Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1455: Your brother-in-law is mighty!

Chapter 1455 [My brother-in-law is mighty! 】

Headquarters of HSBC Bank in Bangkok.

Xie Xi was waiting outside the general manager's office with an extended loan contract.

There are people coming and going in the office, most of these people are the bosses of companies with financial difficulties, and they are here to ask for help like Xie Xi.

The Xie family had financial difficulties before. Not only did many companies attack the Xie family and acquire the assets of the Xie family, but these banks also took advantage of the fire and robbed them, and even wanted to seize the Xie family's mansion at one point.

So much so that Xie Shihao said to the outside world that the Xie family was so poor that his precious daughter could not even get a decent dowry when she got married, so he could be deeply sympathized by the Chinese class.

"Damn it! It won't be approved! It's going to bankrupt our companies!"

"This ghost bank is really outrageous, it will only take advantage of the situation and rob it!"

Two more borrowers came out of the office cursing, and it was clear from their expressions that they failed to apply for a loan.

Xie Xi began to feel a little uneasy in his heart, holding the approval application tightly in his hand.

"Don't have too much hope!" The boss of a company next to him who also came to approve the loan suddenly said to Xie Xi, "I have been here more than a dozen times, and every time there are many people sitting here, but I can be approved by HSBC for the loan There are very few, or even none!"

The boss of this company has a melancholy face, and his brows are knit together.

"My name is Madali, let me meet you!"

The other party stretched out his hand towards Xie Xi. At this time, he urgently needed someone to talk to. Seeing Xie Xi's disturbed appearance, he was a very good person.

Xie Xi shook hands with him: "Xie Xi."

"Your surname is Xie?" Madali was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Is it the Xie family among the four major families?"

Shessie nodded.

Madali sighed, "Oh, that's true! You Xie family was very good before, and you probably never did an audit like this..."

Xie Xi nodded again.

Madali said in a sympathetic tone: "It's okay! I have done this kind of thing several times! But to be honest, your Xie family is in decline now, and you may even need to apply for a loan. It seems that the rumors in the market are true..."

Xie Xi smiled: "Our company has indeed encountered some difficulties in terms of funds."

"Tsk tsk, don't use words to cover up, what are some difficulties, I heard that your Xie family almost went bankrupt..." Madali directly uncovered the other side's scars and said, "Think about it, Feng Shui turns in this world, at least your Xie family It's been great before, hasn't it?"

"Also!" Ma Da said in an old-fashioned tone, "I heard from the gossip that many banks now regard your Xie family as a **** and think you are unlucky. Not only will they not approve loans for you, but they will also pursue your debts -- so poor!"

"'s not that serious." Xie Xi smiled awkwardly.

Madali curled his lips when he saw this: "You can tell it's true just by looking at your face! You should stop covering it up, the more you cover it up, the more fake it will be!"

Xie Xi was even more embarrassed.

Madali found a sense of superiority from Xie Xi, "Look at someone like me. Although the company is not as big as your Xie family, I have a good reputation. Although I have applied for more than a dozen times but have not been approved, I Don't be discouraged, do you know why? Because I believe that relying on my character and the strength of our company, I can finally get this batch of loans!"

After Madali finished speaking, he stood up and looked solemnly, holding the application materials tightly: "My belief is that character can overcome everything!"

When everyone around heard Madali's impassioned words, they all applauded. They felt that Madali was a person with ambition and a person who could inspire others.

Xie Xi followed suit and applauded. He also felt that Madali was very powerful, very strong, at least he would be a strong opponent when it came time for approval.


"Madali, Shessie! It's your two's turn to go in!"

"Let's go, my friend! You have to face what you have to face!" Madali patted Xie Xi on the shoulder very affectionately. For him, Xie Xi will be a foil later on, or cannon fodder to be precise. , then why doesn't he behave more generously? !

In the general manager's office, three senior executives of HSBC were sitting together, reviewing the loan information submitted by the company bosses like an interview.

Xie Xi sat awkwardly on the opposite chair, like a prisoner being interrogated.

In contrast, Madaliko was much calmer, answering every question raised by the other party with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Madali, we have read your information! We are very satisfied with your answer!"

About seven or eight minutes later, Mr. Hans, the new CEO of HSBC, said to Madali with a smile.

Madali was ecstatic: "You mean my loan can be approved?"

"No! On the contrary, we cannot grant you the 10 million dollars you applied for for the time being!"

"Why?" Madali was in a hurry, and almost jumped out of his chair, "I am excellent in all aspects, but you don't give me a loan?"

"There are many specific reasons, but in the end there is only one that made us make such a decision!" Mr. Hans said.

"What is the reason, can I know?" Madali asked excitedly.

"Of course, if you want, you can sit down and wait for a few minutes!" Hans politely made an inviting gesture.

Madali had no choice but to bear the aggrieved stomach, sat down and waited to see what the reason was.

Soon, Mr. Hans looked at Xie Xi and asked, "Is Mr. Xie Xi right?"

"Yes, I am!" Xie Xi coughed, straightened his clothes, and was ready to answer any questions from the other party.



"Your loan application has been approved!"


Xie Xi was dumbfounded, he didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, without asking any questions, he just announced the result and approved the loan himself!

Madali next to him dropped his jaw and stared at Xie Xijiu with wide eyes, "How is it possible? His approval, but mine got stuck?"

In Madali's view, Xie Xi came in with him to participate in the audit, which is a role of cannon fodder, but he didn't expect the other party to succeed now, and the guys from HSBC Bank didn't even ask a single question!

"It's not fair!" Madali couldn't help but said, "You didn't even ask him a question, but approved him a loan directly, and asked me a lot of questions, but rejected my application!"

Hans and the two partners glanced at each other, and then Hans said to Madali: "Excuse me, Mr. Madali, this is a bank, not a vegetable market, so you don't have to shout so loudly! Besides, you don't want to know our Is there a reason for rejecting you, Nuo, this is the reason!"

After Hans finished speaking, he pointed to Xie Xi and applied for the loan amount: "He applied for a loan amount of 10 million US dollars just like you! So, you understand, if you have him, you don't have yours—"

Madali almost fainted!

He never expected that he would be cut off by Xie Xi!

Originally, the loan belonged to him!

At this moment, Madali looked at Xie Xijiu who was still in a dazed state, and only then did he realize that the cannon fodder was himself!

After the review was over and Madali went out dejectedly, Xiexi signed and pledged according to the bank's procedures, and completed the final loan agreement.

Just as he was expressing his thanks and was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by that Mr. Hans: "Mr. Xie Xijiu, please wait a moment!"

"Uh, what's the matter, Your Excellency?" Xie Xi was very happy because of the completion of the loan role, and even spoke with excitement.

Hans smiled and said, "Don't you wonder why our HSBC bank rejected Mr. Madali's loan application and let you pass the approval?"

Xie Xi froze for a moment, "Isn't it because... I'm better than him?"

"Hehe, what do you think?" Hans asked back, "Whether it is the information you submitted or the difficulties your Xie family is facing now, do you think you are stronger and better than that Mr. Madali?"

Xie Xi was stopped by the question and remained silent.

"To be precise..." Hans took out a cigarette and lit it, and looked up at Xie Xi: "He is better than you in every aspect!"

"Then why...why did you let me pass?" Xie Xi asked curiously.

"Then you should thank your good brother-in-law!"

"You mean...Shi Zhijian?"

"That's right! It's Mr. Shi Zhijian!" Hans laughed, "Perhaps you don't know, Mr. Shen Bi, the president of HSBC Bank, works under Mr. Shi's command!"


This secret made Xie Xi's head explode!

Who is Shen Bi?

HSBC first person!

The former HSBC Taipan in Hong Kong has been promoted step by step, and now he is the boss of HSBC headquarters, and is even known as a super tycoon in the financial world!

Who would have thought that Shen Bi would be Shi Zhijian's "little brother"? !

Looking at Xie Xi's surprised look, Hans didn't look surprised, but felt that these were all expected.

And Hans and the others knew more clearly that Shen Bi's rapid rise to the position at HSBC was inseparable from the support given by Shi Zhijian!

In other words, without Shi Zhijian, there would be no Shen Bi today!

Even Hans himself borrowed Shi Zhijian's light!

At the beginning, the general manager Lu Kaiser here had malicious intentions towards Xie Bingqian, but Shi Zhijian saw it, so Lu Kaiser was miserable. Shi Zhijian made a phone call, and Shen Bi immediately fired Lu Kaiser!

Because of offending Shi Zhijian, Lu Kaiser not only lost her position as a baby, but was also pursued for debts due to corruption and bribery at the bank, taking kickbacks and other issues, and was finally arrested by the police!

Kaiser Kaiser fell, and Hans, the second in command, took over directly. Therefore, it can be said that without Shi Zhijian taking care of Kaiser Lu, it would be impossible for Hans to recover so quickly and sit on the throne of general manager!

"Then Mr. Xie Xi—" Hans smiled and blew out a smoke ring, "If you have to thank us, please help us to say hello to Mr. Shi Zhijian!"

Hearing Hans' "sincere" please, Xie Xi, who was still in a state of surprise, just woke up, moved his lips, and it took a long time before he uttered a word: "Okay!"

Here, Shi Zhijian hung up the call from Shen Bi.

Of course, Shen Bi's call was not because of the trivial matter of Xie Xi's loan of 10 million US dollars, but because Shi Zhijian's Shinhwa Investment Company had recently made a fortune.

To be precise, before the oil crisis in the Middle East, Shi Zhijian ordered Shen Bi to invest in the oil there, and now all kinds of profits have been withdrawn in the past six months, and the preliminary calculation is almost two billion US dollars.

Regarding the use of this money, Shen Bi and Saipan, the other person in charge of Shinhwa Investment, did not dare to make decisions, so they called Shi Zhijian immediately to ask for his opinion.

In fact, Shi Zhijian's strategizing in the past few years, Shen Bi and others have all seen it. Shen Bi and others admire Shi Zhijian's god-like predictions and terrifyingly accurate investment.

When Shi Zhijian received the call, he had already guessed what Shen Bi was going to do. Two billion US dollars was not a small amount, and the interest in the bank alone would be enough for many people to live for several lifetimes, but Shi Zhijian had no interest in depositing it in the bank.

For Shi Zhijian, money is what circulates! Money is alive, not dead! Money can make money, this is the highest state of making money!

So Shi Zhijian plans to use the 2 billion to do two things, which are related to the future semiconductor industry to be precise.

First, Shi Zhijian asked Shen Bi to personally go to the United States to find a man named Jobs, and try his best to help him, and it is best to invest in the Apple company that he is about to establish.

Shen Bi didn't know who this "Jobs" was, and Shi Zhijian's asking him to go to the United States was undoubtedly tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Only Shi Zhijian clearly knows that this "Steve Jobs" is a peerless genius who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the billionaire "Bill Gates" in the future.

Now Bill Gates has been taken over by Shi Zhijian, and he founded Microsoft in the United States, and started his career on the right track by selling computers.

And this Jobs is about to rise.

In the previous life, on February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, USA. He was abandoned by his parents when he was born. Fortunately, Paul and Clara Jobs—a well-meaning couple adopted him.

Jobs lived near the "Silicon Valley" in the United States, and his neighbors were all employees of Hewlett-Packard. Under the influence of these people, Jobs was obsessed with electronics since childhood. Seeing that he was so obsessed, an HP engineer recommended him to join HP's "Discoverers Club", a party for young engineers held every Tuesday night in the company's restaurant. At a party, Jobs saw a computer for the first time, and he began to have a vague understanding of computers.

In junior high school, Jobs met Steve Wozniak at a class reunion, and the two hit it off. Steve Wozniak is the president of the school's electronics club and has a great interest in electronics.

At the age of 19, Jobs dropped out of school due to economic factors after only one semester, and became an employee of the Atari video game console company. Borrowing the garage of Woz's family, he often goes to community colleges to attend calligraphy classes and other courses. In August 1974, during the hottest season in the South Asian subcontinent, he came to India for a pilgrimage.

While Jobs was at work, he and Wozniak often worked on computers in the family's small garage. They dreamed of owning a computer of their own but at that time the commercial ones were sold in the market, and they were bulky and extremely expensive, so they prepared to develop them by themselves.

In 1976, the 6502 chip was bought at the Wisconsin Computer Products Fair in San Francisco. With the 6502 chip, two young people installed the first computer in the garage of Jobs' home.

Jobs sold his Volkswagen car to finance mass production, and Woz sold his HP 65 calculator. That's it, they have $1300.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs, Woz and Jobs' friend Long Wayne signed a contract to establish a computer company. Subsequently, 21-year-old Jobs and 26-year-old Steve Wozniak established Apple in their garage. The company's name was chosen by Jobs as Apple. And their self-made computer is regarded as the "Apple I" computer.

It is now 1975, one year before Jobs founded Apple, Shi Zhijian decided to let Shen Bi go to the United States to find this peerless genius, and it is best to win the original stock he founded Apple and become Apple's largest shareholder.

Of course, Shi Zhijian would not tell these secrets to Shen Bi, and conversely, even if he told Shen Bi, he might not believe him.

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