound, looking very excited.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm and grasped the hilt of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, but he didn't feel the slightest chill in his palm.

After holding the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, you can feel that the power contained in the sword is more powerful than before, and finally successfully advanced to the second rank of the treasure, and because of the existence of such spirits as the dragon fish, Compared to other third-tier treasures, it is not weak at all.

The advancement of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword undoubtedly allowed Zhuo Bufan to increase his strength again.

Zhuo Bufan held the sword and slashed it forward with a sharp sword. Suddenly the situation changed, the world changed color, and the blue sword light spanned hundreds of meters. Everything in front was chopped in half by this sword, leaving a trail on the ground. The deep ravines are like cracks opened by an earthquake, leaving behind a blue ice crystal.

Even tens of meters away from the crack, all the plants and trees were frozen into ice trees and silver flowers by the cold, which was extremely beautiful.

Even Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the Ice Emperor Rain Sword possessed such a great power, and he stared at the sword for a while, and came over in relief.

When he built the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, he only inscribed the ancient ice thunder tactics on the sword body. The thing that the sword body has tempered just now, the inscription on the sword body also absorbed a lot of cold flame energy, so it can have such a large amount. The power of.

"Well, now the Ice Emperor Rain Sword is successfully refined. If I can reach the top of foundation building within a year, even if I face the innate strong, I will have the power to fight."

Zhuo Bufan retracted the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, two sharp rays of light radiated in his eyes.

In addition to refining the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, Zhuo Bufan also plans to use the spiritual veins of the Miaoxue Divine Palace to refine the Sky Profound Pill, and enter the six-level realm!

While refining the weapon, Zhuo Bufan had already taken the time to lay out a few training formations, even if the Great Palace Master and Qing Xuan and others came in, he had time to react.

All the materials for refining the pill were prepared, Zhuo Bufan swallowed all the medicine into his abdomen, and directly used his body as a furnace to prepare the pill.

In doing so, not only a trace of medicinal power will not be wasted, but also the medicinal power of the Profound Sky Pill will be fully absorbed by the body.

However, in the past few days, Miao Zhu returned to the Miaoxue Shrine again. This time, he took all the disciples who were unwilling to leave in the palace to the Star Gate. Obviously, he had already received the support of the three elders. At this time, Miao Zhu Only Zhuo Bufan was left in the Snow God Palace.

Zhuo Bufan sat in the center of the dojo, swallowed the medicinal materials, and immediately began to refine the Sky Profound Pill!

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