The two sides of the school were busy, and the two sides were busy.

When Liu Yongcai took the recruitment information and left, Su Qi handed him the mouse pad design, told him the design requirements, and asked him to contact the visual communication department to find someone to produce a few drafts as soon as possible.

After Su Qi finished these, he began to calm down and write. He didn't plan to eat lunch or go to class in the afternoon.

Liu Yongcai worked quickly and divided his team into two groups. One group took the photocopied recruitment information to post it in schools around the university town.

One group posted it in the forums and campus forums of various schools in the university town.

While posting it online, Liu Yongcai also took the initiative to send photos to his classmates in various universities and asked them to help spread it in the class QQ group.

Su Qi underestimated the appeal of 10,000 yuan to college students in 2008.

At a time when the average monthly living expenses of college students were only about 1,000 yuan, the reward of 10,000 yuan was equivalent to their living expenses for nearly a year!

Moreover, the 10,000 yuan was only for choreographing a dance, without any other time-limited use rights, which doubled the appeal.

Originally, Su Qi was worried that they would treat this recruitment as a prank and specially stamped the official seal, but the high remuneration still made the students who saw it at first glance subconsciously think it was a scam.

Liu Yongcai could only keep explaining that this was true. He didn't know how much he spent on saliva, but Liu Yongcai didn't feel tired at all.

Instead, he was full of superiority. How could you guys, a bunch of country bumpkins, understand my boss's generosity?

Liu Yongcai was full of energy and sent the photo to the student union group again, asking them to promote it more.

In this way, Su Qi's recruitment information became popular to a degree that caught him off guard.

In addition to the forums of various schools, this recruitment photo was also flying all over the class groups and dormitory groups below.

Especially the recruitment also has a specific content, requiring beautiful girls, so the good-looking girls in various universities received this recruitment information from their suitors, licking dogs, warm men or male besties at the first time.

The dance department and performance department of Qingyi were even more excited.

They all got into college by taking special skills, and they were extremely confident in their appearance or face. After seeing this recruitment information, they all thought that the 10,000 yuan bonus for each person selected must belong to them.

As for the dance department of Qingshi University and Qingti, they didn't care about it at all. One side graduated to become a dance teacher, and the other side graduated to become a dancer or dream of entering the entertainment industry to become a star. In their opinion, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Qingyi, in the dance department practice room.

A group of girls in practice clothes gathered together and chattered.

"Han Yao, are you going to participate?" Xu Tong, who looks good, asked the girl in the crowd who was obviously more beautiful than Han Yao.

Han Yao smiled and said, "I'll ask the teacher. If it's true, I'll participate."

Xu Tong's face, which was originally smiling, was a little worried. Han Yao wanted to participate. She was the most beautiful and had the best dance foundation. If she went, she would definitely take up a place.

Although the recruitment information did not specify how many places there were, Xu Tong knew that there would not be too many places, and each one was precious.

Qin Sisi, who was standing next to him, heard this and said, "No need to ask the teacher. I have a classmate who is a member of the Qingdao Normal University Student Union. He knows that this is true, and he also knows a lot about Boss Qi Ke."

Qin Sisi smiled and said, "I'm telling you, I'm going to participate in the dance, but I'm not going there for the 10,000 yuan reward."

Xu Tong asked in confusion, "Then Sisi, what are you going there for?"

Qin Sisi said proudly, "I'm going there to take down Boss Qi Ke. You don't know that Boss Qi Ke is just a freshman. He invested 2 million yuan to start a company right after entering college. He should be a rich second-generation. I like young and rich tender meat the most."

Xu Tong, Han Yao and other girls watching looked at Qin Sisi in amazement.

Qin Sisi gathered her hair and said coquettishly, "It's true, and I guess this rich junior brother didn't do this to select dancers at all."

"Then what is he choosing?"

"To select a concubine? It's impossible to think about it. Just find some people and pay 10,000 yuan each to dance a dance. Even if you have money, you won't spend it like this. So I think this rich second generation should use this as a cover to select beautiful female college students.

Students, be his girlfriend or something like that! "

Boss Su didn't know that he was sitting in 301, and the pot came from the sky. The wind of launching the home dance group competition seriously just blew into Qingyi, and it was contaminated by Qingyi's unique atmosphere, turning into a demonic wind, and there was a bit of fish in the wind.

"Let's make a deal first, I won't compete with you when you go to participate in the dancer selection, and you also have to help me win over Boss Qi Ke, how about it? "

After Qin Sisi finished speaking, the girls who were originally not confident in their dancing and felt that they could not compare with Han Yao, instantly changed their minds.

Yes, if they can't get the dance quota, they can win the boss of Qi Ke. This gain is much more worthwhile than the ten thousand. Suddenly, they all started to calculate. This operation is very Qingyi.

Han Yao looked at everyone and hesitated. She didn't know whether what Qin Sisi said was true or not, but she decided to ask the teacher about the authenticity of this matter before signing up.

If it is really a dance selection, she will participate. If it is really a selection of concubines as Qin Sisi said, then she, Han Yao hesitated for a moment, she would definitely not say anything.

Even if the rich second generation took a fancy to her, she would not agree. Han Yao was very confident in her appearance. She thought to herself that if it was really a selection of concubines, the probability of her being selected would be much greater than that of Qin Sisi, the coquettish woman.

Qingyi's dance department is like this, The performance department is no exception. Girls from other majors, as long as they are confident in their looks, have secretly decided to participate in the recruitment in three days!

Qingti also has a dance department and a dance choreography department, and they are also ready to move at this time.

Qingke has no dance department, but it does not prevent beautiful girls from other majors in Qingke University from getting involved, not to mention that in Qingke University, an engineering school, the ratio of men to women is astonishing, there are more wolves than meat, and in this case, the confidence of girls in Qingke University is even higher than that of other schools!

There is no way, there are too many licking dogs, and it is difficult for girls not to lose themselves when they are flattered every day.

This includes Qi Yun, the class monitor of the law department of Qingke University. There are a total of ten girls in their department, which makes her, who can only be considered good-looking, become the campus belle of the law school.

At this time, the campus belle of Qi was calling Su Qi: "Su Qi, are you busy? "

Su Qi was quite puzzled. Why was the tomboy Qi, the class monitor, so polite to him now? She even asked if he was busy. This was a bit unlike her. Su Qi replied directly: "I am busy. If you have anything to say, please speak up."

Qi Yun was furious and exploded on the spot, but she was still unwilling to let go of her airs as the school beauty. She had a proud smile on her face: "Su Qi, I heard that you are going to hold an event. Do you think I can do it?"

Su Qi was a little puzzled as to how Qi Yun knew about it so quickly, but he didn't take it seriously. He just thought that Qi Yun was joking with him after knowing about it. He replied unhappily: "I am doing serious work. You have fair skin, beautiful face, long legs, and a delicate body and good dancing skills. Which one do you have? Don't make trouble. "

Don't make trouble.

Make trouble.


Su Qi's words brought Qi Da's campus belle back to reality. She almost picked up the 2,000-page Criminal Law and rushed to Qingdao Normal University immediately to let Su Qi taste the feeling of being hit on the head by the Criminal Law.

Asshole, I'm such a big campus belle, and you said I made trouble...

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