The ninth and ninety-seventh chapter defeats Qingxuan

Qing Xuan's pupils widened, unexpectedly Zhuo Bufan would rather kill him without avoiding the attacks of True Fire Sect and others.

"Mr Fu Jun, save me, I will definitely let my father give you the purple gold stone." Qing Xuan's expression was distorted, and he yelled frantically.

At this time, Young Master Qingxuan, there is no such thing as calm and relaxed just now, but Young Master's tolerance.

It was like a beggar who was driven to a dead end, pleading desperately.

When Zhenren Fu Jun heard his words, his figure disappeared in place, and immediately took out two golden talismans, folded his hands together, and shouted: "The King Kong's compassion talisman!"

A golden light burst out from the palms of real person Fu Jun, forming a golden sky, covering Qing Xuan and him.


The metal impact sounded throughout Lop Nur, and the sound wave spread out like a ring.

Some of the hidden disciples with a relatively low cultivation base were shocked, but Long Geyue and others were not fought because of the protection of Ye Beichen.

As soon as the sound passed, the golden semi-transparent sky was like a cracked tortoise shell, cracking every inch, and then turning into golden light, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

There was a trace of heartache in the real person Fu Jun's eyes. These two chapters of golden talisman were one of his treasures, and he did not expect to be cut into pieces by Zhuo Bufan's sword.

Qing Xuan escaped, feeling lingering, "Thank you Fu Jun for your help."

"Young Master Qingxuan, don't forget what you just said." Master Fu Jun said lightly.

"I don't dare to forget, I will ask my father to give the purple gold stone to the real person Fu Jun when I'll be hidden." Qing Xuan respectfully said.

"Boom boom!"

The True Essence Shield covering Zhuo Bufan’s body also shattered instantly under the attack of fireball, wind blade, and lightning, and Zhuo Bufan was also repelled from a distance of 100 meters, but despite this, Zhuo Bufan’s eyes Still staring at Qing Xuan firmly.

There was endless hatred in his eyes, and he killed Qing Xuan twice, allowing him to escape from his hands. This time, Zhuo Bufan was absolutely unwilling to let Qing Xuan escape again.


Zhuo Bufan's figure suddenly disappeared in the same place, with a sound of explosion, which exploded in place.

At the next moment, Zhuo Bufan had appeared in front of Qing Xuan.

The speed is so fast that people's eyes can't keep up with the changes in speed.

"Is this, breaking the speed of sound?"

The eyes of Qiao Jianye and others were full of shock. It should be understood that the speed of sound breaking is not only a requirement for power speed, but also that the body needs to bear a great load at the moment of breaking the speed of sound.

Even the martial arts combat uniforms they wore could not support the powerful load brought by the speed of sound.

"True Man Fu Jun!"

Qing Xuan's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted.

Real person Fu Jun frowned, took out a sword-shaped talisman, and instantly turned into a golden lightsaber, stabs Zhuo Bufan so violently.

The speed is like a golden light.

"Go away."

Zhuo Bufan yelled, and the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand slashed down. The sword light slammed on the golden lightsaber. The lightsaber trembled and deviated from the trick, but it did not break, which surprised Zhuo Bufan.

To know that his Ice Emperor Rain Sword is already at the level of a second-tier treasure, the opponent's golden sword should also be at the level of a treasure.

The three elders of Zhenhuo Sect, Fenglei Sect, and Chiyue Sect simultaneously threw thunder and lightning, Huo Wu, and Jian Mang towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Those who block me die!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, the powerful Zhen Yuan directly smashed a Feng Lei Men disciple standing in front of him, and immediately Zhuo Bufan took the wind blade, fire bullet, and sword light attack on his body, and his pupils were incomparable. The tough gaze stared at Qing Xuan.

Whether it was a variety of spells or sword light attacking Zhuo Bufan’s body, his body exuded a golden light, blocking these attacks, but there were too many spells and sword light attacked, and his body could not stop. Trembling.

"Qingxuan, I must kill you today, no one in the sky or the earth can save you."

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, like a flying fairy from the sky, and the person walked with the sword, and the whole person seemed to turn into a sharp sword in an instant.

Everything in the world seemed to be still at this moment, and no one could stop Zhuo Bufan and the sword in his hand.

"You, you dare not..."

Qing Xuan looked terrified, his face was extremely scared, and his expression was pale.

The son of Qing Xuanzong who was once aloof, is now a poor beggar.

Zhuo Bufan didn't hesitate in his hands, swept across with a sword, so fast that Qing Xuan didn't feel any pain, and a bloodshot slowly came out of his neck.

This bloodshot on the white neck looked extremely dazzling.

"Shadow Kill, you..."

Qing Xuan covered his neck with his hands, knelt on the ground with a thump of knees, staring at Zhuo Bufan with wide eyes.

"Shadow Kill, as long as you don't kill me, the previous things can be written off, and I can give you a lot of benefits. By the way, Snow Fairy I can let you out."

Qing Xuan's pupils contracted, still making the final struggle.

Zhuo Bufan's expression was indifferent, like the ice field of Siberia, swept across with a sword, Qing Xuan's head rolled to the ground, and immediately a cyan soul element escaped away, wanting to flee towards the distance.

"Where to go."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his right hand, and a spirit energy wrapped the cyan True Essence, in which there was a diminished version of Qing Xuan.

Qing Xuan stared at Zhuo Bufan fiercely, "Shadow Kill, you destroy my physical body, even if I fall, I will not let you go. If you dare to kill me, Qing Xuanzong and my father will never bypass you. , And wonderful heart, she will die with you too."


Zhuo Bufan said, a flame burned in his palm, burning Qingxuan's soul to ashes.

Qingxuan, the son of Sect Master Qingxuan, died!

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and even the elders such as the real person Fujun, the true fire school, the Fengleimen, and the scarlet moon school did not react.

Everyone in the entire hidden gate was stunned.

That was the son of Qingxuanzong's sect master, Young Master Qingxuan, who was killed by Zhuo Bufan?

Not only the real Fujun and the True Fire Sect were shocked.

Even Ye Beichen and the second uncle showed a look of horror. After all, he was the son of Sect Master Qingxuan, Zhuo Bufan killed him, and Sect Master Qingxuan could be drawn out of the hidden gate and directly defeated Zhuo Bufan.

This time Zhuo Bufan and Qing Xuanzong had an endless grudge.

Guo Shao, Nie Shao, Miss Kong Da, and others couldn’t help being stunned. They had grievances with Qing Xuan, but at most it was a fight. No one dared to actually hurt Qing Xuan, let alone kill him. .

After Zhuo Bufan defeated Qing Xuan, he stood on the spot with his sword, his eyes swept across the crowd coldly, and the corners of his mouth raised a faint arc.

"Shadow Kill, you killed Young Master Qingxuan, you are unforgivable, today we in the Hidden Sect must kill you, the great demon." Feng Lei Sect's old woman said sharply.

"Everyone, everyone has seen Young Master Qingxuan. As long as he takes revenge on Master Qingxuan, Qingxuanzong will definitely not treat you badly." The elder of True Fire Sect suddenly said.

The eyes of the people in the hidden gate who had not participated in the battle gathered on Zhuo Bufan's body, showing a look of eagerness.

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