Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1413: sucker Punch!

Who is Peng Bing? Where have you ever been coerced like this in your life?

He immediately stood up, "Shi Zhijian, what do you mean?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, got up slowly, and stared at Peng Bingdao: "You know what I mean, don't you? For example, what my identity is, and for example, why do you want someone to assassinate me-who is that person? Who made you do this behind the scenes?"

"Damn!" Peng Bing was furious again, "Of course I know who you are, so what? This is Thailand, this is Bangkok! What can you do to me?"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Many people have told me this sentence, such as in the United Kingdom, in the United States, and here... But what happened?"

Shi Zhijian pointed at Peng Bing's nose with a cigarette in his hand: "All of them!" His eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Peng Bing took a step back involuntarily!

how is this possible?

Peng Bing himself was astonished, he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to have such a powerful aura!

"You... how can you take me? I am a general and the first person in the Privy Council. When I stomp my feet, the whole of Thailand will be shaken three times!"

"Sharp!" Shi Zhijian applauded, "If you don't tell me, I didn't know you were so powerful!"

"Are you mocking me?"

"What do you think?" Shi Zhijian sneered. "You think you're the king here? No one can do anything to you? Wrong! Capital is the king! And I am the capital!"

Shi Zhijian was domineering, causing Peng Bing to take another step back.

"If you have money, I can buy everything! What if you are from the military? I'm good friends with General Bandung! What if you are a big boss in the Privy Council? As long as I am willing to spend a lot of money in the Privy Council every minute. Half of them! Do you think it will be cool to become a bare commander?"

Every word of Shi Zhijian stabbed into Peng Bing's heart like a sharp sword, so he couldn't help but take a step back while clutching his chest!

Today, he took three steps back in a row in front of Shi Zhijian, which is unique!

Peng Bing, what a proud man he is!

The existence of one person below ten thousand people!

Always look down on all living beings, and exercise the power of life and death!

But even such a strong man, he could not get the slightest benefit in front of Shi Zhijian, but was forced to retreat again and again by Shi Zhijian!

If you say this, won't everyone's jaws drop? !

"Shi Zhijian, you—" Peng Bing pointed at Shi Zhijian, furious.

"Me? What's wrong with me? Are you disrespectful to you? Are you very unruly? Rules are made by people, and I am the rules!" Shi Zhijian was domineering again, "Today you just need to give me an answer, Who is behind me?"

"What if I don't speak?"

"Don't tell me? You think I only have your little information in my hands? Wrong!" Shi Zhijian stared at Peng Bing fiercely, threw the cigarette on the ground, and crushed it with his toes, "If I want, I can kick you out in minutes and let the You are ruined, life is better than death!"

"Shi Zhijian, how dare you—"

"Why don't I dare? Since you are so ignorant of praise, why should I be used to you?" Shi Zhijian approached Peng Bing, almost put his nose on his face, and leaned close to his ear: "To be honest, even if you suddenly die tonight So what? The other one will avenge you? At most, your body is sick... I can give you a hundred reasons to get away easily, do you believe it?"

Peng Bing was trembling all over at this moment, and his face was pale.

Although he is a soldier, he is also a man who cherishes his life! Especially after he was discharged from the army, he enjoyed countless glory and wealth, and he had long since lost his courage to not be afraid of death!

He wants to live a few more years!

He also wants to drink more wine, stay in some villas for a long time, and have more beautiful women!

So he doesn't want to die!

At least, I don't want to die now!

"I..." Peng Bingtian was fighting, and he knew that as long as he spoke out who was behind the scenes, he would succumb to Shi Zhijian! It's like kneeling down!

This is an insult to his dignity!

A challenge to his personality!


He has no choice!

"Li Zhaotian!" Peng Bing spat out three words.

Shi Zhijian was not surprised. Li Zhaotian was his biggest and most difficult enemy in Hong Kong. He hated himself and wanted his own life. It was all justified. The problem was that Li Zhaotian had almost had his leg broken and was in Stanley Prison. After spending three years in prison, why does he have the ability to make a comeback and still be qualified to come to Thailand to trade with big men like Peng Bing?

"What else?" Shi Zhijian's tone was cold, staring at Peng Bing.

Peng Bing was about to cry.

What a shame!

Who is he?

Peng Bing!

Now being interrogated like this by a young man!

"I... I really don't know about this!" Peng Bing stammered in front of Shi Zhijian, a little at a loss. "I only know that there are Hong Kong bigwigs behind him to support him! Yes, those bigwigs have a lot of energy!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, showing his white teeth, but in Peng Bing's eyes, he felt extremely evil, "So it is! There is someone behind it! This game is getting more and more interesting!"

"I've told everything I know! Let me go!" When Peng Bing finished saying this, he was in high spirits, but his arrogant face lost the arrogance of the past, and he seemed to have aged ten years. spirit.

"Don't worry, of course I will let you go!" Shi Zhijian patted Peng Bing on the shoulder kindly, "You are a general, who would dare to do anything to you? But I suggest you take a good rest for three months and let me see your performance. If you do well, continue to work in the Privy Council!"

Peng Bing: "Uh, this—"

"Why, do you have any doubts about my proposal? If you have doubts, speak up and I will help you answer!" Shi Zhijian looked at Peng Bing with a smile.

"I do not have!"

"That's right! You can correct your mistakes, you're still a good general!" Shi Zhijian patted Peng Bing on the shoulder again, and Peng Bing's face twitched.

After Shi Zhijian left, Peng Bing looked at the mess on the ground, and the wolf teeth lying on the ground who didn't know if he was alive or dead.

"My lord! My lord! Are you alright?" The servant who was released below rushed up to the second floor, saw the wolf tooth lying in a pool of blood, and immediately covered his mouth, startled, and then they Seeing Peng Bing tired on the ground again, he rushed forward to help him and said, "Sir, are you alright?"

Peng Bing shook his head, struggled to get up, pointed to Langya, and said weakly: "Is he dead? If he is not dead, he will be sent to the hospital!" After saying that, he looked at the porcelain fragments he treasured on the ground with grief, "And These... give me... clean up!"

"As ordered, my lord!" The servants immediately started to work.

Peng Bing lay down on the sofa again, and every word Shi Zhijian said to him just now appeared in front of his eyes. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

"Falling on the street!" Peng Bing slapped the coffee table angrily!

The glass coffee table was almost shattered by his slap, making a humming sound.

The servants who were cleaning were startled and looked at Peng Bing together.

Peng Bing closed his eyes, and then an old tear dripped from the corner of his left eye!

Servants, look at me, I look at you—

"Master General, he cried?!"

late at night-

Inside the Seattle Club.

Li Zhaotian paced around the private room, smoking a cigarette vigorously.

The ground was littered with cigarette butts.

From time to time he turned to look at the landline phone by the bed, how he wished the phone would ring.

"What's the matter? Is the surname Shi dead? Why hasn't there been news yet?" Li Zhaotian muttered to himself.

In the empty room, no one could answer him.

At this time, ding dong!

"Who?" Li Zhaotian was startled.

"Room service!" said the waiter outside.

Li Zhaotian was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute!" He didn't open the door immediately, but leaned over to look out quietly through the cat's eyes.

Outside, a man in a waiter uniform and white gloves held up a tray of late-night snacks that Lizhaotian had ordered earlier -- fruit salad, steak, and borscht.

Li Zhaotian retracted his gaze, and then reached out to open the door.

Creak, the door opened.

The barman came in with the tray, "Sir, where can you put it?"

Li Zhaotian pointed to the small round table: "Just put it on it."

"Okay, sir!" The waiter skillfully put down the cutlery and food, then looked at Li Zhaotian with a smile.

Li Zhaotian has always been a generous person. Even after he was released from prison, he still did not change his true character. He immediately took out his wallet from his arms, took out ten Hong Kong dollars and handed it to the waiter, "This is a tip!"

The male waiter was very happy. It was not the first time he had delivered food to Li Zhaotian. As many people said, Mr. Li was a very gentleman and always used to tip the waiter. He has already accepted it three or four times, and Every time I deliver food to Lizhaotian, there are many people vying for it.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you for your tip!" The waiter happily took the money, then bowed to Li Zhaotian and motioned him to eat slowly. When he was about to leave, the waiter suddenly said, "By the way, Mr. Li , are you sure you don't want an extra serving of this steak?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"That's it, when I was preparing the steak just now, I heard someone asking about you-maybe your friend is looking for you. Are you sure you don't want to add another steak?" Zhaotian, how he hopes that Li Zhaotian can have another one, so that he can charge one more tip.

Li Zhaotian was shocked, "What did you say?" He went straight up and grabbed the waiter's shoulder.

The waiter was taken aback and didn't understand why Li Zhaotian had such a big reaction, "I said someone was looking for you... just outside, constantly looking for someone to ask your address..."

Li Zhaotian's face turned pale, and he let go of the male waiter, "Let's go!"

The male waiter said "oh" and was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Zhaotian: "Come back!"

The waiter was startled, "What's the matter, Mr. Lee?"

Li Zhaotian pointed to the steak and other objects on the table: "Take these things back!"

"Um, did I do something wrong, Mr. Leigh? I apologize to you!"

Li Zhaotian said impatiently, "I have no appetite! Pick it up and eat it!"


Li Zhaotian waved his hand.

The waiter hesitated for a while, and hurriedly put those steaks, borscht soup, and fruit salads and other delicacies back on the tray, and finally asked Li Zhaotian: "Mr. Li, you really don't eat it!"

Li Zhaotian waved his hand and didn't even bother to speak. The male waiter immediately took it and left, and he was very happy when he went out! These are all good things, and finally don't have to eat other leftovers!

In the room, Li Zhaotian started to act, stuffing clothes and other things into his suitcase.

The suitcase was too full, and Li Zhaotian pressed down hard, and finally pressed the suitcase down and fastened the button!

Without any hesitation, Li Zhaotian quickly put on his coat, took out the top hat hanging on the hanger, put it on his head, and then lifted the suitcase and was about to leave!

Who knows, puff!

However, the buckle of the suitcase was broken, and the stuffed clothes and other objects fell to the ground!

"I'll push your mother!" Li Zhaotian scolded fiercely, and now he can't take much care of his life. Li Zhaotian didn't even want his luggage, so he just opened the door and went out!

In the corridor, people pass by from time to time.

Li Zhaotian was suspicious, always feeling that someone was staring at him and spying on him.

After finally walking to the elevator entrance, Li Zhaotian was about to go up the stairs and downstairs, but suddenly saw a familiar figure——

"Yan Xiong?" Li Zhaotian was startled and rushed into the elevator.

At this moment, Yan Xiong turned his face and came over, only to see the elevator closed.

Li Zhaotian was at a loss in the elevator, looked at the buttons, and finally gritted his teeth. Instead of pressing it, he pressed the button to go up to the top floor.

After the elevator vibrated, it slowly began to ascend.

Li Zhaotian stared at the flashing floor numbers, and was extremely nervous.

Soon, bang!

The elevator stopped.

Li Zhaotian took a deep breath, and after the elevator door opened, he first glanced outside, saw no one, and then walked out.

On the balcony, lights flickered in the night, and after the baptism of the storm, the fresh air at the heights made people even more spiritual.

Li Zhaotian was about to find a place to hide on the balcony for a while, but suddenly found a man in white standing on the far left of the balcony!

In the dim light, the man was dressed in white, with his back to him, his hands on the railing, smoking a cigarette, and overlooking the building.

Li Zhaotian closed his eyes, he didn't expect that he couldn't escape this life-chasing ghost no matter how he hided.

This time he didn't step back, and he didn't get on the elevator again, because he knew there was no way back now!

Below, it must be surrounded by many, making it difficult for him to fly.

"You're here?" The man in white turned around and looked at Li Zhaotian with a smile.

Li Zhaotian gave a wry smile and walked towards the man in white with a calm pace without the slightest timidity, "Yes, I didn't expect you to wait for me here! Every time I go against you, I have a shivering feeling, do you know why? Because I don't know how you will plot against me, and you will be waiting for me here again!"

"You should have thought of it!" Shi Zhijian tilted his head towards Li Zhaotian and smiled evilly, "I will always accompany you on the path of your sins! I will stare at you, look at you, and see how you take it yourself. perish!"

Li Zhaotian walked to Shi Zhijian's side, imitating what Shi Zhijian looked like just now, put his hands on the railing, looked down and said, "It's been raining, it's so beautiful here!"

"If it were daytime, there would be a rainbow, and it would be even more beautiful!" Shi Zhijian smiled, took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Zhaotian, while greeting him: "Happy New Year's Day!"

(End of this chapter)

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