Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 960: Trip to Tengchong

Chapter 961: A Trip to Tengchong

Tengchong, Yun Province, is one of the top jade production areas in the entire wave and even in Southeast Asia. There are many mineral veins, and many people have made their fortunes on jade here.

In addition to the big families and forces that control the mineral veins, there are also some ‘jade-seekers’ from all over the country, and even people from Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, and other Asian places come to ‘betting on stones’.

There is a saying in stone gambling that one knife is poor, and one is rich. Some people have changed from multimillionaires to paupers, and some have counterattacked from hanging silk to multimillionaires. Tengchong is a place that attracts martial arts' gamblers from all over the country. '.

And more importantly, with the current level of technology, it is still impossible to use sophisticated instruments to judge whether there are top-quality jade in the ore. It can only rely on experience and human observation. Of course, this is also one of the charms of gambling, attracting people from all over the country. People coming.

Li Yunfei's grandfather's surname was Liao and his name was Liao Zhiping. He was one of Tengchong's most famous jade sages. He made his fortune by betting on stones. Now he owns a mine and is also a famous family in Tengchong.

Recently, however, Liao Zhiping and another local underground force were vying for the right to mine a vein, and they were going to bet on stones to determine the outcome. However, these days, Liao Zhiping suddenly became seriously ill. The Liao family invited famous doctors from all over the country, but he was still helpless.

"I got sick by such a coincidence? Don't you suspect that your competitor has poisoned it?"

On the plane, Zhuo Bufan asked suspiciously after hearing Li Yunfei's narration.

"It's useless to doubt, we don't have evidence, so the only way now is to cure my grandfather so that he can participate in the stone gambling game." Li Yunfei ate a pine nut and said.

The two took a plane all the way from Qinghai to Kun City, and then they were going to drive from Kun City to Tengchong.

As soon as they arrived at Kunming Airport, Zhuo Bufan and Li Yunfei came down from the terminal and saw a woman wearing a white T-shirt and jeans leaning against a luxurious Maserati body.

The woman in her early twenties, with a refreshing ponytail, has a fiery figure, and her front is convex and backward, and her appearance is also very delicate, attracting the attention of many passing men.

"Cousin." Li Yunfei saw the woman with joy on her face and strode towards the other person.

Liao Ke raised his head, and a smile of joy came up at the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Fei, I have been waiting for you for an hour."

"Sorry cousin, the plane is late, so it's late." Li Yunfei scratched her head embarrassedly.

Liao Ke's gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan's body, and after looking up, he found that he was a teenager, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Yesterday she received a call from her cousin Li Yunfei, saying that she had invited an expert to treat her grandfather. She was so happy that she ran to pick up the plane excitedly, thinking that she was at least a gray-haired old man. Unexpectedly, it was a young man.

Except for being a little more handsome, dressed up, and temperament is no different from ordinary people.

"He is the master you said?" Liao Ke glanced at Zhuo Bufan suspiciously, and asked in a low voice.

Li Yunfei nodded and said with a smile: "Cousin, I haven't officially introduced you to this. This is Master Zhuo."

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, "Just call my name, my name is Zhuo Bufan."

Li Yunfei did not tell Liao Ke about Zhuo Bufan’s spitting flames. After all, this kind of thing is too shocking to the world. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Li Yunfei would not believe it. If he said it, Liao Ke’s personality would be even better. Won't believe in yourself.

Bring Zhuo Bufan here first, and when he is cured of his grandfather's disease, everyone will naturally believe that he is a "divine".

"Well, let's get in the car first and go to Tengchong." Liao Ke took the driving seat and sighed inwardly.

Liao Wen knew that because of the grandfather’s illness, the family members were in a hurry. Some famous doctors and magic sticks were invited from all over, but there was no way to cure her grandfather’s strange illness. Some “general doctors” even took the initiative to swindle money. .

She guessed in her heart that Li Yunfei must have been too anxious because of her grandpa's illness, so she was confused, maybe she was deceived by Zhuo Bufan.

It's just that Liao Ke is in front of Li Yunfei, it's hard to explain, but he has no hope for Zhuo Bufan.

The Liao family is also a big jade clan in Tengchong. Listening to Li Yunfei and Liao Ke chatting along the way, Zhuo Bufan knew that the opponent of the Liao family was another local power. The leader was named Lord Xiong and his nickname was Black Bear. He was trained under his hands. With a group of thugs, the forces in Tengchong are enormous.

"This time Grandpa was ill. It must be the black bear who made a mess. Unfortunately, we have no evidence." Liao Ke said with a look of resentment on his face.

"Cousin, don't worry, Master Zhuo is an immortal figure, and he will definitely be able to cure Grandpa's strange disease." Li Yunfei said.

When Liao Ke heard Li Yunfei's words, he glanced at Zhuo Bufan through the rearview mirror, disappointed in his eyes.

Along the way, she occasionally chatted and tried Zhuo Bufan, and found that Zhuo Bufan was neither a medical student nor a famous teacher as a master. She had long regarded him as a liar, but Zhuo Bufan was invited by Li Yunfei in front of Li Yunfei. , Liao Ke is not easy to pierce him.

The car dealership reached the boundary of Tengchong in about four hours, and it was noon.

"Let's find a place to eat first, and then go back after dinner." Liao Ke parked the car in front of a restaurant and led the two of them inside.

The three randomly found a table and ordered a table of dishes.

Liao Ke looked at Zhuo Bufan from time to time. The more she looked at her, the more she felt that Zhuo Bufan was a liar, and said inwardly: "You can't let Xiao Fei be fooled."

Just as they came in, a few young people who were eating at a table on the side also spotted them.

"Isn't that Liao Ke, the eldest lady of the Liao family?"

"Yeah, who is that man? I heard that Miss Liao's temperament is cold and she never talks to men. Why did she suddenly bring a man to dinner?"

"Miss Liao's is the fiancée of the young master of Shan's family. How could she find a man to eat? I guess it was the boyfriend of the little beautiful woman next to her."

But when everyone was discussing, they suddenly saw Liao Ke clutching his chest with a pained expression on his face.

"I... my heart hurts?" Liao Ke clutched his chest, the expression on his face was extremely painful.

Li Yunfei was also taken aback, "Cousin, what's the matter with you?"

"Master Zhuo, can you help me see what's wrong with my cousin?" Li Yunfei looked at Zhuo Bufan pleadingly, and said nervously.

Zhuo Bufan cast a glance to see Li Yunfei's tricks, but seeing Li Yunfei's appearance, if it weren't for Zhuo Bufan, I am afraid that she would really think that she had angina and her acting skills were pretty good.

"Master Zhuo, can you help?" Li Yunfei asked with a panic expression.

Zhuo Bufan reached out his hand and wiped it towards Li Yunfei's chest, "Let me take a look first!"

"No, no, I don't feel any pain anymore." Liao Ke saw Zhuo Bufan's salted pig's hand stretched out, and quickly dodged sideways, the pain on his face disappeared cleanly.

Li Yunfei glanced at Liao Ke strangely.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth: "It's all right so soon, I haven't looked at it for you yet."

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