Chapter 985: Pu Chang

Puchang is the nearest city to Lop Nur.

Because of the climate, the population is small and the development is quite ‘backward’.

It is only equivalent to a small county with four lines, but in this small county, there are many ‘strange people’ from all over the world.

Among them are professors from famous universities, members of scientific research institutions, and even some special agents in some places, all dressed in the cloak of ordinary people, hiding in this small city.

When Zhuo Bufan, Shi Jian, Ye Beichen and others came to this small city, they first found a hotel.

After all, Xiancheng hasn't opened yet, and appearing rashly in Lop Nor will definitely attract the attention of the people in the hidden gate. Zhuo Bufan is afraid that Qingxuan will escape again, so he plans to find a hotel to stay first and find out some news.

"Brother Zhuo, you and Sister Shijian go to the hotel first. I will meet some old friends to find out about Qingxuan."

Ye Beichen said.


Zhuo Bufan nodded, in addition to the ‘decent’ like Qing Xuan in the hidden gate, but also the demon clan like the Lace Northern Demon Sect should also be near Lop Nur, and Ye Beichen naturally had contact information with them.

Zhuo Bufan and Shi Jian just walked into the hotel and opened a bright room.

A woman and a man walked behind. The woman was very tall, dressed in tight long dress and trousers, and outlined a hot figure. With a three-dimensional face and a pair of blue eyes, she was a mixed-race beauty.

The man next to her is a burly man with blond hair and is a foreigner.

When Zhuo Bufan noticed the two, the two also noticed them.

However, the eyes of the two of them only slightly swept across Zhuo Bufan's body, and they looked at Shijian more before walking into the elevator.

The elevator doors slowly closed, and the sharp eyes of the mixed-race beauty gradually disappeared.

"My son, those two people are so strange just now. They obviously don't have the fluctuation of true essence, but I don't think they are like ordinary people." Shi Jian frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Those two people are supernaturalists, and they are not low in strength."

Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

The two of them didn't find Zhuo Bufan's strength just now, it was because Zhuo Bufan's cultivation base was too high, and he had reached the realm of returning to nature.

It's the swordsman, now a great master martial artist, with a strong true essence, those two people seem to have discovered it.

"Don't worry about them, let's find a room to rest first."

Zhuo Bufan took the house number and entered the room with Shi Jian.

The two only opened one room. After all, they didn't need to sleep. They only practiced when they rested.

"If it weren't for Qingxuan's use of the secret method, otherwise I would be able to track him using my spiritual sense, and I wouldn't waste so much time." Zhuo Bufan sighed, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice.

Shijian also sat cross-legged next to him, voicing to practice.

If an outsider sees it, they will definitely find that both of them are enveloped in white spirit, and Zhuo Bufan is sitting cross-legged in the void, like a god.


"Miss, those two people just now seem to be not simple, they are like warriors from Lan Country."

In the hotel room, the blond-haired foreign young man who entered just now suddenly spoke, and he spoke standard Mandarin. If he didn't look at his appearance, he would think he was Lan Guoren.

Tang Yitong leaned on the leather sofa, holding a glass of Bordeaux red wine in his hand, "There are many warriors in this place. Something important must happen, Norman, I want to stay here for a while."


Norman's face showed a look of surprise, his thick eyebrows frowned, "Miss, this time I followed you to Lan Country secretly. After I go back, I don't know how the master will punish me, and there have been a lot more in Puchang in recent days. Mysterious people, some of them are even beyond me. We should leave here as soon as possible. If something happens to you, I can't afford it."

"Norman, I didn't expect you to be so timid." Tang Yitong sneered at the corner of his mouth and took a sip of red wine.

Norman shook his head helplessly, "Miss, this is not that I am timid, I am worried about your safety, and if our location is known by the GOD, it will definitely attract a killer."

"Well, I want to pay homage to my mother when I return to China. When the matter is over, we will leave here tomorrow." Tang Yitong put down his wine glass and curled his lips.

"That's good, then I'm preparing for tomorrow's ticket, Miss, you rest first." Gentleman Norman bent over, put his right hand on his left chest, and then turned and left the hotel room.

As night fell, Zhuo Bufan, who was in a cultivation state, suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

Among his divine consciousness, the two men quickly sneaked into the hotel with murderous aura.

However, it seems that these two murderous auras were not directed at him. Zhuo Bufan glanced at the Servant Sword who was still in the cultivation state, and did not disturb her, but quietly left the room.

Zhuo Bufan cast an invisibility technique, and immediately walked upstairs to the hotel where he was staying. Upstairs was the lord's box. The identity of the person who could live in it must not be simple.

Upstairs, as expected, there were two men in tight black leather jackets standing at the door of a room.

"The goal is inside."

The two spoke English, but Zhuo Bufan used his spiritual sense to probe and he understood what they meant.

It seems that these two people are indeed not directed at him.

"Destroy her, the dollar is ours."

One of them said, raising his palm, and a blue wind blew up from the edge of his palm, like a sword.

Since it wasn't about him, Zhuo Bufan didn't intend to intervene. Just as he was about to go back, a cold voice suddenly rang.

"Two people suddenly came to disturb my eldest in the middle of the night, have they asked me Norman? I don't have to leave tonight."

The speaker came out from another room, blond and blue-eyed, and was the foreign man I had seen at noon today.

So the person that these two killers wanted to kill was the half-blood beauty who was with him?

As soon as the foreign man came out, the two assassins moved directly, and their bodies shook.

Norman's eyes widened, golden light appeared all over his body, and he stretched out his palm, and with a bang, the blue wind knife seemed to slash on the metal, making a sonorous sound.

"A-level supernatural ability person." The man holding Qingfeng frowned.

The other assassin also attacked at the same time, kicking over, and the sound of breaking through the air exploded, as fast as lightning.

Norman was kicked out and slid against the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.

Standing at the corner, Zhuo Bufan has already seen clearly that these three people are all A-level supernaturalists, and their strength is more than that of the master.

"Norman, what happened."

At this moment, Tang Yitong in the hotel suddenly opened the room, standing in the doorway wearing blue pajamas, her eyes widened.

"Miss, hurry in." Norman's face showed tension.

The two assassins glanced at each other, "I hold this guy, you kill this woman."

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