Chapter 970 Little Girl

The black bear and the black panther, as well as the owner of the chamber of commerce, seemed to have received the news, with shocked faces on their faces, and they stood up.

At this time, everyone in the south had already given way to a path, and a group of people walked in from the middle.

The head was a girl with long black hair wearing a white coat and a shawl, followed by a middle-aged man in a martial arts uniform.

The girl had a pair of shining eyes, clear and clear, shining like stars, her eyes entered the stars and turned into the moon, her eyes were curved like crescent moons, as if the aura was overflowing.

The breathing of everyone in the venue was stagnant, and everyone’s eyes were attracted by the girl. Not only her looks, but more importantly, the confidence and temperament displayed by her. There is no place for peerless elegance. Searching!

Compared to Li Yunfei, Liao Ke and others, it was like the gap between the maid and the princess.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this girl, he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He hadn't seen him for two years, and he had changed a lot and grew up.

"Miss Bai."

"Miss Bai."

"Miss Bai."

The owner of the Fang Pavilion stood up tremblingly, sticking his crutches, and exclaimed respectfully.

The black bear and the black panther also stood up and arched their hands.

Shan Xiongjie bends down respectfully.

But Miss Bai's family led a group of people, but she didn't even look at them, and walked towards everyone in the Liao family.

Liao Zhiping looked excited, and Liao Changjing and Liao Changwei were at a loss.

The Bai family is the first family in Yun Province, even in Languo, it is ranked high. No one knows the Bai family medicines in Languo, and they are even exported overseas, and they have no intersection with the Liao family.

Liao Jun, Liao Ke, Li Yunfei and others opened their eyes wide, and saw Miss Bai's walking in the direction of Zhuo Bufan, tears in her eye sockets under her long feather eyelashes.

Zhuo Bufan got up with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "Little girl, I've grown up."

"Brother Xiaofan." Bai Rui couldn't help it anymore, tears fell like broken pearls, and directly rushed into Zhuo Bufan's arms. Her white and delicate arms tightly wrapped around Zhuo Bufan's waist, burying her head. Zhuo Bufan's arms.

See this scene.

The audience is silent!

Liao Zhiping's chin almost fell to the ground.

Liao Changjing and Liao Changwei were like wooden chickens.

Liao Jun, Liao Ke, and Li Yunfei also looked dumbfounded, and their minds were blank.

"The little girl has grown up, why is she still like a little girl." Zhuo Bufan was a little helpless, but he still reached out and stroked her head.

The eldest lady of the Bai family was the Bai Rui whom Zhuo Bufan had seen two years ago. Zhuo Bufan gathered the Bai family and helped Bai Rui to take the upper position. Now Bai Rui is the helm of the Bai family, and the entire Yun Province is a well-known strong woman.

But now, Bai Rui is no different from those teenage girls, like seeing a long-lost lover, hugging and crying, soft like a flower.

"Don't cry, so many people are watching." Zhuo Bufan sighed.

Two years ago, Bai Rui revealed his thoughts to him, but Zhuo Bufan focused on cultivation, and Ye Ziqin, so he could not accept Bai Rui's feelings.

However, in the past two years, Bai Rui’s feelings for him have not slowed down at all. Instead, it has become more and more intense with the precipitation of time. Bai Rui has also worked very hard to manage the Bai family. He wants to be a strong backing for Zhuo Bufan, and hope that he One day Zhuo Bufan's attention can be drawn.

In just two years, Zhuo Bufan has been busy with various things and seems to have forgotten about her, but she has been paying attention to Zhuo Bufan’s movements, knowing that Zhuo Bufan seems to be in Tengchong, so she rushed over. .

Unexpectedly, I really saw Zhuo Bufan. She hadn't seen each other for two years. She could no longer control the feelings in her heart, as the flood from the **** burst out all at once.

Liao Ke's face was blushing.

Now she understands that Zhuo Bufan is not a problem with her sexual orientation, and she also understands why Zhuo Bufan has always been so indifferent to herself.

It turned out that it was because of Miss Bai's family. With Miss Bai's family, there is no way to see her as a ‘vulgar fan’.

Liao Jun and others are even more jealous, envy, hatred, why is Zhuo Bufan related to Miss Bai?

On the other side, the expressions of Shanjiahe Chamber of Commerce, Black Bear and others changed instantly.

There is an eldest lady from the Bai family who is supporting the Liao family, and the three of them are not rivals when they unite.

Shan Wen, Tian Zi, Huang Yongfei and the others around them were even more surprised, and their open mouth could fit a duck egg in.

During the meal two days ago, they heard Zhuo Bufan say that they knew Miss Bai's family, and ridiculed them, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Moreover, looking at this situation, the relationship between Miss Bai's and Zhuo Bufan seems to be quite good.

"Mr. Zhuo." Standing behind Bai Rui, Bai Zhantang nodded respectfully.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and waited for Bai Rui to calm down, and immediately arranged for her to sit next to him. Zhuo Bufan also briefly told Bai Rui what happened.

"Brother Xiao Fan, do you want that mine?" Bai Rui asked with frowned eyebrows.

"For the time being, I don't know if there is anything I want in it." Zhuo Bufan gently shook his head.

"Unexpectedly, at this stone gambling conference, even the Bai family's eldest lady will be there in person. This is really an honor for Xiong and the Chamber of Commerce, but shouldn't the Bai family's eldest lady intervene in our stone gambling?" Hei Xiong suddenly stood up. Said loudly.

"I just come over and take a look, I won't interfere with your affairs." Bai Rui regained her cold expression and said lightly.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Bai Rui, and from her body, he saw some shadows from when Ye Ziqin was in charge of Tianmei.

They are all cool and beautiful on the surface, but they are very kind and soft on the inside.

"That's good. Old man Liao, I'll bet against you. Now not only is the Shan family and the Chamber of Commerce testifying, but also Miss Bai family has arrived. Let's not shame." The black bear clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Hu, trouble you. ."

Liao Zhiping and everyone were taken aback when they saw an old man with white hair and white beard coming out from behind the black bear.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Hu has quit the stone gambling industry for decades, and Mr. Xiong can still invite your old man out." Liao Zhiping arched his hands, but his face was solemn.

"Brother Xiao Fan, this Mr. Hu is also a celebrity in Yun Province. He was known as the king of stone gambling forty years ago, but it has been a long time since the mountain was closed. I didn't expect to be invited out this time." Bai Rui whispered beside Zhuo Bufan Said.

Mr. Hu wore a white robe with an immortal attitude, and smiled: "Actually, this time, it is not only Mr. Xiong invited, I also want to have a fight with Mr. Liao."

Liao Zhiping walked slowly to the court and sighed: "Mr. Hu, please!"

There are large and small rough stones in the yard. There are new pits, old pits, and the big ones weighing several thousand kilograms. The small ones are like baby's fists. If you don't cut them open, no one can tell whether the stones are precious or waste.

If you bet on two wins in three rounds, as long as the value of the jade from the selected rough is higher than the opponent's value, you will win, otherwise you will lose.

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