The first class was a good time for Su Qi to study hard.

But his eyes seemed to be broken because he was always looking at the computer. He squinted badly. He wanted to look at the blackboard, but his eyes squinted at his partner unconsciously.

Similarly, his partner Yu Qishu's neck seemed to be uncomfortable. After a while in class, he had to turn his body sideways and turn his neck back.

Su Qi sighed a little. My partner and I are both good kids who love to study despite our disabilities.

Su Qi sat in the back and his movements were small, but Yu Qishu sat in the middle and his movements of looking back were much larger, and the frequency was too high, so it was hard not to attract other people's attention.

Seeing this, the people in 617 who were sitting next to Su Qi were envious again. What are you doing? Can you attend class properly? The eye contact is interesting?

As soon as they looked up at the blackboard, they saw the woman from Su Qi's family in the middle looking back. They knew who she was looking at and their hearts were sour and their eyes wanted to shed tears. Damn, how can they study like this?

Chen Fang was the first one who couldn't stand it. He buried his head under the table and took out his mobile phone to play Snake.

After a while, the other four also played Snake, which made Su Qi despise them. They all felt that they would be relaxed, indulged, and degenerate after entering university. How could this be possible?

Yu Qishu and I were not feeling well. We studied hard and seriously. Tsk tsk tsk, people who are better than you are also working harder than you. Su Qi immediately felt that his five rebellious sons in the dormitory had no future.

Chen Linlin, who was sitting behind Yu Qishu, was even more miserable. Yu Qishu in front of her would turn around from time to time, revealing a startling glimpse. Chen Linlin knew who Yu Qishu was looking at, and several times, she almost couldn't help but subconsciously want to look back.

After Yu Qishu turned around again, Chen Shujuan couldn't help it: "Su Qi is not lost, you don't have to keep looking."

Yu Qishu's eyelashes trembled: "Shujuan, I didn't look, my neck just felt uncomfortable."

Chen Shujuan sneered, "If you are close to the red, you will be red, and if you are close to the ink, you will be black." After you, Yu Qishu, got close to that dog Su Qi, can three out of ten sentences you and your wife say be true?

"How about you change seats after class and sit with your Su Qi." Chen Shujuan couldn't stand it anymore and whispered a suggestion.

Yu Qishu shook his head: "Su Qi, don't let me sit with him."

Chen Shujuan was puzzled after hearing this: "Why?"

Yu Qishu frowned: "They said that if we sit together, it will affect other students' classes, which is immoral."

Chen Shujuan almost couldn't breathe when she heard this. You two think that it won't affect the class now, right? It's moral now?

You two are immoral now, not immoral at all!

"Don't look back, the teacher has been looking at you." Chen Shujuan said.

Yu Qishu said, and quickly turned his head to take a look. Well, this is the last time.

After the class, Yu Qishu couldn't wait to run to Su Qi's side: "Su Qi, do you want to go to the toilet with me?"

"Going to the toilet together, usually girls go together, you should call Chen Shujuan, Liu Yimin and others."

"Then I won't go." Yu Qishu answered straightforwardly.

"Okay, I think I suddenly want to go to the toilet, let's go."

Su Qi turned his head and looked at the five people who were playing Snake with their heads down, and asked, "Are you going to the toilet?"

The five people shook their heads in unison, and the idiot went to the toilet with you.

Sure enough, when Su Qi stood up, Yu Qishu stretched out her little hand and held Su Qi's hand. She didn't forget about the partner line.

Su Qi's mouth twitched, and his hand twitched too. Fortunately, his mouth twitched, but unfortunately his hand couldn't.

Under the complicated gazes of everyone in the class, the two walked out side by side. Chen Shujuan was looking down on them again, bah, partners who go to the toilet together?

"Su Qi, the registration form for the welcome party is out. Where is the song you gave me?"

After listening, Su Qi thought for a while and said to Yu Qishu: "Wait for me to think about it when I get back."

Yu Qishu blinked: "Su Qi, I want to sing with you~"

"It's no use."

Yu Qishu frowned, Shujuan, I cried, it's no use.

After going to the toilet, Su Qi didn't plan to go back to class. His eyes were broken and he couldn't see the blackboard. What was there to do?

He sent Yu Qishu back and said: "Yu Qishu, you should study hard. I have something to do and I'm going to go first."

Yu Qishu said: "Su Qi, I want to go with you."

Su Qi said: "You have to go to class, Yu Qishu, look, we both don't have class

, who will tutor us for the exam? If we don't know how to do it, we will fail the exam. That will be troublesome. So Yu Qishu, you have to study hard, learn it, and tutor me later, so that I can avoid failing the exam. Do you understand? "

Yu Qishu said, then returned to the classroom, sat down straight, waved to Su Qi outside the door, and said goodbye.

Su Qi left the teaching building and saw Bai Huahua in the crowd. Well, his strabismus was cured.

"Where is Su Qi? Did he fall into the toilet?" Chen Shujuan asked after seeing Yu Qishu coming back alone in the classroom.

"Shujuan, he went out to do something."

"Then why didn't you follow him?" Chen Shujuan was curious. She knew how much Yu Qishu was attached to Su Qi. She wanted to put Su Qi in her little bear backpack and take him wherever she went.

"Su Qi said that if we didn't study, we would fail the exam. He asked me to study hard and tutor him in the future. "

After hearing this, Liu Yimin was amazed. Good fellow, you guys are tired of playing the partner role, and you really know how to play the fake teacher-student role.

During the class, Yu Qishu, who had decided to study hard, still looked back from time to time.

Chen Shujuan curled her lips: "Su Qi is not here anymore, what are you looking at?"

Yu Qishu pursed his lips: "I forgot."

Chen Shujuan sneered: "What do you mean by forgot? I think you missed him."

Yu Qishu shook his head and took another peek while shaking his head: "Shujuan, my neck still seems to be uncomfortable. ”


After Su Qi left the classroom, he walked slowly towards the Entrepreneurship Center. He was thinking about what song Yu Qishu had told him about the performance song. He was thinking about what song would be more suitable for Yu Qishu.

Originally, he felt that there was a song that was more suitable for Yu Qishu, which was "Under the Sea", the version sung by Yizhidulian, not the version sung by Phoenix Legend. That version seemed to be sung to the previous Yu Qishu.

But after thinking about it, Su Qi decided to change it. That song sounded sad and did not fit the current Yu Qishu, who had changed too much.

That was a page that had been turned over, and Yu Qishu's life had now begun a new one. Chapter.

Thinking of this, Su Qi decided what the new song for Yu Qishu would be.

Su Qi decided to go back to the Entrepreneurship Center to copy down the music score in his mind. However, Su Qi's Dilidili cannot be registered online now, so Zhang Kangkang can only arrange someone to register it first.

Because of the existence of Qingyi, there is a professional recording studio near the university town. Su Qi decided to take Yu Qishu to record it when he has time.

Thinking of this, Su Qi, who was relaxed, hummed the song he had chosen for Yu Qishu and walked towards the Entrepreneurship Center.

"Don't let the dark clouds cover the blue sky, don't let fate turn back the boat without oars, don't let the night fall into your arms, let me accompany you..."

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