Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 957: Return of the Snow

The ninth and fifty-eighth chapter wind and snow return

Budo World Forum.

"The latest news is that the two elders Qingxuan died in Miaoxue Shrine, and the entire Miaoxue Shrine was destroyed by Shadow Killer, and Wu Yue and Yao Lei, the geniuses in the hidden gate, died in Miaoxue Shrine. ."

"Shadow Kill is worthy of our pride, it's awesome."

"I said, I believe that Shadow Kill will definitely win."

"Now these hidden people should stop, go find revenge for the shadow killer, isn't it just to die by yourself?"

"I love you, Shadow Killing Husband!"

The martial arts forum was set off once again, and even those in the martial arts community who had had a feast with Zhuo Bufan could not help but feel excited.

In this battle, Shadow Kill severely frustrated the spirit of the Hidden Gate, and from now on, the people of Hidden Gate would not dare to look down upon the martial arts world of Lan Guo.

"Shadow Kill, never let us down!"

In the Miaoxue Divine Palace, Zhuo Bufan practiced all night before barely controlling the fire element in his body. As for the complete absorption, it would take some time.

However, Zhuo Bufan also understood that this time he had completely forged a death feud with the people of the hidden door. If Sect Master Qingxuan really rushed out of the hidden door at this time, with his current strength, self-protection would also be a problem.

Nowadays, Zhuo Bufan is more eager to improve his strength, even if he can't break through the innate, as long as he can step into the pinnacle of foundation building, when facing the innate strong, he will have the capital to fight.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and when he retrieved the leaves, he had to find a way to quickly improve his strength.

Zhuo Bufan flew directly out of the Miaoxue Shrine, and only changed to walking when he was closer to the secular world.

When walking out of the snow-capped mountains, Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw a few tents built under a huge rock, with thick white snow piled up around them.

Several figures are busy next to the tent, seeming to be packing things.

"Hey, senior sister, there seems to be someone walking towards us over there?" A girl with a ponytail blinked suddenly and exclaimed.

"Xiaojun, there is a snow mountain over there, who dares to pass, how can there be anyone." Bai Xiaodong shook his head and said.

Zheng Feijun frowned and said, "What I said is true, someone is really coming over there."

Hearing his voice, the people who were busy cleaning up the tent also turned their heads and looked at them, and then they were taken aback. As expected, they saw someone walking towards them, but because of the wind and snow, they couldn’t see the other person’s face clearly. But it can be seen that the figure is a male.

Li Yunfei stopped his movements and waited for the figure to come in before she could see clearly that she was a young man in casual clothes with long slender black hair, covering her forehead, revealing a slightly white and delicate face underneath.

The person here is Zhuo Bufan!

Zhuo Bufan's spiritual sense had long discovered that there were people here, so he put on the shield, otherwise he would come over from Daxue Mountain without any snowflakes on his body, which would make people feel even more strange.

But even though there are fine snowflakes on his shoulders and head, it still feels strange to walk out from the depths of the snow-capped mountains in casual clothes.

Li Yunfei, Zheng Feijun, Bai Xiaodong, Professor Zhou, and Gu Yangming all frowned and looked at him.

"Hello, did you come out of the snow mountain?" Li Yunfei stood up and greeted, looking a little surprised.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, took a look at them, and saw that they were wearing temperament, as if they had come to Kunlun Mountain for geological survey.

"Well, I traveled alone and got lost. I just walked out." Zhuo Bufan said casually.

Of course, everyone definitely doesn't believe him. The snow-capped mountains are not ordinary peaks. He wears such thin clothes and doesn't bring any climbing equipment. It is a miracle that he can get out of the snow-capped mountains by himself.

Li Yunfei looked at Zhuo Bufan, with a sharp glow flashing deep in his eyes, but it was extremely concealed, and said with a smile: "My name is Li Yunfei, we are here for exploration, but we encountered an avalanche just now and we are planning to go back. We have a car at the foot of the mountain, or I'll see you for a ride."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to refuse, but there are still snow wolves here. They haven't met yet. A group of ordinary people are still in danger when facing hordes of snow wolves. Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan decided to go down the mountain with them. With him, those animals dare not come out.

"My name is Zhuo Bufan." Zhuo Bufan reached out and shook hands with Li Yunfei.

"Are you hungry? I have chocolates here." Li Yunfei said, digging out a box of beautifully packaged truffle chocolates from her backpack.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "No, thank you, I'm not hungry."

However, this scene happened to be seen by Gu Yangming next to him. The chocolate was given to Li Yunfei by a beggar. Li Yunfei didn't even eat it, but actually gave it to a kid he didn't know.

"Xiao Fei, we don't know him, besides, he walked out of Daxue Mountain alone, very suspicious, how can you let him be with us?" Gu Yangming walked to Li Yunfei and said.

However, Gu Yangming didn't seem to care about Zhuo Bufan's feelings at all, and there was no way to cover up his voice.

"Gu Xuechang is right. We don't know where he came from. Let him be with us, isn't it..." Bai Xiaodong stood next to him and said.

Li Yunfei frowned, "Gu Yangming, don't save a gentleman's belly with your kid's heart!"

Gu Yangming gritted his teeth. Of course he couldn't be angry with Li Yunfei. The more he looked at Zhuo Bufan, the more unpleasant he became.

Zhuo Bufan said indifferently, "I went down the mountain with you to protect you."

"Just rely on you to protect us?" Gu Yangming sneered with disdain.

After all, Zhuo Bufan doesn't seem to be old, and he is also delicate, and he said to protect them?

Bai Xiaodong said: "Our senior Gu is a taekwondo gangster. What do you learn and dare to speak up?"

"Nothing to learn, taekwondo or something, just embroidered legs." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

Gu Yangming squeezed his palms, and actually said that the taekwondo he learned was a fist and embroidered leg, but Li Yunfei was still here, he had to show his'magnanimity', but he gave Zhuo Bufan a resentful look.

"Professor Zhou, let him go down the mountain with us?" Li Yunfei asked for Professor Zhou's opinion.

Professor Zhou is kind, but he took a deep look at Zhuo Bufan, nodded, and agreed.

The group packed up their things and went straight down the mountain, but along the way, Zheng Feijun and Li Yunfei walked closer to Zhuo Bufan and chatted together.

However, the two girls said more, Zhuo Bufan just dealt with a few words.

Li Yunfei looked at Zhuo Bufan’s eyes more and more strange. Li Yunfei is a recognized school girl in the school. Although she is not narcissistic, the boys who pursue her are like the crucian carp, but Zhuo Bufan hasn’t looked at her several times. , Making her feel more and more that Zhuo Bufan is not an ordinary person.

Master Gu Yang, Bai Xiaodong, saw two beautiful girls walking closer to Zhuo Bufan. Since he was frustrated and helpless along the way, he felt resentment towards Zhuo Bufan.

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